I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 626: 1 person to 100,000 army

   "surrender, otherwise you will all die here!"

The enemy general roared, and the large forces of the raiding regiment began to move forward and were approaching here.

Lin Hong's vanguard is facing a difficult situation, there is no way out, and it will even be surrounded immediately.

Until then... ten deaths and no life.

Almost the entire army was wiped out, and Zhong Hou put everything down instead: "Brothers, make the final breakthrough!"

As he finished speaking, many soldiers echoed loudly. Although there were fewer and fewer people, their aura became stronger and stronger.

"It's really blatant, my troops still have more than four thousand people, why are you breaking through?"

The enemy general sneered. The soldiers had already surrounded Lin Hong and others.

"Because of the five thousand vanguards, only over four thousand people were killed. Are you quite proud?" Lin Hong turned away at this time, with mockery in his voice.

"You...I'll kill you shit-chucking stick later!"

The enemy general looked ugly in an instant, and if it weren't for you, how could there be such a large casualty?

The more than 10,000 sharp swords just now, although the power is not particularly large, it also killed and injured a lot of elites on his side.

The vanguard began to charge in the direction of the city.

Blood, the earth already stained red.

Even the blowing wind has a strong smell of blood.

Lin Hong had been secretly transforming the corpses of the members of the plundering group, but as for the vanguard, nothing happened.

He thought, at least these are heroes, not rubbish.

The heart demon couldn't help saying: "You really are still you, or the guy who acted recklessly."

Obviously transforming those corpses can have greater benefits, but he is unmoved. He really responded to the phrase ‘a gentleman loves money and gets a good way’!

"Why do you always come to the front!!"

Lin Hong was killing but was kicked in the chest by Zhong Hou, and flew backwards a little bit to the center of the team.

"Damn, I can beat you, what do I do?!" Lin Hong quickly got up and continued to fight, completely rushing to the forefront.

"act recklessly……"

A person suddenly appeared in front of him, it was the enemy general.

Lin Hong chuckles: "I think so too."

After all, he released the Eastern Emperor Bell, directly enveloped the enemy generals, and then slapped it fiercely.

"God, artifact!"

"Fuck, this is the first time I've seen it at this age."


People on both sides talked a lot.

In contrast, the high-levels of the two sides who originally did not pay attention to the war on this side were all startled at this time.

The first is the real celestial Dzogchen realm master of the plundering group.

He walked out of the cabin and stared at the East Emperor Bell from afar: "Okay...the whole army charges, it is bound to bring the artifact back!"

"Damn, why does he have an artifact?!"

On the other side, the general riding a horse outside the city looked ugly when he received the news.

The distance is too far, there is no time to support, since the body has a magical weapon, it is impossible to have no background.

In this way... I may not be able to keep my identity as a general!

Just as he was utterly exhausted, he saw that a small paper man suddenly appeared on the ground.

The paper man held a letter in his hand, placed it at his feet, and then turned into green smoke and dissipated.

"This is the layout of the enemy's battle formation? Come on, listen to my orders, set up the formation, and prepare for an all-out attack!"

Immediately, he no longer hesitated, passed the order, and began to line up.

"We... killed one of the enemy generals?"

"It's crazy!"


On the other side, the battle between the vanguard and the ten thousand army has not ended.

However, the master of the real immortal mid-term was dead, alive in the East Emperor Bell, was shaken to death by the bell!

Zhong Hou was equally excited: "Brothers, continue to break through!"

The enemy has no generals, he can devote himself to the battle, it is only a matter of time before he breaks through.

"It's over...The enemy army rushed up!"

Unexpectedly, someone from the vanguard was stunned. They saw the enemy army and they were caught in the middle, unable to advance or retreat.

"Believe that I have arrived. See you if you are destined." Lin Hong looked at the enemy's army and walked slowly.

Among them, the vast majority are ordinary soldiers and immortals who haven't reached the realm of real immortals, which is completely unfounded.

"There are four true immortals. I will report their locations to you at any time. Be careful."

The inner demon spoke now, knowing what he wanted to do.

One person, welcome the army of one hundred thousand!

When Zhonghou saw this, he shouted: "What are you going to do?"

"Isn't it obvious? The masked Taoist priest is here, facing the enemy!"

Lin Hong chuckled lightly at first, then roared loudly, confidently without fear.

No matter what his 100,000 army is, he can do it all by himself!

"The name of the mask Taoist will become famous..." the heart demon said calmly.

"No matter how good you are, how can you beat so many by yourself?!"

Zhong Hou roared, incomprehensible.

Immortal power is finite after all, if it runs out of immortal power, no matter how powerful the fairy is, it is just a better ordinary person!

Even though he was carrying a divine weapon, he could only be slaughtered when he had no immortal power.

Even... was captured as a prisoner.

Lin Hong raised the corner of his mouth, facing the attacking enemy, without any fear: "This is just a one-on-one match, I am alone, single-handedly picking up 100,000 rubbish, and my profession is to pick up rubbish."

After he finished speaking, the movement of his feet gradually accelerated. As soon as he gritted his teeth that hour, he could only continue to break through the encirclement with many soldiers.

Because of his strength, he soon succeeded in breaking through the siege, leading the 800 soldiers left by the vanguard to go straight to the city.

"Killing, this really started~www.readwn.com~ Lin Hong grinned, and his smile made the heart tremble.

He threw the Eastern Emperor Bell, and as the Eastern Emperor Bell became extremely huge, it directly enveloped nearly ten thousand enemy troops and a realm of real immortality.

Both feet touched the ground and jumped up, suddenly a dragon roar came out under him.

"Oh my God, that's Shenlong!"

"It's a real dragon..."


When people saw it clearly, they trembled. I don't know when, a dragon was willing to be trampled underneath by Lin Hong.

"Xiaolong, let's have fun." Lin Hong said softly, taking out some stones, using the magical skill of flicking his fingers, and hurling it towards the East Emperor Bell.



The rapid and long bell sounded, and most of the enemy troops in the Eastern Emperor's Bell were directly reduced to blood fog and died miserably.

In the end, those who can barely survive are some immortals, and most of them are half immortals or even false immortals.

Among them was the early stage of the real fairy, who hit the inner wall of the East Emperor Bell with a punch at this time: "Let us go out!"


The bell sounded again, spraying blood on his shaking mouth, and his eyes were red.

Lin Hong’s eyes are full of red light, like a ghost in hell: "Little dragon, follow me to kill!"


Without saying a word, Xiaolong flew towards the enemy, spitting out false samādhi real fire from time to time. For a time, there was a burst of flames, and I don't know how many people died under the flames.

Lin Hong observed his celestial power value, and it turned out to be 183.

Sure enough, the best way to improve your strength is to kill and pick up trash.

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