"Why do you guys get together?" Lin Hong was puzzled.

Xiao Feng didn't answer first, but screamed while covering his cheeks. After calming down, he wiped his face with his hand in doubt, took out the phone as a mirror and took a picture.

The wound has healed, and there are no scars at all.

"It's amazing, is there any more? Give me a few hundred pills!" Xiao Feng pinched his cheek, his mouth was dumbfounded.

"Are you a jelly bean?"

Lin Hong was speechless, as if this kind of pill was extremely rare, and now he only had six left.

"Don't talk about it, do you know her?" Xiao Feng pulled Xiao Mei over.

"Well, I have seen a few times." Lin Hong looked at Xiaomei and nodded, "I'm even more curious about how you met."

"Didn't I hold a child star audition yesterday? I happened to meet her outside after the end of the night and I wanted to let her be a child star."

Xiao Feng patted Xiao Mei on the shoulder in front of him. At this moment, Xiao Mei said nothing, obviously frightened.

Lin Hong frowned: "I don't bother to spit out your words, but to be serious."

He even wanted to know what happened to the three people who dared to hold swords in broad daylight.

Xiao Feng was silent for a moment, and took Lin Hong to the side: "This child's family doesn't know who has been offended. She has been wiped out. She is the only one left in the family. Those people are planning to kill them all..."

"So you kept taking her and almost took yourself in?"

Lin Hong sighed, this guy, no matter how troublesome things happen to him.

If he hadn't arrived in time this time, he would have been chopped into eight segments.

Xiao Feng coughed awkwardly, "I have already hired a bodyguard, but I haven't had time to come over, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"If something happens, it will be too late! Follow me first and be safe by my side."

No way, in that case, before those so-called bodyguards come, you can play the role of bodyguard first, and you can't ignore Xiao Feng and him.

Looking towards Xiaomei, she was originally innocent, cute, lively and cheerful, but now she has a blank expression. Lin Hong doesn't know how to comfort her, or that she is not qualified to comfort her at all.

When I learned that my father committed suicide by jumping off the building, I was about to collapse, and it took me two months to slowly come out of the shadows.

If it hadn't been for the recent news that his father was still alive, I would definitely feel melancholy from time to time.

There is no cure for this kind of thing, she can only resolve it by herself.

But... I believe that Xiao Feng, lo*ic*n, will definitely try his best to make her happy.

"Let's go, go back to the class, and stay in a crowded place." Lin Hong finished speaking and took the two back to the class.


Xiao Mei sat in her seat, unhappy, while Xiao Feng squatted beside her, trying to make her happy.

"Do you know Journey to the West?" Xiao Feng thought for a moment, and saw Xiaomei ignored him, so he continued, "While eating, Monkey King asked Zhu Bajie: Why have you been demoted to the mortal world? Bajie looked helplessly. Moon: The Jade Emperor asked me to complete daily tasks, I got it wrong..."

After Lin Honggang told Shuyao about Xiaomei, when he heard Xiao Feng's joke, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Shu Yao couldn't stand it, and walked to Xiao Mei's side: "Sister, can you play with you?"

Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief. Although Xiao Mei still couldn't help herself, it was always good to have Shu Yao's help.

"Shu Yao's family was engaged to her, what are you going to do?" Liu Anshuang on the side suddenly said.

"Of course I want to get rid of it, what age is this, and arranged marriages."

Lin Hong shrugged and simply sat down next to Liu Anshuang.

"What if the other party likes Shuyao as much as you?" Liu Anshuang flipped through the book calmly.

"I...I don't have any! Anyway, Shuyao is not willing at all. I am her friend, so I have to help her." Lin Hong scratched his forehead, wondering in his heart. Could it be that he was so obvious?

"You will scratch your forehead when you lie." Liu Anshuang glanced at Lin Hong suddenly.

Lin Hong put his hand down quickly, he didn't even notice this...

"But what you said is right. A marriage contract made regardless of the other party's wishes will sooner or later be returned."

After Liu Anshuang finished speaking, he closed the book and got up and left.

"Why are you going? Do you need me to accompany you?" Lin Hong always felt that Liu Anshuang's words seemed to mean something.

"I go to the toilet."

Liu Anshuang said coldly, leaving without looking back.

This really can't accompany...

Looking back, Shuyao and Xiao Feng were both trying to make Xiaomei happy, and they were doing nothing here alone.

Lie on the table, he intends to rest for a while.

In the bathroom.

Liu Anshuang looked at herself in the mirror and smiled reluctantly.

The thing she was most angry about was that when she went to divorce, Lin Hong directly agreed.

This shows that Lin Hong doesn't even have himself in his heart.

Exhaling, she couldn't help sighing as she looked at the beautiful face in the mirror.

What's the use of looking good? Everyone treats you as a vase. Those who hold themselves hold the idea that if you marry yourself, you can get everyone's money.

How ridiculous...

Exhaling, she walked back to the class and sat back in her seat.

"My dad wants to call you over to eat tonight, are you going?" Liu Anshuang said lightly, not looking at Lin Hong who was lying on his side.

"Don't go? Then I'll tell him first."

Immediately afterwards, she took out her mobile phone and called her father Liu Muchun.

Lin Hong raised his head blankly: "I can't tell you?"

He always feels that Liu Anshuang is angry ~www.readwn.com~ but he doesn't understand why she is angry.

Liu Anshuang seemed very unhappy: "Oh, then you go by yourself at night."

Last time Lin Hong rode in her car, there was a bad scandal, so this time, she didn't plan to go there with Lin Hong.

"Um... if you don't want me to go, I won't go."

Lin Hong was very helpless, Liu Muchun treated herself like her own son, and now that everything has been said, it will not increase embarrassment in vain, but seeing Liu Anshuang so unwilling is another matter.

He has treated Liu Anshuang as his younger sister since he was a child, and gave her everything, and tried to treat him well. To put it bluntly, he was a pet.

This point has not changed even now.

"I didn't want you to go." Liu Anshuang turned his head, frowning.

"When you get angry, you frown and say no." Lin Hong smiled bitterly.

"Observing me so carefully? Abnormal!"

Liu Anshuang turned his head, leaving Lin Hong a back of his head.

Lin Hong felt helpless in his heart. You obviously also know some of my little movements. How come to me, is it a pervert?

"Then... I'll go to your house tonight?" Lin Hong asked tentatively.

"Come on!" Liu Anshuang's cold voice seemed not so friendly.

"Shu Yao's boyfriend visits Liu Xiaohua at night, is this the annihilation of human nature or the loss of morality?"

"I just said that the two of them appointed something..."

"A few days ago, he got on the Liu Xiaohua car!"

Lin Hong turned his head in doubt, and saw these people in the class exploded and started talking.

Some people take photos with their mobile phones and prepare to post in Moments or campus posts.

This is nothing, the key Lin Hong noticed that Shu Yao looked straight at herself.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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