"It's over... I blame you!" Liu Anshuang's anxious tears were about to squeeze out, and he hammered Lin Hong's shoulder with his fist.

"Liu Xiaohua openly flirts and scolds."

"The scumbag abandoned his schoolgirl girlfriend and hooked up with another schoolgirl."

Yes, nowadays, I can't tell what is going on.

Liu Anshuang hurriedly took out his mobile phone to check it, only to see such a video in the school circle, which has been watched thousands of times.

"Then... Am I going to your house tonight?"

"Come on!"

In the video are her and Lin Hong, no more, no less, just two sentences.

The corner of Lin Hong's mouth twitched, looking at the students behind, you are really not afraid of making things worse.

"Um...Lin Hong, what are you doing to her house at night?" Shu Yao came over and smiled sweetly at Lin Hong.

"The scumbag ex-girlfriend strikes, determined to regain his true love!"

"Two women vie for one boy, the real Shura field!"

Lin Hong licked his lips, exhaled foul air, squatted down, untied the laces, took off his shoes and threw them at Xiao Feng: "Your kid has no head, isn't it?"

This guy keeps these weird headlines there.

Xiao Feng chuckled, threw the shoes back, and made a silent motion on his own.

"Lin Hong?" Shu Yao kept smiling sweetly, tilting her head at this time.

Lin Hong looked in her eyes, always feeling that the upper half of her face was already black.

He coughed slightly: "It's just going to have a meal. I used to drink a lot, and I often spent the night at her house."

Liu Anshuang was holding his forehead helplessly, and when Lin Hong said that, he turned his head in disbelief.


Not messy enough, isn't it?

Although there was no such strange headline that Xiao Feng yelled loudly, the classmates in the class and the people crowded outside had already recorded everything.

A video soon appeared in the campus circles.

"I used to spend the night at her house."

The video shows Lin Hong's back, but the dubbing makes Lin Hong speechless for a long time.

Drink too much of these two words! ?

Lin Hong opened her mouth, and Liu Anshuang looked like she was going to eat herself alive.

And Shu Yao, closed her eyes, breathing heavily.

"It's not like that. I got used to staying at her house when I was a child." The sweat on Lin Hong's head was gone.

"you shut up!"

Liu Anshuang stood up suddenly and yelled coldly.

Lin Hong hurriedly covered his mouth. Then, Liu Anshuang glared at the crowded students at the back of the class. These people quickly dispersed and found a seat to sit down.

Liu Anshuang looked out the door again, and the people outside the door quickly dispersed.

Everyone knows that Liu Anshuang has many suitors, and they can't afford it.

"Domineering side leakage." Lin Hong stretched out his thumb.

"Puff--" Suddenly, Shu Yao smiled along her mouth, "Your mouth is so stupid..."

"Are you not angry?" Lin Hong scratched his head awkwardly.

"What's wrong with me, I'm not your girlfriend~" Shu Yao shook her head, smiled lightly, clasped her hands behind her, her cheeks flushed as if dripping water.

This is a good opportunity to confess!

Xiao Feng looked anxiously from the side.

But Lin Hong didn't notice it at all, just nodded, picked up his shoes and put them on: "You just need to be upset."

"I'm angry!" Xiao Feng slapped the table, but he frightened Xiao Mei who was thinking about life.

"You get angry when you are angry? What can you do?"

Lin Hong was speechless, Xiao Feng pondered for a moment, and took out a black cloak from his schoolbag.

He came to Lin Hong: "Brother, I believe you can lead the FFF team to glory!"

"What group is that?"

Lin Hong took the cloak, it was very light, he put it on and tried it, and a sense of mystery emerged from him spontaneously.

Xiao Feng stroked his chin: "Commonly known as the Single Dog Association."

Lin Hongdang was about to throw out his cloak: "I'll go to your single dog association!"

Shu Yao had already come to Xiao Mei, picked her up and put her on her lap.

"Little Mei, my sister taught you to recognize an idiot. Did you see that person? That's an idiot, and still a big idiot!" Shu Yao pointed at Lin Hong with Xiao Mei's finger.

Lin Hong dodged from left to right, but was still pointed at.

Liu Anshuang returned to her previous cold state: "Classes will start in two minutes."

"Oh... OK."

Lin Hong nodded and found a seat at the end.

"Do you think you are stupid, stupid, or stupid?" Xiao Feng stepped forward and sat next to him.

"How do I feel that you all suddenly become weird?" Lin Hong was puzzled.

"Just a short sentence, Shu Yao is your girlfriend!"

Xiao Feng gritted his teeth out of anger, how could he not encounter these good things, and his growth is not bad!

It's just a little bit worse than Lin Hong.

Lin Hong was at a loss: "When was it just now?"

Xiao Feng sighed secretly, yes, this person is hopeless.

At this time, Liu Anshuang, who was sitting two or three meters away, retracted his gaze to look at Lin Hong secretly.

In fact, she didn't hate all the rumors about herself and Lin Hong.

Lin Hong didn't confess to Shuyao just now, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She could feel this clearly, and she couldn't help smiling in her heart.

Looking at the teacher who opened the door, she took out the book.

"How the atmosphere is weird..." Mancho looked at the quiet class, always feeling that something was wrong.

...Why is there a kid?

"Shu Yao, what's the matter with this kid?" she asked Shu Yao, who was holding Xiao Mei in his arms.

"Teacher, I will explain this to you after class."

Shu Yao didn't speak yet, but Lin Hong raised his hand.

Mancho nodded. Since Lin Hong said so~www.readwn.com~, it is no problem, after all, this school belongs to him.

A few hours passed away quietly and get out of class was over.

During class, Xiaohua kept flipping through the textbooks, which is still the case after class is over.

"Can you understand?" Xiao Feng walked over, leaning his arms on the table, smiling hippiely.

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua nodded.

"The things in the book, I taught myself at home before..."

With that, she was sad, after all, she has no home now.

"Are you a genius prodigy Wu Xiaohua?" Suddenly, Liu Anshuang looked back, obviously thinking of something, and his face was surprised.

"Genius child prodigy?"

Lin Hong tilted Erlang's legs and gave up the treatment completely.

In the class just now, he didn't understand a word of what Mancho said. It was the first time since childhood.

An Xiaoshuang seems to be still angry with Lin Hong, not looking at him at all: "The genius prodigy who won the Nobel at the age of six."

Six years old?

This is too fake, the Nobel Prize is the highest level of literature.

Lin Hong couldn't help scratching his head. Could it be that Xiaohua also has a system failure?

"So amazing! Xiao Hua, you come to be a child star!" Xiao Feng said immediately.


Under everyone's gaze, Wu Xiaohua nodded slowly.

Lin Hong frowned: "I said Xiao Feng, can I report your child abduction?"

"Fart! I'm doing this for Xiaohua's sake!" Xiao Feng glared at Lin Hong.

Lin Hong just said casually, in fact, he was very happy to comment on this scene.

Strictly speaking, Wu Xiaohua is an orphan now, and she doesn't even have a family.

With Xiao Feng's care, and relying on his family's financial resources, if a force like the Assassination Society is not invited, I am afraid that no one will be able to move Xiao Hua.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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