"Of course I remember." Lin Hong nodded, and the set was blown up by Chiyu, the Sect Master of Chixia Sect.

"Anything you put on a suit will have additional features. For example, your previous suit. The feature is to slightly increase your speed."

The demon began to explain.

Lin Hong recalled that at that time, the speed did indeed improve.

The demon went on to say: "That's only the lowest level suit. If you can put together the artifact suit... the effect is terrible."

"Try it, find a place where there are people first."

Lin Hong put everything into the ring and swept away the dust on his body.

"Be careful." The heart demon reminded him, and said nothing.


The roar of the monster came from time to time.

Lin Hong cast his eyes to look over there: "There are so many monsters..."

Since the system is unreliable here, you can only rely on your own judgment, and if you can not provoke the monsters here, you will not provoke it.

Suddenly, a scream came.

Listening to sounds is human!

Lin Hong didn't hesitate, and went over there. After a while, he saw a little boy.

The little boy was injured. At this time, he was holding a wooden stick in his hand, and in front of him was a two-meter-high monster: "Don't come here!"

"Here... how come there are children?"

Lin Hong was a little surprised, but didn't think too much, and rushed over to fight the monster.

The child saw someone: "Don't fight it, you can't fight it."

At this moment, he was injured in his left leg, completely unable to move, and looked flustered.

"what did you say?"

At this time, Lin Hong had already beheaded the monster and looked back.

"...Dead, dead?" The little boy was stunned, that big monster was killed?

"Little guy, where did you come from?"

Lin Hong asked him, pretending to ask casually.

The little boy quickly replied: "I came out from Datong Village to find herbs, master, please teach me martial arts!"

After he finished speaking, he knelt down, showing respect.

"Datong Village...you get up first, I won't accept disciples."

Lin Hong thought for a moment, then said first.

Hearing this, the little boy nodded in frustration, and did not continue to kneel.

"How many people are there in the village, why would you come out alone to find herbs?" Lin Hong asked two questions in succession, and looked around, no monsters came.

"I don't know how many... I came out with my uncle and brother this time, but I got separated."

When the little boy said this, he scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed.

Lin Hong nodded: "Where is Chase Village? I'll take you back."

In this way, oneself can go to a relatively safe place, and at the same time learn more about this heaven and blessed land.

"Over there, thank you!"

The little boy was very polite and pointed a direction.

Soon, Lin Hong carried him on his back and headed straight to Datong Village.

Chase Village.

The village looked unremarkable. At this time, the villagers gathered at the entrance of the village.

The village chief leaned on a cane: "I asked you to go out and lost the child?"

He looked at the people in front of him, hating iron for not making steel. That was the only seedling in the village over the years!

"Elder...Bah, village chief, let's go out and look for it!"

There was a man in a tattered robe who was so ashamed at this time that he wanted to leave after speaking.

"I'm back!" But when I heard it, a voice came.

"Dongping, who is this person?"

The village chief looked over and found that Dongping was held by a stranger and injured his leg.

Hearing this, Dongping showed excitement: "This is a very powerful master, and he agreed to call him the big brother!"


The person holding him was naturally Lin Hong, who was helpless at this time.

On my way, I was very annoyed. This little guy is too much to talk about.

"Excuse me, who is the last name of this young man, and which force?" A villager stepped forward and drew out a sword, his body is extraordinary.

"I just came to this place. I saved him accidentally. I don't have to face each other with swords, right?"

Lin Hong handed over Dongping to a villager, and then frowned slightly, realizing that they were hostile to him.

The village chief handed over: "We are from the Open Heaven Sect, and we were sent in to investigate..."

When he said this, he didn't go on, and some were just sad.

"In Xia Linhong, the people of Yuehua Immortal Palace are brothers with your current young master."

Lin Hong introduced himself after hearing this, and moved Xu Mao out by the way.

"How do you prove it?" The villager holding the sword was still aggressive.

"Proof? Believe it or not."

Lin Hong shook his sleeves. There was nothing to prove himself, it was nothing more than a mantra.

The village head tapped the villager's head with a cane: "Get back and take Dongping to heal."


The villager didn't dare not listen, and immediately left with Dongping.

"Master Lin, please come in." The village chief turned to look at Lin Hong and let the rest of the villagers perform their duties.


Lin Hong responded, followed him into the village, looked around and found that they were all wooden houses.

The village chief said, "After entering this strange place, it is difficult to get out again."

When he said this, it seemed that he meant something.

"I guess so."

Lin Hong disagrees. When necessary, even if he turns the heaven and earth upside down, he will go out by himself.

But before that... it's best to find the treasure first.

"It's better for Young Master Lin to settle in our Datong Village, so we can take care of each other." The village chief said directly without concealing it.

"Look at the village chief, you are calm and relaxed. You should have been an elder before?"

Lin Hong turned the topic off and didn't answer, or he was trying to avoid it.

The village head nodded: "Yes, but it was more than 20 years ago... I am just a village head now."

Twenty years ago?

Lin Hong turned silent, and was finally taken to a wooden house.

"Master Lin, you live here."

After the elder finished speaking, he winked at a few nearby villagers and turned away.

Lin Hong walked into the wooden house, knowing he was being guarded by them.

"Many of them are in the realm of true immortals, and there are two in true immortal Dzogchen." The heart demon said at this time, with amusement in his words.

No matter how high the realm was, he couldn't use the power of immortality, he was just a more powerful mortal.

"There is a treasure chest~www.readwn.com~ just 100 meters underground in the house."

When Lin Hong lay on the bed, the demons suddenly said.

Is it a treasure box again?

Lin Hong jumped out of bed with a carp, looked at the wooden floor, hesitated.

If you excavate directly... the villagers will be angry, right?

The purpose of coming here by myself was to understand more about this heaven and blessed land, but I had not had time to ask.

He raised his hand and took out a shovel: "It's fine to cover it with a bed then."

"Hey, is there a sound of digging in the house?"

"Think too much, how is it possible?"

Outside the house, two villagers were guarding all around, not paying much attention to the movement inside the house.

In their opinion, as long as the people in the house don't come out and make trouble, the rest doesn't matter.

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