I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 1759: Assemble against the enemy

"But...those are all made by artificial intelligence."

The little man flew over from a distance at this time, already knowing what had happened.

The demon looked over: "It's not easy. Turn off all artificial intelligence first!"


The villain glanced at Lin Hong, and when he saw that he had no reaction, he nodded and agreed.

"It seems that there is a more serious problem now." Qian Hu said at this moment, and everyone looked over.

"That is, we can't get out now. If the ancient gods stayed outside, as long as we get out, we will be killed directly."

Qian Hu's expression was a bit ugly, but what he said was a fact.

The time of the ancient gods is endless.

A hundred years may be a lot for myself and others, but for the ancient gods, it was just a blink of an eye.

If you really stay outside, for yourself and others, it is tantamount to the end, and even really can only develop in a small world.

"If there is anything to be afraid of, we have always been here alive. Anyway, it is very happy here. When the entertainment industry develops, there will be games to play." Ha Chi said carelessly.

"Do you want to keep going like this, and then give up everything we had before?"

The demon turned his head and looked over, frowning slightly.

Haezhi heard the words: "Then there is no way, it is better to give up, but also to make yourself more relaxed."

"After all, it's safe enough here, and that guy can't get in either."

Haechi breathed, and when he said this, the sky changed suddenly, and the sky was thundered and raining.

"Why, what's going on?" Haoqi was hit by the raindrops, staring at the sky in shock.

"You crow's mouth!"

The inner demon looked over, his eyes widened suddenly, as if he already knew what was happening, and he slapped his thigh, and seemed to have a headache.

Haechi has one big head and two big heads: "What's wrong with my crow's mouth, what the **** is going on?"

When a gap broke in the sky, his expression changed sharply, and he already knew what was going on.

The ancient gods outside.

It abruptly opened a hole in the small world!

Soon, a huge eye came into the eyes of everyone, looking at them from outside the crack.

"You, how are you, long time no see."

Haezhe raised his paws in embarrassment, almost crying, how could the small world that has always been safe be made like this?

"It turns out that there is such a place, no wonder..." The ancient **** thoughtfully, his voice spread to every corner of the small world.

"Oh my God, what is that?"

"It doesn't matter, we have the shelter of Master Lin!"


The people in the small world had already multiplied a lot of strength, and regarded Lin Hong as a god.

Looking at the monsters that aroused absolute fear in people's hearts, all their faces were pale.

And at this time, Master Lin in their mouth...

That is, Lin Hong, sweating profusely, trying to control the small world so that the situation does not deteriorate further: "Ancient god, you are really amazing."

It was the first time he saw such a situation, and he was able to forcibly open the small world.

But don't forget, the small world is a pure sacred instrument, and its strength is self-evident.

"It would be great if the East Emperor Bell was also a sacred instrument..."

Lin Hong's expression was a bit ugly.

Some time ago, he tried to use the void creatures to strengthen the Eastern Emperor Bell. The success was a success, but it did not become a sacred artifact, just stronger.

at the moment.

There is a feeling of going to the end, and there is no way.

"Asshole, taste this!" The heart demon suddenly jumped up, tore his clothes, and used a special trick. A powerful energy burst from the heart and went straight to the eyes of the ancient god, at an amazing speed. , It hits almost instantly, and it continues to output.

"You can only hold on for at most 30 seconds at a time, otherwise it will cause a heavy load on your body!"

The villain quickly roared loudly.

However, the inner demon didn't mean to stop at all. The time gradually exceeded thirty seconds, and he gritted his teeth, already a little hard to support.

Fortunately, this is effective.

The ancient **** received some interference, and the action of forcibly opening the small world has stalled.

"Hold on!" At this moment, Hodge jumped up, roared, and a force burst out, along with the power of the inner demon, and hit the eyes of the ancient god.

This time, the interference of the ancient gods increased, and the small world not only did not continue to open, but closed some.

"Come on..."

The most tiring at this time was Lin Hong, who was doing his best to prevent the ancient gods from opening the small world.

Without his efforts.

It only takes a few seconds for the ancient gods to open the small world!

"I'm coming too!" Upon seeing this, Haechi opened his mouth, spitting out strength, and hitting the eyes of the ancient **** outside.

Although the power is small, it is better than nothing. For a while, the people present burst out with energy and attacked hard.


But the demon who is the main attacker is already in a trance.

He was almost unable to hold on.

It can be expected that if he stops, then the slaves now will fall short.

"Puff—" The heart demon suddenly squirted out a mouthful of blood, then fell down, his eyes lost, and he could no longer hold on. Not only could he not continue to explode, he even fainted, and his life was unknown.


A cold sweat broke out on Hodge's forehead.

He simply probed: "Fortunately, it should not be dead, but..."

Without the help of the inner demon, their interference seems to have lost the backbone.

"And I!!"

At this time, a ship flew from a distance, and the villain stood on top of the ship, holding his shoulders, looking like a majestic queen.

"Ancient god, do you know how many years have I lived? Let you taste one part of my pain today!!" The little man said, pointing his finger to the eyes of the ancient god.

I saw that the spacecraft condensed a powerful force above it on the spot, and then burst out.


This time the attack ~www.readwn.com~ directly caused the ancient **** to stop, and even suffered some injuries. The cracks in the sky became smaller, but it was not a temporary cure.

Haechi's expression is a bit ugly: "I'm going to be unable to hold on anymore. I will find a way."


Suddenly, the tragic shout attracted their attention.

It was a villain, she was full of golden power, her fists clenched, as if she was suffering some inhuman pain.

"This..." Lin Hong looked distressed.

"Old God, go to death!!"

With the villain's roar, a huge power burst out, which was even thicker than the combined power of all the people who had the heart demon before.

Accurate hit!

The ancient **** was actually injured and took a step back.

Lin Hong seized the opportunity to quickly restore the crack in the sky of the small world, which was relieved.

"Haha, there are you, I thought it must be over this time!" Haha sighed with relief and exclaimed the little man on the spaceship akimbo.

"I am a gem of infinite energy, theoretically I can issue the most extreme attack, which is nothing to me."

The little man smiled, and his proud look was beyond words.

She suddenly remembered something: "Quickly, the heart demon is seriously injured now, take it into the spaceship!"

Lin Hong heard this, without saying anything, and brought the people and the demons into the ship, but there was no light everywhere, flashing and flashing.

"The battle just ran out of energy, but it doesn't matter, it will be there soon."

The villain said, taking them to the medical room to help the demons.

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