"If I want your city lord position, I can kill all those who dare to resist. Why is it so troublesome?"

Lin Hong said lightly.

Wei Wan dumbly said, "You are right."

"However, this person has already angered me, and I will try my best to help you catch the real murderer."

Lin Hong looked at the two clothes.

He actually played himself, and the system didn't even tell that it was a trap for a while.

"Thank you very much!" Wei Wan responded quickly.

"Let's go back to the city..."

Lin Hong waved his hand after speaking, summoning a horse condensed with murderous intent.

Later, he and Wei Wan went hand in hand: "I have a question to ask."


Wei Wan nodded, and his complexion changed rapidly when he learned that the problem was the three words of resurrection.

"What's the matter?" Lin Hong couldn't help being surprised.

"Please don't tell anyone about this matter... this is a big taboo."

There was seriousness in Wei Wanmei's eyebrows, as if he had just said something terrible.

Lin Hong heard the words: "Why?"

"Please don't ask any more, just need to know that this will lead to a murderous disaster."

Wei Wan said solemnly.

After that, under Lin Hong's softness, he finally said it.

"Anyone who studies the technique of resurrection will be sentenced to death. Those who know nothing about it like me... are also death sentences.

There was seriousness in Wei Wan's eyebrows.

Lin Hong nodded but disapproved in his heart.

Although there are many rules in this undead world, they can't restrain oneself, and there is no need to be afraid.

In the city.

Lin Hong learned that at least 30% of the residents have been affected in their minds and want to overthrow the city lord.

"This person must have something to do with me, but I can't figure out who it is." Wei Wan sighed and said.

"There are too many things that I can't figure out. Don't worry, I will definitely catch that gangster."

Lin Hong raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

No way, if you don't catch it, Gu Zhu will go crazy forever.

Wei Wan turned and said, "Why don't you and your friends live in the City Lord's Mansion?"

"it is good."

Lin Hong was not polite.

On the same day, he and Auf and others entered the city lord's mansion and found that there was a layer of transparent formation here.

As for the usefulness?

Of course it is to block that inexplicable mind control.

"It's safe within the formation," said the heart demon.

"Thank you City Lord, this is a good place."

Lin Hong looked at Wei Wan not far away. He welcomed the arrival of himself and others.

After all, it can be regarded as an extra powerful helper.

After moving in, Lin Hong visited Gu Zhu, who was still going crazy: "The situation seems to have deteriorated?"

"Damn city lord...I'm going to kill you ah ah ah ah!!!"


The eardrum of the person with the stern voice is sore.

"It's not good, husband!" Fu Jiaojiao ran over at this time.

"What happened?"

Lin Hong asked quickly.

Fu Jiaojiao's eyes were filled with panic: "The controlled person is crazy to a certain extent... it will explode, will Gu Zhu do the same?"

Her words silenced Lin Hong.

Judging from the current situation of Guzhu, it is only a matter of time before he is crazy to such a degree.

"Can't wait any longer, we must find a way to meet the murderer."

Lin Hong gritted his teeth and instructed everyone not to leave the room after leaving the city lord's mansion.

"The system has detected seventy-four abnormal places in the city, and there may be a murderer hidden in each place." The heart demon said.

"So many? It doesn't matter...you can always find him."

Lin Hong was surprised at the number at first, then found the city lord and informed half of the abnormal places.

The city owner was dubious: "Will the murderer be in these places?"

No wonder he suspected that, after all, most of these places were on the streets.

"Also ask the city lord to send troops there."

After Lin Hong finished speaking, he disappeared in the same place instantly, but he explored the other half of the place.

Three hours passed.

He stood by the street: "How many are left?"


The demons answered.

"How's the situation on their side?" Lin Hong couldn't help asking, faintly relieved.

"It's still thirteen, not much difference."

The demon replied.

Lin Hong nodded lightly. The abnormal areas that he explored were all contagious undead. If they were too close, they would be infected into the kind of madman who rebelled against the city lord. He didn't keep his hands and killed them all.

He didn't expect this thing to be contagious.

Lin Hong came to another abnormal place, and as expected, there was another person: "Little girl?"

Before it was different, it was a little girl this time. She was holding a doll and walking cautiously onto the street.


Lin Hong frowned slightly.

"Brother?" The little girl happened to come over.

"...What's the matter?"

Lin Hong involuntarily took three steps back to avoid being affected.

The little girl said: "My mom and dad are crazy, I don't know what to do, can you give me a bun?"

There was desire in her eyes.

Lin Hong was surprised that all the people he had discovered before were lunatics.

Why is she no different from ordinary people?

"Big brother?"

The little girl approached two steps, her face full of doubts.

For an instant, Lin Hong sensed something was wrong: "Don't come here!"


The little girl ran over quickly.

No trace on the snow!

Lin Hong disappeared instantly and came to a place a kilometer away, and then looked back, only to find that the little girl was nowhere to be seen.

"It's her!" The heart demon couldn't help but said, that was the real culprit.

"I didn't expect to be a child."

Lin Hong whispered softly, before he was a little lighthearted, that he almost got the trick.

He turned and left, and asked Xiang Xin Devil, "Can you trace that little girl?"

"of course……"

Confidence is permeated in the inner demon's voice.

"That's good." Lin Hong smiled lightly, admitting that he was invincible.

City Lord's Mansion.

"Thanks to you, there are a lot less people rioting in the city."

Wei Wan couldn't help but said.

He was very grateful, and when he discovered that people who were close to him would turn into lunatics, he directly issued a slaughter order.

Lin Hong shook his head lightly: "That's not important, the important thing is that I found the black hand behind the scenes."


Wei Wan couldn't help asking.

"A little girl, do you recognize it?" Lin Hong said as he took out the pen and paper, and drew a portrait of the little girl.

"do not know."

There was a gleam of light in Wei Wan's eyes that was not easy to be noticed.

Upon seeing this, Lin Hong tore the portrait to pieces at will, knowing it in his heart.

He must know each other!

As for why you didn't admit it... it's hard to say.

Not in a hurry to deal with the little girl, Lin Hong found Gu Zhu and found that he was even more crazy.

Within a day, you will be crazy to the extreme and then blew yourself up.

Ao Gu couldn't help but said, "Let's go out and help."

"Yes, husband, we will pay attention to our own safety, so...please let us do our part."

There is seriousness in Fu Jiaojiao's eyebrows~www.readwn.com~No way. "Lin Hong shook his head directly.

This trip is more dangerous and contagious, and I almost get caught if I am not careful.

"If we can't, then die... how about her?"

Fu Jiaojiao pointed to the dead daughter and almost called out the name.

Offe agreed: "She is so strong, maybe she can come in handy."

"Well... you come with me."

Lin Hong nodded after thinking about it again and again.

"Okay." The dead girl didn't shirk, just like this and left.

"Aren't you afraid that she will **** your husband?"

At this point, Ove couldn't help asking, somewhat curious.

High-speed text, hand hitting me and picking up trash can be a treasure chapter list

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