Wei Wan didn't retreat but moved forward to meet everyone.

He stabbed a shot first, with a destructive aura, forced to disperse everyone.

Off in another world smashed the thunder hammer down: "You bastard, die!"


Wei Wan sneered and looked over.

Suddenly, Ov in another world felt bad, backing back and forth, thinking that he was going to be sent back.

However, nothing happened.

Wei Wan vigorously waved the spear in his hand and stabbed the porridge dragon.


Lin Hong hurried over with Taxue Wuhen, but it was too late, the porridge dragon was pierced through his chest and flew out.

However, there is no life-threatening danger for the time being.

"Just you stinky bird eggs, want to beat me too?!" Wei Wan was disdainful.

"Stay away from me and pay attention to your position."

Lin Hong could feel that his consciousness was about to disappear.

Soon, he smiled, and a chilling murderous aura burst out all over his body.

Evil form.

Gu Zhu whispered softly, looking at the porridge dragon worriedly.

If something happens to him, the owner may not be able to get out of this **** state.

On the other side, Lin Hong had rushed straight to Wei Wan, roaring like a beast.

"Haha, you who have no brains, how can you fight me?" Wei Wan laughed.

"He doesn't have it now, but we do."

The undead Lord's expression was indifferent, and after speaking, he looked back.

Ofu in another world is rapidly approaching the formation, wanting to destroy it.

Wei Wan wanted to pass, but was stopped by the Lord of the Dead: "Where do you want to go?"


Lin Hong came behind him and cut off the sword in his hand.

Accurate hit!

Wei Wan didn't have time to react, so he was stabbed and dodged again and again.

He stabilized his figure: "Damn..."

"Don't pretend, you are not our opponent at all."

Seeing what he seemed to be thinking, the Lord of the Undead frowned and said, with a bad premonition rising in his heart.

"Heh." Wei Wan sneered disdainfully, and looked over, "You know, I can't lose in this battle."

As he said, uniform footsteps came from the soldiers outside.

"City Lord, according to your order, all the masters and masters in the city are here!"

There was a shout.

The Lord of the Undead frowned: "These should be the armies of another world and should not be underestimated."

"Leave it to us."

Fu Jiaojiao spontaneously asked, patted her chest, and looked at the army outside with her mouth pursed.

There is no end in sight.

Nevertheless, she did not have the slightest timidity: "I am not scared, Fu Jiaojiao, come on, come and I will kill one!"

On the other side, Lin Hong, like a lunatic, attacked Wei Wan frantically.

"You crazy dog!"

Wei Wan yelled and waved the spear in his hand.

In an instant, the two spears pierced Lin Hong's left and right arms respectively, and he couldn't move no matter how much he struggled.

"Go to hell!!!" Wei Wan pressed his hand and penetrated him directly.


The Lord of the Undead touched both feet and went straight to him. The earth cracked every inch and a loud noise came out.

Upon seeing this, Wei Wan dumped Lin Hong out: "With one less combat power, I see how crazy you guys can be!"

"This formation is so strong that it can't be destroyed for a while."

Off in another world is trying to destroy the formation, but his brows are frowning, and he hasn't figured out a way.

"It hurts..." Lin Hong got up on his legs, with a weird smile on his face.

He is still not awake, controlled by evil forms.

The wound gradually healed, as if it had never appeared before, which made people stunned.

"Damn the body of killing."

Wei Wan naturally knew what was going on and scolded him angrily.

Since ancient times, the most difficult thing to deal with is the body of killing. As long as there is a killing heart, it is almost invincible and can chase the enemy to the ends of the world.

The Lord of the Undead laughed loudly: "You just said that one missing combat power?"

Lin Hong is now even crazier, and his strength is even higher than just now.

"Go on, kill!!"

Wei Wan raised the spear in his hand and shouted angrily.

Suddenly, the surrounding army began to attack, killing them all.

Among them, many masters are no weaker than the porridge dragons.

The crowd was quickly surrounded by groups, and there was almost no way to get out of trouble. Fortunately, Fu Jiaojiao and the Daughter of Death were not weak enough to withstand them temporarily.

The main battlefield is naturally Lin Hong's side.

Wei Wan's eyebrows were filled with mockery: "Watch your friend die with your own eyes, and then, it will be you who die."


Lin Hong stared at him with a weird smile on his face.

"Strange, how did the evil form begin to speak this time?" Only then did the inner demon realize that something was wrong.

He used the system to detect and was stunned, and found that this evil form had evolved an independent personality, but it was not yet perfect.

"Isn't this schizophrenic anymore?"

The demon thought about a way, how to solve it using the system query.

Lin Hong is still fighting: "I want to kill you."

He came to Wei Wan in an instant and started a siege with the Lord of the Undead.

In fact, what the two of them have to do now is to delay time and wait for Off in another world to destroy the formation.


"Brothers, rush with me!!"


However, the army came in, and Fu Jiaojiao and the others couldn't stop such a large army.

They directly attacked Off in another world.

The Lord of the Undead frowned and slapped a palm.

Suddenly, there was a gale, and he immediately spewed a mouthful of blood, which seemed to be seriously injured~www.readwn.com~Fuck..." Ofu in another world was taken aback.

Then, a miraculous thing happened, he did nothing, and the soldiers who came to kill him had already turned into smoke and dispersed.

"Don't be distracted, quickly destroy that formation."

The Lord of the Undead spoke with difficulty, and continued to fight.

Now he can only attack occasionally, and if he intervenes at will, he is afraid of being attacked by Lin Hong on the spot, after all, he has no reason.

Off in another world slammed the Thunder Hammer down again.

This time, the heavens and the earth roared, and some strange sounds came from the formation.

He knew that he was about to succeed.

The Lord of the Undead was relieved in his heart.

Wei Wan was anxious, and went straight to Ove in another world, very fast.

Stopped by the Lord of the Undead, he didn't care, but with the price of one arm, he rushed past.

"not good……"

The Lord of the Undead crushed the arm in his hand and frowned.

"Don't be an Laozi, it's so annoying!" Seeing Wei Wan coming from another world, Aofu shouted loudly and smashed the thunder hammer away.

Suddenly, a lightning grid appeared.

"You bastard, go back to that world!"

Wei Wan gritted his teeth and waved his hand, and a mysterious formation appeared in front of Wei Wan.

Before he could do anything, he was sucked in.

Wei Wan came into contact with the lightning grid and suddenly collapsed. He didn't know if it was because of injury or other reasons.

The Lord of the Undead slowly walked over: "It was you who lost, whether it was the formation that was about to be destroyed, or you without an arm, now, you can't be our opponent."

His expression was indifferent, and he seemed to be saying something insignificant.

"Lost? Huh...I haven't."

Wei Wan stood up hard, with a sneer on his face.

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