"...I got it by accident."

After Wei Wan pondered for a long time, he spoke.

Lin Hong frowned: "Did you follow the above method to come into this world, kill yourself in this world, and replace it?"


Seeing what he said, Wei Wan nodded and confessed.

"Why do you want to do this." Lin Hong was a little hard to understand.

"You don't understand, you don't understand at all."

Wei Wan didn't answer, but shook his head, seeming a little emotional.

Lin Hong saw this: "I really don't understand. This is true, but you have to pay for your actions. I think that the culprit in the city is you, right?"

"Well, you are very smart."

Wei Wan admitted after hesitating a little.

"Everyone was confused when they came to this world, but you, with a purpose, directly banned yourself in this world." Lin Hong said softly.

"This is the end of the matter, and I want to confess one thing, that is what is happening now, not what I meant."

Wei Wan spread his hands and said helplessly.

Lin Hong heard the words: "You mean, those other people who came to this world?"

"Yes, everything should be seamless, but it's a pity that something happened."

Wei Wan nodded.

"Can you be more specific?" Lin Hong said, couldn't help taking out the Shadow Sword, ready to fight at any time.

"of course……"

Wei Wan agreed and started talking.

It turned out that many of the methods in the book were damaged and he could not recover.

And because of the tight time, it was used directly.

The results can be imagined.

He should have come to this world alone, but he brought a lot of people.

Wei Wan continued: "If this range is not unexpected, it will begin to spread. At that time, not only this city, but everyone in the entire undead world will become two."

"Do you know how much trouble you have caused?"

Lin Hong's face gradually became ugly.

In that case, it will have a fatal blow to the undead world, and the method of resurrection is likely to be completely stranded.

"I know, of course I know..." Wei Wan nodded.

As the initiator, he naturally knew this.


Lin Hong said softly and ran over quickly.

I wanted to kill him directly, but Wei Wan raised his hand: "I am the only one who can solve this problem. Are you really planning to kill me?"


Lin Hong frowned in silence and stopped.

"Keep it first, anyway, depending on your strength, it is always up to you to kill him." The heart demon said after a little thought.

"Compared to you in this world, you are simply too bad."

Lin Hong shook his head, and after speaking, passed him by.

Wei Wan didn't take it seriously: "I am still me, that is, me, it's no different."

"Don't ask what is the method he said?"

The inner demon asked in surprise at this moment.

Lin Hong had left the city lord's mansion and shook his head gently.

Looking through the book he got out, there was no way to solve the trouble. Wei Wan said that there were only two possibilities.

One, live, and two, there is really a way, but from what he said, you can know that you don’t need yourself.

"If he needs my help, he will speak for himself."

Lin Hong whispered softly.

He walked back to the street, there were corpses everywhere, and the soldiers who came to attack the city had been killed.

Don't forget, now the garrison in the city has doubled, and dealing with them is a breeze.



A little girl was crying at two corpses.

Such a situation is not uncommon, and sorrow is permeated everywhere.

Fortunately, after the death of the undead, it will dissipate for a while at most, otherwise the system in the city would have collapsed long ago.

But there are still serious blows.

For example, the population has plummeted.

Since the city was blocked, there has been no new undead injecting, and there is one dead one and one less.

Lin Hong shook his head and came to an inn, and found that it was deserted: "The shop owner, are you there?"

"There is no one in this inn."

The demon said after hesitating a little.

I want to come, because I was ransacked by the enemy before, and there is no life left.

Lin Hong pursed his lips and walked up to the second floor, planning to stay here for a while, but his own words would not be so easy to be discovered.

Now he is upset.

The Lord of the Undead will definitely pay attention to things here.

Due to the proximity, he would almost certainly come to investigate, and it would be a bad idea to be found by then.

Instead of thinking about those, he lay in bed and went to sleep.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Lin Hong slept directly until the next morning. He got out of bed and went to the window and heard the sound of weapons colliding.

It turned out that another attack was sent from outside.

Lin Hong couldn't help but said, "It seems that it is only a matter of time before this city falls."

"Even if the problem is solved, I am afraid that this city will not be allowed to continue to exist."

The demon is possessed.

This is a fact, it is really this land is too weird for outsiders

As everyone knows.

The culprit is the current City Lord, Wei Wan!

Lin Hong returned to the street and stared at an old woman not far ahead with a bit of astonishment.

That is……

Po Meng?

The demon couldn't help but said, "It should be her, but why do you sell tofu here?"

I saw that Po Meng had set up a stall selling tofu and was working hard to run it. There were unexpectedly many people coming and going.

"Let's take a look..."

Lin Hong whispered softly, not knowing what she was doing again.

When approaching, he did not rush into action, but came to the back of the line.

The people in front left one by one after buying tofu.

Finally, I arrived at Lin Hong: "Two pieces of tofu~www.readwn.com~one piece of four undead coins."

Po Meng didn't raise her eyes, so she said.

Lin Hong silently gave out eight undead coins, took the tofu and smelled it, it seemed to be ordinary tofu.

"I didn't expect to eat tofu in the undead world."

"Yeah, so happy."


Some people who bought tofu walked while eating.

However, they didn't show any memory loss at all.

Lin Hong was surprised because of this, and a voice suddenly came from behind: "Brother, can you give me land, it's up to me to buy it."

"Oh, sorry."

Lin Hong walked aside and found that Po Meng hadn't looked at herself much from the beginning to the end.

It seems...like a stranger.

"What's the matter?" Lin Hong was surprised and ate a small piece of tofu.

The entrance is slightly cool, it is the kind of ordinary tofu, but it is rare in the undead world.

"Could it be that she drank Meng Po Tang by herself?"

The demon asked after hesitating a little.

Lin Hong nodded, thinking it was very possible, but turned to find that a robot came from a distance, holding a few plates of tofu that had just been made.

He frowned: "Stop."


Seeing him, the robot stopped immediately, seeming a little shocked.

"What's going on." Lin Hong said, looking at Po Meng who was still selling tofu, very strange.

"Master, wait a moment, I will come over to answer you after I finish my work."

After the robot finished speaking, he hurried over and put down the tofu he had brought over.

He came to Meng Po's side: "Mother, I'll go see a friend."

"Go ahead."

Po Meng looked very kind and agreed with a smile.

At this point, the robot came over and motioned to go to a farther place.

"Let's talk." Lin Hong walked into the alley not far away at random, then said with his shoulders picked up.

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