I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 625: Dao Fa meets the enemy

   When troops were completely dispatched in the city, the two armies began to confront each other, a hundred kilometers apart.

Lin Hong was in the vanguard, holding an evil sword, his body trembling faintly.

Someone saw him like this: "Why, afraid?"

"is it possible?"

Lin Hong chuckled, the body of killing had already appeared, and the reason for trembling was because of excitement.

It's been a long time...I haven't killed it!

Time passed by minute by minute, and the battle was about to begin as the drums rang.

The raiding group came with more than 100,000 people, driving a few spaceships with array cannons, the momentum is turbulent, and the realm of the Great Perfection is sitting on the ground.

On the other hand, here in the city, there are also more than 100,000 people, but most of them are ordinary people, and even a small number of them are ready to be recruited.

"Dead early and overtake birth early. Eighteen years later, I am still a good man."

There is almost no discipline among the vanguards, and some people speak up from time to time, and more often they are whispering.

Lin Hong was silent, suddenly, Zhong Hou came to his side: "Run if you have a chance."

He could see that the guy with the mask had good strength, and he was completely pitted into the vanguard.

"Don't worry... I will retire if it doesn't work."

Lin Hong smiled lightly, but didn't have any thoughts of flinching.

Suddenly, the looting group took the lead to activate the array artillery and launch an attack.

This thing is equivalent to a cannon on the earth, but it is too powerful.

In an instant, thousands of people were injured in the city, but they still did not act rashly.

"Pioneer, charge with me!" Zhong Hou roared, leading the vanguard to charge, and soon he greeted the opposing team.

"Kill these bitches..."

"Damn, is I really a mallet?"


There is not so much talk about it when it comes to fighting.

That group of originally decadent guys were blushing at this moment, not seeking to survive, but only seeking to kill a few more.

Zhong Hou saw these in his eyes: "Brothers..."

This brother, he came from the heart.

"Since I am a Taoist priest, wouldn't the moves in the Taoist scriptures be more suitable for fighting?"

On the other side, Lin Hong licked his lips and directly released the Dao Sword.

He had learned this trick a long time ago, and saw that a sword with the word Tao on its hilt dropped from the sky, about a hundred meters long, and hit the opponent's team directly. In a short time, the opponent suffered heavy casualties.

"The old Taoist did not lie to me, this trick is indeed very useful..." Lin Hong smiled lightly.

"what happened?"

"The other side is dead, is this powerful coming?"


Some of the vanguard members were already dead, and the faces of those who were still alive were at a loss.

Zhong Hou came to Lin Hong's side: "There are two things."

"Next, it's Zhengcai... shall we meet the army?"

Lin Hongman waved his hand indifferently, just a small wave of soldiers on the opposite side.

"No, we need to take a detour." Unexpectedly, Zhonghou said.

The vanguard's role is to detect the enemy's formation and layout. It's not really going to fight. It was just because of a collision.

"It turns out that the vanguard is this role?"

Lin Hong was breathing blood, and he was a little confused after learning this from the inner demon.

Looking back, it turned out that only their vanguard rushed out, and the large army stood still.

"Follow me to charge!" Zhonghou roared, and charged again, going around all the way. I don't know how long it had been before, and he faintly saw the enemy's army.

Immediately, without hesitation, he took out the letter paper and started writing on it.

"Fuck, I'm not dead yet?"

"Just take the letter back later... we are the heroes."


The people in the vanguard were stunned. The most helpless was Lin Hong. He was here to kill. The hero has a shit!

"It's really a big fish." A voice suddenly came from the rear. It was a main force of the raiding regiment, nearly 10,000 elite soldiers, and thousands of masters.

"What do you want?"

Lin Hong did not panic, the corners of his mouth under the mask slightly raised.

Many people in the vanguard were silent for a while, but they did not lose their momentum, holding weapons in their hands, and not fearing at all.

Zhong Hou has stopped writing: "Brothers, as long as you take this letter back, the guilty body will become the innocent body, and the original innocence will be prosperous and wealthy."


Some people swallow heavily and spit, while others are extremely nervous.

Only Lin Hong, with a murderous heart, can't wait to start the fight quickly.

"You are really big-hearted, dare to go deep here, come, kill them all!" The general on the raid regiment was a young man, a gangster, holding a golden machete in his hand.

"Fight with them, protect the generals from fleeing!"

"For those who died in battle, the city lord will provide subsidies to the family..."


A group of people from the vanguard marched head-on, and when the two teams met, the number of casualties suddenly increased.

"Four thousand and five...Four thousand and three..." The heart demon said with a heavy tone of the number of people left in the vanguard.

"Boy, this letter is for you, the task of taking it back is left to you."

Zhong Hou suddenly appeared beside Lin Hong and gave out the written letter.

Lin Hong was dumbfounded: "Why do you give it to me?"

"Because I will fight with my brothers to the end, you are still young, remember, don't be foolish!"

Zhonghou laughed loudly. After saying that, he fought with several masters of the other party, but he was obviously unable to do so. It is estimated that he will be beheaded soon.

"This..." Lin Hong frequently used all kinds of Taoism from the Taoist scriptures to kill the enemy.

Today, he is like a saint who has sealed the devil, killing him.

"Hurry up~www.readwn.com~Don't let our sacrifices go in vain!"

Zhong Hou was beaten back, seeing that Lin Hong hadn't left, his blood-red eyes were full of eagerness.

Lin Hong muttered in a low voice: "One life is two, two is three, three is all things..."

I saw that he threw the Sha Dao high, one divided into two, then three, and finally divided into tens of thousands.

"This, what is this move?"

There are many masters on the opposite side, but most of them are just fake immortals or even half immortals.

At this moment, they looked at the evil swords floating in the air, and they didn't dare to act rashly.

"Isn't it just the army of more than 10,000, what can you run?" Lin Hong said indifferently, "Go!"

As he finished speaking, tens of thousands of evil knives flew out and fought with the enemy army. Not long after, they took the lives of most ordinary people on the opposite side.

"Brothers, kill!!"

Upon seeing this, Zhonghou aimed at the opponent's general and rushed directly.

The general as a true fairy in the mid-term: "Only you, dare to come to the door?"

At this time, his heart was extremely furious, and the people he had brought were killed and injured so much, he would definitely inevitably be punished.


At this time, Lin Hong took out a piece of talisman and stuffed the letter paper in it.

Fu Lu even took the letter paper directly into the ground, and went straight to the large troops in the city in the distance. Unknowingly, they were nearly 100 kilometers away from the city.

The war continues.

Although the few experts in the vanguard are fighting frantically, the casualties have increased uncontrollably.

When Lin Hong withdrew the sword, the vanguard army dropped from 5,000 soldiers to 1,200.

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