Not long after, everyone gathered together.

Lin Hong looked at them present, with some headaches, each of them looked like twins.

He looked at the other himself: "Did you think of any way?"

"I do not know……"

The other one shook his head slightly.

After all, he didn't understand this at all, and when he came to this world, some were just at a loss.

"I guess it was someone who was doing tricks in secret, but didn't investigate anything." Lin Hong had no choice but to speak out his conjecture first.

"But, who can have such ability?"

Off couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." Lin Hong shook his head gently.

"No, the big thing is not good!"

"Someone broke into the city!"


The voice suddenly came from outside.

Lin Hong frowned and leaned close to the window with everyone. There were troops everywhere on the street. The soldiers walked uniformly, seeing who killed who.

Ove from the other world scolded: "Damn it, don't you know that you can't slaughter civilians?"

"They don't care about so much, they just want to solve the trouble."

Lin Hong let out a long breath, feeling helpless.

"Husband, what should we do, we will all die if this continues?" Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help asking.


Lin Hong smiled bitterly, now he really can't help it.

The demon couldn't help but said, "Hurry up and take them away. If you don't leave, it may be too late."

Lin Hong nodded, and then led everyone to leave, but as soon as he walked out of the door, he was surrounded by soldiers.

"Our city lord has ordered that everyone in this city will die!"

One of the soldiers snorted coldly.

Lin Hong chuckled, "Do you know that you are included in this?"

"Little demons confuse the crowd!"

The soldier was visibly taken aback, then scolded.

However, Lin Hong's words were not groundless. When these soldiers appeared another, they would be killed.

So this city is not clean!

"Come on, kill them!" The soldiers prepared to do it.

"act recklessly!"

Off in another world snorted coldly, and the powerful aura made everyone present feel like falling into an ice cave.

He raised his hand, the thunder hammer appeared, and with a wave of his hand, the soldiers became ashes.

Lin Hong dumbly: "So strong..."

"Huh, just some little ones."

Of the other world finished speaking, and walked ahead.

The crowd continued on their way. Among them, the Death Girl and the Rice Porridge Dragon had also become two, but both remained silent.

Finally, out of the city, but already surrounded by groups.

"Porridge Dragon, let them retreat."

Lin Hong said after hesitating a little.

When the two porridge dragons heard the words, their bodies grew larger, causing the soldiers to retreat.

Lin Hong took the opportunity to release a flying saucer: "Alright, follow us in and evacuate here."

The porridge dragons changed back to their original size and followed everyone in.



The flying saucer took off in an instant, and then gradually moved away.

Lin Hong finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Now there is enough time to figure out a solution."

"Why don't we go back to the city of the dead and ask the lord?"

Off couldn't help saying at this moment.

Another Ov snorted coldly: "You are not also the lord of the city, always thinking about asking others for help!"

"You...I'm happy, you can't control it!"

Ove choked for a while, then said angrily.

He didn't care about those anymore.

After Lin Hong hesitated for a moment, he looked at Off in another world: "Can you ask, why are you so powerful and why are you so different from yourself in this world?"

"How do I know that, in my world, my city is still there, and it has become a place second only to the Palace of the Dead in strength, unlike him."

Off in the other world was a bit unfair.

It turns out that his city is still there, but which city in this world has already fallen.

This made Ove dumb for a while.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly, without saying anything, because Quandang had some opportunities.

Everyone then discussed a solution.

The result is naturally very bad, I can't think of it at all.

After all, even the source does not know where it is now.

Lin Hong parked the flying saucer in a mountain range, and then opened a cave to let them live here first.

Fu Jiaojiao couldn't help asking: "Husband, what about you?"

"I'll go back."

Lin Hong looked at them, spread his hands and said.

Very helpless, the number of personnel has doubled directly, and I have to quickly find a way to send them back.

"Okay..." Fu Jiaojiao lowered her head helplessly, and then said, "Husband, I will greet a good boy."


Lin Hong nodded and turned to leave.

He took a flying saucer back to the city and found that it had become a purgatory on earth, and there were massacres everywhere.

Wei Wan fought in the street with his guards.

In addition, the soldiers are also rebelling, but it is difficult to achieve any effect in the face of the enemy troops being put in.

Lin Hong thought a little and went to the city lord's mansion afterwards.

According to system analysis, this is the place where this happened first.

"What the **** is it?" Lin Hong thought this way, and had already come to the city lord's office.

He searched everywhere, but found nothing, and was about to leave, and found a secret grid.

"It might be inside."

The demons couldn't help but say.

Lin Hong nodded and slowly opened the secret compartment, which contained a volume.

He didn't think too much, and opened it up: "This..."

The above is densely packed with various methods of resurrection, but they are all incomplete.

Finally, when he turned to a page where he recorded the parallel world, his hand stopped and his expression gradually became serious.

The meaning of the above turned out to be...

Go to the parallel world and replace yourself there.

In this case, a certain sense of resurrection is completed, but this method is also I seem to know what is going on. "

The demons said at this moment.

"Hurry up." Lin Hong's heart moved.

"Do you still remember the book that recorded the method of resurrection?"

The demon asked.

Lin Hong nodded: "Of course I remember, what's the matter?"

"There is no overlap between that book and this book. I suspect that what this book records is a resurrection method that is not allowed because it is extremely dangerous."

The heart demon's voice was heavy.

"But in other words, can the above methods really be used?" Lin Hong asked instead.

"You didn't understand what I meant... The current situation may be caused by these methods in the book, and you have seen the consequences."

The heart demon said helplessly.

Lin Hong heard: "Can the above methods be used?"

The reason why he asked in such a hurry was because none of the above methods used the power of the so-called Lord Yan.

"Yes, but not, because these are all different ways, the sword goes slant, if you let you cross into a parallel world, kill yourself there and replace it, would you be happy?"

The demon asked after hesitating a little.

"I think you can ask Wei Wan about this matter." Lin Hong said after hesitating a little.

The book was found in the city lord's mansion. It is very likely that Wei Wan from another world used this method and replaced him here.

"Be careful."

The demon again asked.

Lin Hong nodded, just about to walk out of the room, only to find that someone was already standing outside the door.

It was Wei Wan: "Why are you here? I thought you wouldn't be back."

He already knew that the Vice City Lord and others had already left, so he would think so.

"What's the matter with this book."

Lin Hong took out the book he found just now and almost questioned it.

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