I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1758: Ancient God Real Body

"I can become a treasure by picking up rubbish(!

"Don't think of shrinking at this time. If we win, we can continue to survive and lose..."

The expression on the inner demon's face was solemn, and he didn't go on.

Haechi couldn't laugh or cry: "Okay, I see."

"Cheng Jing, are you not going to help us?"

Qian Hu suddenly looked at Cheng Jing in the distance.

"..." Cheng Jing was silent, did not speak, a trace of boredom filled his eyes.

To be honest, this battle is impossible to win, but if you don't participate, it will definitely end badly.

But participated in...

Still can't win.

Thinking of this, Cheng Jing bowed to the ancient god.

"If you leave now, I will not embarrass you in the future. You can still live well in this world, and I can even send you to the first floor to let you leave." The ancient **** said with an expression on his face when he saw it.

"Huh? This..."

Cheng Jing was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed ecstasy.

He nodded quickly: "Okay, that's it, thank you Lord Ancient God for his generosity!"

"Hey, this guy..."

Qian Hu and others at the scene frowned, thinking that he had no spine.

And soon, Cheng Jing left completely, even with those clones and the strongest Cheng Jing, in just a few minutes, completely disappeared.

"What do you do now, do you really want to fight?" Haze suddenly felt that the odds of winning were a few percent less.

"My goal is only two of them. If you give up resistance, I can also send you back to the first floor and let you leave."

The ancient **** said blankly.

For a while, the people present looked at each other, but they didn't say anything.

The inner demon still sneered: "Rather than become a fish to be slaughtered, it is better to resist, the big deal is that the fish will die!"

"The fish die and the net is broken? It's a funny thing, but you are not a fish at all. In my eyes, you are just dried shrimps that can't get up."

The ancient **** couldn't help laughing, as if he had heard some funny joke.

"Stop talking nonsense, take my trick!" Hodge rushed forward fiercely.

"Wait... it's time now, don't you plan to tell the truth?"

The ancient **** raised his hand, not in a hurry to hit, but with a somewhat rudimentary smile on his face.

Hodge's face suddenly changed: "I don't understand what you are talking about, close your stinky mouth!"

After speaking, he rushed over, exhausted all the strength of his body, and slapped a punch.


The strong effort made the whole city tremble a bit.

However, the ancient **** raised his hand to block him: "I don't understand? Let me tell you...for example, a lie that kills us to get out."

A bit of mockery filled his eyes.

"What? Is this a lie?"

"Impossible... Hodge doesn't need to lie to us, this is to break the gap!"


For a while, the heart demon and others who were about to rush up to help looked at each other, and they all saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

The ancient **** stared at Hodge: "What I said is true or false, you will know if you ask him."


Hodge was speechless for a while, already unable to tell a lie.

"Hodge! You...you unexpectedly?!" The heart demon's eyes widened.

But Lin Hong clenched his fists blankly, and immediately felt that all the trust he had had was given to the dog!

To know.

There used to be several opportunities to leave.

But because Hodge said that they must be killed in order to leave successfully, I actually believed it!

Thinking of this, Lin Hong was a little angry.

There are so many opportunities, but now, he is facing a desperate situation that is almost insoluble.

"I know this feeling of being betrayed. You must really want to kill him? I can do it for you..."

The ancient **** said slowly, raising his hand to grab Hodge's neck.

"Boom!!" In the distance, the inner demon raised his hand, and the powerful laser energy burst out, directly hitting the hand of the ancient god.


The ancient **** looked over in surprise.

He doesn't understand, there is still someone to save such a young man?

The inner demon said loudly, "Even if he does a lot of wrong things, it will not be your turn to judge!"

"It is us who betrayed. After we take it back, we will naturally be punished, and you won't have to worry about it."

Lin Hong also said, his eyes were firm, and the Shadow Sword had already been retrieved in his hand.

"..." Hodge stepped back while being moved.

Maybe, I really shouldn't lie to them to such a degree, there is even no way out.

"I am sorry."

Hodge uttered these words with difficulty.

The demon snorted coldly: "Instead of saying I'm sorry here, it's better to bring us tea and water when we go back, maybe we can forgive you!"

"Sword light flashed!"

Lin Hong disappeared instantly and appeared in front of Hodge, his hands almost invisible.

"My body!" The ancient **** had an ugly expression, and his entire arm was directly cut into countless segments.

"This is not your body after all, it is extremely fragile, and it cannot carry all your strength."

Lin Hong naturally knew this, so he came to save people, even fighting to the death.

Hodge was saved: "Thank you..."

"As long as I kill you, I will win the game."

The expression of the ancient **** was very cold, his body gradually dried up, and finally turned into ashes and dispersed.

A translucent monster visible to the naked eye appeared in front of everyone.

It seems.

It's like the super huge version of Lin Hong's body now, but it's very soft and has more tentacles, entangled in the city.

Overall it looks like...

There is no sense of disobedience at all, and the huge body has already wrapped up most of the city!

"This is his body?" The expression of the inner demon was a little ugly.

"This is bad, how could we be his opponent?"

Haechi couldn't help but smile. Facing such an existence, if he didn't run quickly, he was afraid that the chance of survival would be gone.

Thinking of this, he quickly looked at Lin Hong: "Let's retreat first, do you want us all to die here?!"


Lin Hong fell silent when he heard this.

Yes, is it necessary to continue fighting?

He was already shocked and speechless by the behemoth in front of him, such a monster, such a existence, like a real god, just looking at it, he couldn't shake it, and even had a sense of sacredness that he couldn't look directly at.

No way, Lin Hong had to put everyone in the small world.

"Oh my god, this is so stupid, we thought about fighting such a monster."

The inner demon smiled bitterly, feeling like this was a very ridiculous thing.

"Sorry, it's all because of me. If it weren't for me, I would have gone to the next floor long ago..." Hodge lowered his head, very guilty.

"Yeah, I almost forgot, I haven't settled the account with you yet."

Haezhe walked over and kicked his chest, furious.

With Hodge's strength ~www.readwn.com~, he won't suffer any injuries, but he fell to the ground very cooperatively, wailing in pain.

Haezhe was taken aback, and then angrily cursed: "I didn't use that much energy, what are you pretending to be!?"

"Ah, in short, I know I was wrong, and you can punish me whatever you want."

Hodge was a little embarrassed, sitting on the ground and closing his eyes. At this time, almost everyone's eyes were on him, full of anger.

"From now on, you will bring tea and water, and wipe the deck. Until we forgive you, you have to keep doing it. By the way, you can wipe the toilet or something, do you know?" Said.

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