I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1459: Don't want to be looked down upon

"This time it's really bad..."

Lin Hong frowned, thinking about the way in his heart.

He couldn't help asking: "Inner Demon, is there any way you can do it?"

"Absolutely not……"

The demons were helpless.

Upon hearing this, Lin Hong had to madly recover from his injuries, and wanted to fight to the death with the Lord of the Undead.

Soon, because of the Slaughter Body, the wound healed.

Lin Hong looked at the Lord of the Undead who was still attacking the East Emperor Bell, and slowly drew out the Shadow Sword.

He put away the Eastern Emperor Bell: "Come on, fight to the death."


The Lord of the Undead was panting.

He sneered, thinking that Lin Hong had no choice but to fight to the death.

"Stop it!!" The voice came suddenly, somewhat familiar.

"What are you doing here, hurry up and go back!"

Lin Hong looked over, his eyes widened slightly, it turned out to be Fu Jiaojiao and the others.

Among them, Gu Zhu said loudly: "Master, we are here to help you!"

They noticed something was wrong the first time, and they agreed to come and help.

"You guys..."

Lin Hong didn't know what to say.

He sighed for a long time, and while his heart was warm, he was helpless.

This time, I'm afraid it won't be so easy.

However, I saw the Lord of the Undead frowning: "Are you... the daughter of the Lord of the Undead City?"

"Exactly! I warn you, don't hurt my husband, or let my father make you look good."

With vigilance between Fu Jiaojiao's eyebrows, she hummed coldly and ran to the battlefield and stopped in front of Lin Hong.

Not just one.

But two!

Two identical Fu Jiaojiao stopped in front of Lin Hong.


The Lord of the Undead frowned.

"I think you should know her identity, right?" Lin Hong murmured a little and chuckled.

This may be a breakthrough.

"How about knowing?"

The Lord of the Dead is no longer in a hurry to do it.

Lin Hong continued: "If the formation still exists, she will die. I hope you can choose carefully."


The Lord of the Undead was silent for a while.

Everyone present, the two porridge dragons have already gone to help Meng Po.

Lin Hong had already put away the sunlight, scanned around, quietly waiting for the answer from the Lord of the Undead.

Soon, he couldn't wait: "Enough, for the sake of the people of this city, can't we move those things to the future?"


The Lord of the Undead walked quickly to the vicinity of the formation.

Upon seeing Wei Wan, the secret path was terrible, and a burst of powerful energy suddenly burst out of his body.

This energy repelled Po Meng.

And he came to the vicinity of the formation in an instant, throwing out the spear in his hand, causing waves of energy.

The bones of the other world were cut in half and wiped out.

Others had to retreat, but were also injured.

Among them, the Lord of the Undead frowned: "So strong...Wei Wan, how did you do it?"

"He is Wei Wan from another world. The Wei Wan we know well has already been killed by him."

Lin Hong said in a deep voice.

The Lord of the Undead nodded suddenly.

He turned to say, "I don't have one in ten, so I can't deal with him alone."

"Ten don't save one? But I think you hit me very fiercely just now."

Lin Hong glanced over.

"Because I beat you too hard, so the current strength is not one." The Lord of the Undead said like this.


Lin Hong was speechless for a while.

He looked at the worried bones: "Be careful."

"Well, master."

Gu Zhu nodded, it seemed a bit sad, after all, he died in another world.

Everyone besieged Wei Wan.

Among them, Ove from the other world took the lead, and the thunder hammer in his hand smashed down forcefully.

Po Meng also came to support.

It seems that it is only a matter of time before Wei Wan loses.


Wei Wan began to lose his power.

He gritted his teeth: "Damn...you bastards!"

"When you come to this world, you should be prepared to lose."

Lin Hong's expression remained unchanged.

Unexpectedly, Wei Wan suddenly began to sneer.

"Be careful..." Lin Hong had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Lose? No, I will only win a little harder."

After Wei Wan finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, a small formation appeared in front of Meng Po.

Then something magical happened.

Po Meng was sucked in by the formation and disappeared without a trace.

The Lord of the Undead frowned: "What's the matter?"

"As far as I know, it should be sent back to the world before."

Lin Hong said after hesitating a little.

"Yes, you are smart." Wei Wan said with a smile, with fierceness in his eyes.

In this way, the only remaining crooked melons could not be their opponents.

"Of, be careful!"

Lin Hong couldn't help but shouted.

Unexpectedly, Wei Wan actually had this ability.

Now, the strongest combat power in the team is the Lord of the Dead and Ove.

If Off was also sent back, it would be completely over.

The inner demon said at this time: "Let Gu Zhu use that ability on you, otherwise your chances of winning are very low now."

"It can only be the……"

Lin Hong whispered softly, then looked at Gu Zhu.

"Yes, Master." Gu Zhu understood what was going on right away.

"It still feels comfortable..."

Soon, Lin Hong smiled, and his murderous aura was directly stronger by several levels.

Wei Wan's expression remained unchanged when he saw this scene: "It's just a little trick."

In his opinion, this is not even comparable to Off in another world.

And actually...

Lin Hong slowly summoned the evil sword, put away the shadow sword, a trembling smile appeared on his face.


Wei Wan frowned and noticed that it was unusual.

This kid seems to be more difficult to deal with than imagined, and the three of them together ~www.readwn.com~ he is really not sure.

He looked at Off in another world.

Lin Hong said immediately: "Be careful, don't be taken back to another world by him."

"But, if I can return to another world, why would I waste time with you here?"

Unexpectedly, Off in another world didn't appreciate it at all, but asked indifferently.

For a time.

Lin Hong frowned.

"Smart man." Wei Wan gradually showed a smile on his face.

"Hurry up, send me back to my original world, this farce should be over."

Of the other world snorted coldly.

Lin Hong still maintained his rationality: "Fine, let's go, I don't believe that the few of us can't beat him."


Of this world suddenly snorted coldly.

"What are you talking about?" Ofe in the other world looked over, showing a bad face.

"I said you are a coward, you are obviously running away, he offended you, but you ignored it?"

Ofe clenched his fists.

He then continued: "I did lose the city, but I was at least a man, I didn't escape, and killed all the people who damaged my city!"

"That's what you should do..."

Of the other world said with a cold snort.

"We are really different, you go." Off said with a fist.

Unexpectedly, Off in another world suddenly swung the thunder hammer, looked at Wei Wan, and twisted his neck in silence.

"What do you mean?"

Wei Wan frowned.

Off in the other world said: "It's nothing, just don't want to be looked down upon."


Wei Wan's face was dark, and with a wave of his left hand, another spear appeared.

He held a long spear in each hand, roared, and stopped in front of the formation, in a posture that he would never give in.

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