The strange land is located in the southernmost part of Kaitianzong's sphere of influence.

When he rushed to the neighborhood in the spacecraft, he could already see some Kaitianzong disciples stationed here.

Lin Hong frowned slightly: "Do you want people to enter?"

"After all, it's my own home. If someone goes in and accidents happen, I can't blame it."

The heart demon said lightly, this was the passive choice of Kai Tianzong in order to avoid friction.

"Then..." Lin Hong chuckled, unexpectedly that Shadow Jue could be used so quickly.

As a secret book comparable to the Dugu Sword Art, the best time for Shadow Jue to use is at night. At the moment, he landed on the spaceship and waited quietly.

"Master, it will take a long time for Ping An to break through to the Great Master."

Xue Qianhan walked over when the spacecraft fell to the ground.

Lin Hong raised his hand and rubbed her head: "Don't worry, the master is still making soy sauce when you are your age."

Xue Qianhan nodded weakly, then sat down and continued to practice sullenly.

"Boss, shall we continue on our way?"

Zhuo Yaqin had already cleaned the entire ship quietly, walked over at this moment, and asked curiously.

"Wait until night." Lin Hong shook his head lightly, and let himself see how strange the so-called strange place is!

Time passed, and night finally came.

Putting Xue Qianhan and others and the spaceship into the storage ring, Lin Hong melted into the darkness and went straight to the strange place.

"That's nothing but a blessing. It's hard to say how it is. Be careful."

In fact, when the inner demon spoke at this time, he was actually worried.

Lin Hong nodded lightly, bypassed the guards, and stepped into a strange place.

"Strange... Did something pass just now?"

"Don't think about it, who can't look away so much and go inside to find death?"


The guards disagreed, and didn't even notice.

Strange land.

The wind rolled up the sand on the ground, bringing a bit of desolation and loneliness.

Here, like the post-apocalyptic world, there are no people, only despair.

The moment Lin Hong came in, he was stunned: "Will there be treasures in such a place?"

"There seems to be some kind of limitation here, even the system is limited in its detection ability...The current detectable range is only two hundred meters."

The inner demon was confused in his words at this time.

"Two hundred meters?" Lin Hong left the shadow, frowning slightly.

The system has always been its best means of life-saving, and when paired with the demons, it will notify you of danger in advance.

But now... can only explore two hundred meters?

Even if it is dangerous, it is probably too late to react.

"Wait, this Dongtianfudi has very strong restrictions, prohibiting all immortal power and Yuanli!"

Suddenly, the inner demon discovered this.

Lin Hong was taken aback for a moment, and found that he couldn't use the shadow fight. To be precise, he couldn't use the power of immortality.

In a moment, he couldn't help frowning: "Why are all these disgusting people's stuff?"

Many of my methods require immortal power to be able to use it. It was fine before, but it was just because of the formation, but now...

"This kind of method is more common in the fairy world, especially in the past, if it hadn't been for the sharp decline in the number of mages in these years, it might have been even worse."

The inner demon said, saying that it didn't make sense.

"Well, can we not get out?" Suddenly, Lin Hong's expression changed, and he turned around and found that the way he came was no longer there.

"Presumably before finding the so-called treasure..."

The heart demon pondered for a moment, with helplessness in his words, and finally understood why there was no return here.

Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows: "What about the treasure?"

"Look for it, I guess there should be other people here, you should be careful not to become a prey."

There is no good way for the inner demon, and the prompt given by the system is just to find the treasure.

As for where the treasure is...the restricted system today cannot be detected at all.

"It seems that you can only rely on physical strength here? Interesting."

Lin Hong turned to chuckle, realizing this, twisted his neck, and shook a few punches out of thin air.

Suddenly, the fist wind gusts, whizzing and smashing a stone not far away.

Even if he can't use Xianli, he can already do this with his physical strength.

Perhaps because of the sound of smashing a stone, a monster in the distance was attracted.

This monster is like a pterodactyl, but it can't fly: "Shoo--"

It has a weird cry, and its body is three meters tall.

Today, although this strange place is dark, the moonlight is shining brightly, illuminating everything.


Lin Hong was not afraid of danger and drew out the Shadow-Changing Sword, but don't forget that the Dugu Sword Art does not need immortal power to support!

Right now, he showed a flash of sword light.

It looked like a sword, but it swung hundreds or even thousands of swords!

The monster came to the front, and was directly stabbed in all kinds of holes, immediately screamed, and turned around to run.

"The sword is like a dragon..." Lin Hong was chasing after victory, came behind him in a flash, and stabbed a sword again.

This was a life-threatening sword, a big hole was directly punched in the monster's body, and there was no vitality.

"The prohibition here seems to be beneficial to me?"

When the monster died completely, Lin Hong rubbed his chin and took out the needle that could extract the gene.

Inner Demon: "Indeed, after all, you have such a method as Dugu Sword Art."

"It's time to go, I hope I can find a few artifacts."

After Lin Hong extracted the monster's genes, he transformed the corpse and gained a little strength.

As he walked along, he was cautious.

There are monsters in this weird place, if it attracts fire dragons of the level, I am afraid that I can't eat it.

"Stop! Two hundred meters on your left, there is a treasure chest underground." Suddenly, the demon said.

"Treasure... box?"

Lin Hong looked dumbfounded, and took out a shovel from the storage ring.

In contrast, the storage ring is a divine tool and also does not need to be driven by Xianli.

When he reached the place where the treasure chest was buried, he did not hesitate to shovel it off with a shovel: "What will be in the treasure chest?"

"It's worthy of the place where the gods stayed, full of weirdness everywhere, and the system can't see through the contents of the treasure chest..."

The inner demon was very helpless at this time, unable to give an answer, it is estimated that even if a guy like Bai Xiaosheng came over, he wouldn't know much.

"This way, there is a sense of As long as it is not a monster, it can be accepted."

Lin Hong shook his head lightly, but instead became interested.

The geology in this cave was very hard. He dug out three shovels before digging out the treasure chest.

Sweep the dust off, the whole body is gold and red, like the kind of treasure chest in the game, without any lock.

"Huh..." Lin Hongshen exhaled and opened the treasure chest directly.

With a burst of golden light, the things inside came into view, five top-grade immortal stones, and a brace.

"This is the artifact suit?!"

The demon seemed to be surprised when he saw some baby.

Lin Hong looked confused: "What is the artifact suit?"

"Remember the set you once got?"

The inner demon didn't rush to answer, but asked rhetorically.

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