I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 648: A person with no veins

"I obviously hid things very concealed, how could it fall into that person's hands?"

The blood red treasure chest couldn't help but get the way, and the rest was found, but it was a helmet.

The waves in the river are rough, and from time to time there are a few fish splashing.

"Nothing is impossible." Lin Hong shrugged and walked all the way along the river bank. Finally, he found the old man who was fishing.

He sat by the river, holding a fishing rod in his hand, letting the wind blow and rain, no matter how fast the river was, he didn't move.

"That... old man?"

Lin Hong walked over slowly, showing embarrassment, secretly saying that he was at least a hundred years old.

The old man suddenly heard: "Yu'er, fish, you'll be hooked."

Lin Hong gently shook his head, took out a bottle of white wine and opened it. In a moment, the aroma of the wine wafted out.

"Oh, it's just a mere drink."

The old man snorted, although he said so, there was already a faint saliva from the corner of his mouth.

"Lin Yi, come over and drink with me." Lin Hong took out a table and put it down, greeted Lin Yi to come over.

"I... I want to drink too."

The blood red treasure chest wanted to join in the fun and jumped directly onto the table.

Lin Hong took out a few glasses and poured out three glasses of wine: "Let's not get drunk or return today."

As he said, he secretly took out the secret sauce and sprinkled some in the wine.

"Good wine!"

In a moment, the smell of wine moved the old man.

"If any good-hearted person is willing to exchange for the artifact helmet, the wine tube is enough." Lin Hong smiled lightly.

This **** is really a lion's mouth...

The old man suppressed the gluttons in his stomach and fished himself. He has caught a few in so many days.

"It's delicious, don't you think?" Lin Hong took a sip and looked at the blood red treasure chest.

As for Lin Yi, as a puppet, he can't get drunk at all, and he doesn't have any special feelings.

"It tastes great, it's even better than fairy wines."

The Blood Red Treasure Chest admired that if he could drink this kind of wine, it would be worth it even if he was locked up for hundreds of years.

"Just blow it, it's just wine." The old man drooled, but said disdainfully.

One hour passed quietly.

"You really can bear it..."

Lin Hong looked at the old man and found that his saliva was already running out.

The old man snorted: "I have never seen wine, I am not interested in wine!"

"Is that right?"

Lin Hong waved his hand, and hundreds of bottles of wine appeared on the table in an instant. They opened them one by one and sprinkled them with the secret sauce. In a moment, the fragrance was overflowing.

I can't bear it anymore!

The old man rushed forward, picked up two bottles of wine and poured them into his mouth.

However, the wine bottle in his hand suddenly disappeared, and there was no time to drink.

He looked dumbfounded: "Wine, where is the wine?"

Not only that, but the rest of the drinks on the table are also gone.

"You just hand over the helmet."

Lin Hong smiled faintly, stood up and put his hands behind his back.

"I want a helmet, there is no door..." The old man took out the soft sword casually and looked at Lin Yi, "Since you don't give it, then I will grab it!"

He is a relatively greedy person. The storage ring is good, but it is not that important, but the storage ring with wine is different.

"Lin Yi!"

Lin Hong frowned slightly. Soon, Lin Yilan stood in front of him, staring at the old man without turning his eyes.

"I'm coming too!" The blood red treasure chest flew in the air.

"The talking box is really strange... let you see what it is called Juemai Sword Art."

The smile on the old man's face gradually became weird.

Lin Hong's complexion condensed, and he took out the Yingying Sword and took a half step back: "I heard that seniors like martial arts, how about you and me?"

Although the pure strength is not comparable, but the sword tactics... you don't necessarily lose.

"Hahaha, do you think you can beat me?"

The old man was amused and thought it was too absurd.

"Nothing is impossible."

Lin Hong chuckled and released Jian Tu Cangtian.

As the Chengying Sword flew up, the old man was not calm: "This is the Dugu Sword Art?"

"With eyesight, can the kid ask seniors for advice or two?"

Lin Hong squinted and chuckled. The swordsman only looked at sword moves.

"Ask for advice... My father went to seek advice from Dugu for defeat, but he died under his sword." The old man's expression gradually became gloomy.

There are many enemies that Dugu seeks to defeat, and almost any of the elders and ancestors of Jian Xiu have died in his hands.

"Ah, I don't have anything to do with Dugu's defeat, I just learned his sword art."

Lin Hong quickly clarified the relationship.

The old man's expression gradually eased: "You and I will try, whoever stabs the other side first and wins, it is feasible?"


Lin Hong handed over, after finishing speaking, let Lin Yi and them get out of the way.

"Is this... okay?" The Blood Red Treasure Chest was a little worried, and even more frightened.

Unexpectedly, he was still carrying the old Slayer God's Dugu Sword Art, what exactly did it come from?

"No problem at all."

Lin Hong said indifferently, facing the old man.

"Lin Hong."

"Liang Guang."

The two introduced each other, and then remained silent.

Lin Hong raised his hand and held the Yingying Sword in his hand: "If you want to come, senior should know my sword skills~www.readwn.com~Of course, so you will definitely lose."

Liang Guang said lightly, confidently.

"That..." Lin Hong chuckled, standing the sword in front of his chest, and muttering the word Daojian silently.

A giant sword exuding Dao Qi condensed from the sky and suddenly lowered.

After cultivating to a certain level, there will be Dao Qi, this kind of thing is mysterious and mysterious, and can drive Dao Fa.

"This is not in the Dugu Sword Art!"

Liang Guangben was cautiously guarding the sword flashing like a dragon or the flash of sword light, and he was shocked.

Lin Hong smiled lightly: "Who said that you can use Dugu Sword Art?"

When the words fell, he threw the Shadow Sword in his hand and recited the Taoist scriptures silently.

I saw Chengying Sword one transforms into two, two transforms into three, and three transforms into ten thousand.

This is already his limit. If Dao Fa is more diligent, he can call out one hundred thousand, one million, or even ten million, depending on his understanding of the way.

Liang Guang was caught off guard by the giant sword that was lowered in the sky, and then he was surrounded by thousands of swords.

"Don't underestimate me!"

However, he did not intend to concede defeat. As a person with a deadly bloodline, he has been walking against the sky in his life, so how could he lose to a little baby? !

"Ding-ding-dang-dang--" Lin Hong backed away a few steps with the sound of a rapid collision.

Liang Guang quickly swung the soft sword in his hand at such a fast speed that no sword could approach and stab him.

"A neat sword move."

Lin Hong frowned slightly. This time the content of the comparison was who stabs the opponent first. He thought that such an offensive could be easily won while he was not prepared, but he didn't think it would lead to a stalemate.

"He is a person with no veins. What he does is his body, and his movements are fluent. It is difficult to stab it..." The heart demon commented.

"What is a person with no veins?"

Lin Hong frowned slightly and didn't understand this.

The heart demon said: "I just can't cultivate immortals, but can only find another way to become stronger through refining."

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