I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 649: Above the real fairy

Liang Guang's movements were almost so afterimages appeared, there were no flaws in his whole body.

When Dao Sword lowered, he stared wide-eyed: "Ha—"

"this is……"

Lin Hong frowned slightly and found that his whole body began to swell.

"Should be some way to increase strength." Inner Demon said.


After Liang Guang said, a strong aura was aroused from his body.

Tens of thousands of long swords were blasted off, turned into a shadow-bearing sword and flew back to Lin Hong's hands, while that sword was cut in half by a sword.

"As expected, senior...excellent."

Lin Hong frowned slightly, swallowed and spit, and raised his hands to applaud.

Liang Guang put away his sword: "I lost."


Lin Hong looked confused, he had no other means other than Dugu Sword Art. For him, he should be able to win easily.

Unexpectedly, Liang Guang waved his hand: "I am far inferior to you at your age."

Not only that, he is exhausted.

No matter how strong the body is, there are limits, not to mention that such an old man like him is no longer glorious before.


Lin Hong has nothing to be humble.

"Boy, you want a helmet, right?" Liang Guang sat down cross-legged, his tone gradually calming.

"Please also seniors to cut love."

Lin Hong nodded and waved to release a bunch of food and drinks.

Liang Guang picked up the bottle of wine: "Ahem..."

He wanted to say something, but coughed violently.

"Senior, what's the matter?"

Lin Hong stepped forward and patted his back lightly.

"I'm getting older, and I'm a little strenuous in casual activities." Liang Guang's words were full of helplessness, "I have kept the helmet for my whole life. You can give it to you, but I have to promise me a condition."

"Just say it."

Lin Hong nodded directly and agreed.

Liang Guang drank a bottle of white wine in his stomach: "I am greedy, but what I am greedy for is peace... The helmet appeared in the past and it caused a **** storm. For peace, I can only carry a hidden mountain forest... You can, but don't let it go. Cause a fight."

"Okay, I promise you."

Lin Hong nodded his head, only then understood the truth of many things.

"I'll take these things." Liang Guang smiled relievedly, and after saying that, he took out a bag and packed away the food and drinks.

"He has run out of time... This time I am afraid that he will not survive for a few days. This is the sorrow of the person who has no blood."

The demon said suddenly.

Lin Hong was stunned, and Liang Guang pointed to the distance: "There is a quagmire over a hundred kilometers away, and in the middle of the quagmire is my house. After going in, digging down, you can dig out a treasure chest. What you are looking for is inside. "

After he finished speaking, he laughed, ready to spend his last days free and easy.

"Senior..." Lin Hong took out a heavenly sacred fruit.

"This, this is?!"

In an instant, the smile on Liang Guang's face gradually disappeared, turning into a stupor.

Lin Hong smiled faintly: "The baby that allows you to start cultivating."

"Hey...it's useless, this horrible place cannot be cultivated, and there is no spiritual energy."

Liang Guang turned and sighed. As a person with no blood, Heavenly Sage Fruit is an absolute treasure, but it is too late.

"Then leave this place." Lin Hong said with a chuckle, "Senior, please go to the lake. When I find the helmet, I will take you out."

"This? Let's not say whether it is true or false. I have clearly killed you several times, why should I be so good to me?"

The old face of Liang Guang was filled with puzzlement.

"It depends on your greed, but peace is greedy." Lin Hong gave the heavenly sacred fruit and turned away.



Although there are more than a hundred kilometers, it didn't take much time because of the speed sign and the blood red treasure box.

"Sacred Fruit... Sacred Tool..."

When I got there, the blood-red treasure chest was shattered, and my heart became more and more frightened.

These are all precious treasures, why are they like worthless **** in his hands, or even given away at random?

Lin Hong came to the quagmire and frowned: "What a big quagmire."

It is estimated to be thousands of kilometers wide, no wonder Liang Guang wants to set up his home in the middle of the quagmire. Not to mention not knowing the location, even if he knows it, it will be difficult to pass.

"I can't take you to fly over, there are many monsters in the pool, that will attract their attention."

The Blood Red Treasure Chest spoke at this time, and it was justified.

"I didn't count on you." Lin Hong cast a glance at it, then exhaled, "I don't know... whether it will work."

"What can I do?"

The blood red treasure chest was puzzled, but he saw Lin Hong take out Zhang Fulu and stick it on his body.

In an instant, he saw his whole person gradually disappear: "Can you still see me?"

"Invisible? This... If it does something bad, is it too simple?"

The blood red treasure chest can't help but get the way, no matter what you do, you can do it without knowing it.

"How strong is the monster in the quagmire?" Lin Hong took off the talisman and asked the blood red treasure chest.

"Probably it is the realm above the realm of Dzogchen Dzogchen, able to easily jump thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters."

Seeing that he reappeared, the blood red treasure chest replied while surprised.

Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows: "The old man must have a way of the past. I would have asked if I knew it a long time ago."

No matter how bad it is ~www.readwn.com~, people also know a safe road that leads directly to the center of the quagmire.

Now if I go back and ask, it’s too late, and time will be wasted in vain. In that case...

He released the flying saucer.

"What's this? Somewhat familiar..."

The blood red treasure chest faintly remembered, as if thousands of years ago, occasionally such magic weapons would fly around.

"Let's go in first." Lin Hong finished speaking, took them into the flying saucer, and took out a new invisible talisman.

"Can this... work?"

The inner demon uses the system to detect it, and raises questions at the same time.

Lin Hong shrugged and pasted the invisible talisman on the flying saucer. In a short time, the flying saucer gradually disappeared with them.

He heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, we are even invisible."

If only the flying saucer is invisible, they will be embarrassed if they are still there. More importantly, there are only two or three invisible talisman, which cannot be used indiscriminately.

"I can't see you anymore."

The blood-red treasure chest remained motionless in place.

"Shhh... don't make any noise." Lin Hong started the flying saucer, and in an instant, they appeared at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

"Quick! What is this?"

The blood red treasure chest was taken aback, it was almost comparable to the speed of his heyday!

Lin Hong frowned slightly: "Shut up, if the monster finds out, I will chop you up and feed it to the dog."

At the moment, the blood red treasure chest no longer made a sound, but stared at the ground 10,000 meters below, shocked.

Lin Hong controlled the flying saucer to fly to the center of the quagmire, his eyes rolling downward involuntarily.

All kinds of terrifying monsters, even... there is a giant monster with a length of tens of thousands of meters.

"That kind of giant monster beast has broken through the realm of true immortality."

The inner demon couldn't help but speak, he could talk casually, after all, only Lin Hong could hear it.

"Above the true immortal, what realm is it?" Lin Hong pondered for a moment before finally asking this question that he wanted to ask a long time ago.

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