
   Suddenly, the world quieted down.

   A thunder with a width of ten meters descended, making the world tremble.

   Lin Hong squinted his eyes, unavoidable: "The demon, if I die, don't hate me."

   "I won't hate you, but your apprentices and those confidantes are not necessarily the same."

   The heart demon said, his tone was steady, and he forcibly suppressed his nervous emotions.

   At this moment, everything has been eclipsed, only the red thunder is eye-catching and exudes a breath of death.


   Thunder descended and enveloped the East Emperor Bell.

   Very far away, Liang Guang led Lin Yi and them back quickly, for fear of being affected.


   "It hurts..." Inside the East Emperor's Bell, Lin Hong's clothes were torn apart, his long black hair was dancing in the wind, and his eyes were blood red.

   "Hold it up, you must hold it up!"

   The heart demon cheered for him.

   Outside the East Emperor Bell, it was all red, which meant that they were still in the thunder.

   One second, two seconds...

   Every second is suffering!

   At this moment, the red god's eyes exerted force, and the transmitted pressure was more than doubled in an instant. At the same time, it was accompanied by an unnoticeable weird force.

   "Crack it—"


   The sound of broken bones gradually came out.

   Lin Hong gritted his teeth: "I can't kill me this time, and when I become a god, I will set you off!"

   He believes that he can become a **** after all, but there is still a long way to go.

   "Boom boom boom——"

   seems to be because of being ridiculed, whether it is the power of Thunder or the coercion of Red God's Eyes, they have strengthened again.

   I don't know when, Lin Hong is already half of his body sunken into the ground.

   "Ah!!!" he yelled, every cell was suffering damage that it shouldn't have.

   "Quickly, think about the things that make you angry..." The heart demon was paying attention, and said in a panic, "The earth is gone! Destroyed by the Lord of the Undead! The child is gone, it was bombed by the thunder of this day!"

   After saying that, I regretted it a little bit.

  Because, Lin Hong smiled lightly, the blood red in his eyes almost escaped, and the murderous aura began to spread.

   The body of killing, fully open!

   He resisted the pressure of Red God's eyes and pulled his leg away from the ground: "My child... is gone?"

   "Awake and sober, I just want you to enter this state!"

   The heart demon discovered that he was almost able to withstand the current attack with ease. He was delighted but worried.

   As everyone knows, these are all caused by the weird power of the red god's eyes, which makes people temporarily lose their mind.

   "Child..." Lin Hong murmured softly, the red light in his pupils gradually gathering.

   "Hey! Sober up!"

   The heart demon roared, however, it had no effect.

   Lin Hong hadn't heard of it, the white of the eyes in his eyes gradually turned red, and the pupils were so black that it was frightening.

   "Fuck it, don't be fooled, listen to me!!" The inner demon shouted again.

   "It's far from that simple."

   Very far away, the blood red treasure chest looked at Lin Hong's direction, thoughtfully.

   The three-layer vision can not be sustained by a divine weapon alone, but also a spiritual test. In other words, it is not that he himself wants to be enchanted, but the way of heaven makes him enchanted.

   Lin Hong whispered softly: "System, teach me the Cthulhu Contract."

   "System, don't give it to him!"

   The heart demon was stunned, and quickly yelled at the system.

   However, the system gave out the Cthulhu contract very obediently.

   "Great Cthulhu?" Lin Hong tried to say, but he couldn't help but show contempt, "Cthulhu, get out now, I want to sign a contract with you."

   "Roar? What an arrogant mortal..."

   A voice suddenly came, and then I saw a woman's figure out of thin air.

   She is graceful and graceful, holding a pipe in her hand and a mole on the corner of her eye.

   "Are you a god?" Lin Hong completely ignored the situation outside the East Emperor Bell.

   "Little handsome guy, hurry up and express your desires."

   Cthulhu chuckled lightly, with a strong temptation in his words.

  The heart demon said at this time: "Who are you talking to?!"

   Only those who sign the Cthulhu contract can see the Cthulhu, he can't see it at all.

   "I hope, tear this sky apart!"

   Lin Hong said, the corners of his mouth raised, and the whole person has been in a hazy state since just now. To put it bluntly, he is delirious, and he doesn't know what he is doing.

   "Interesting...so interesting, it's really difficult." The Cthulhu took a cigarette, embarrassed.

   I wanted to kill this guy who was always bad at his own good, but he made such an interesting wish.

   "Hurry up, give me strength."

   Lin Hong walked to her, raised his hand to pinch her chin, and said very aggressively.

   Cthulhu slightly frowned: "Are you molesting God?"

   As she said, she suddenly felt that Lin Hong was so familiar, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Give me strength!"

   Lin Hong raised his hand and held her in his arms. It was just a phantom after all, without any real power.

   "Hey, you are very weird now!" The heart demon said loudly, completely helpless.

   "That's it for you...Then, the first task, breathe out."

   Cthulhu put his hand on Lin Hong's chest, with a thoughtful smile on his face.

   Lin Hong exhaled.

  In a short time, his strength rose to the late True Fairy stage.

   "Second mission, breathe out."

   After the evil **** said, Lin Hong did it again, and his strength became a fairy king.

   "The third task... kiss me, if you dare." Cthulhu suddenly laughed.

   "What dare not?"

   Lin Hong kissed directly, even putting his hands on her waist and slowly downwards.

   Cthulhu's eyes widened and suddenly disappeared: "Asshole! When you return to the position of God, I will never make you feel better!!!"

   After she finished speaking, she was never seen again, and Lin Hong is now more powerful than ever.

   "It's over~www.readwn.com~ It's over."

   The heart demon doesn't know what the evil **** said, but he knows that the contract has been signed.

  Once the contract is signed, one after another will get the task, even if the desire is fulfilled, the task will still be assigned...until death.

   Putting away the Eastern Emperor Bell, Lin Hong was in the red thunder, his expression unchanged.

   Raising his hand, he released his immortal power, and he withstood the red thunder abruptly.

   "So strong." The heart demon was shocked and quickly used the system to probe.

   [The current value of the host's power is:? ? ? 】

  Because Lin Hong’s celestial power has exceeded the maximum limit of the system, it cannot be detected.


   The heart demon is even more desperate.

   This power does not belong to him, it will eventually be returned to the Cthulhu with his life.

   Suddenly, Lin Hong touched his feet and rushed towards the sky: "Today, I will tear you up this day!"

   "Fuck, are you crazy!?"

  The demon yelled at him, if he had hands and feet, he would like to slap him.

   And in the blood red treasure chest in the distance, they were all surprised one by one.

   Take the red sky thunder back abruptly?

   And... have to tear this day? ?

   Today's Lin Hong doesn't know what he is doing. He is completely half-dreaming and half-awake.

   Fortunately, I'm not really fascinated!

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