"Hey, hey, calm down!"

   The heart demon roared loudly, however, what he said was completely ignored.

   Lin Hong is approaching the top of the sky, unleashing a monstrous celestial power. In an instant, the situation changes and the world eclipses.

   "Boom——" He punched out, and the red clouds scattered all over the sky.

"Be careful!"

   The heart demon said again, and found that the Red God's eyes exuded more powerful pressure.

   However, Lin Hong punched it fiercely: "Like to watch?!"

   Immortal power gushes out, the Red God’s eyes are directly shattered, and at the same time, a hole takes its place.

   "I can really...but why?"

   Very far away, Liang Guang looked at the hole in a daze.

   It turns out that the sky can be punched out of the hole, can it be torn apart?

   At this moment, his worldview was impacted, and the whole person sat down blankly, silent for a long time.

   "What's so strange?" The blood red treasure chest looked very indifferent.

   "Master, strong!"

   Lin struggled to speak, staring at Lin Hong in the distance, struggling.

   Even though he has a sane, his loyalty has never lost half a point.

  Pure black holes are hanging on the horizon, and most of the entire middle area can be seen. Their reaction is similar to Liang Guang's, and they are all astonished.

   The demon was like coaxing a child: "Okay, the sky was broken by you, go down now."

   "I want to'tear' this day to pieces!"

   Lin Hong floated toward the hole, raised his hand, and suddenly tore it.

   "Are you obsessive-compulsive disorder?!" The demons couldn't help but yell.

   But let him say anything, Lin Hong has torn off a slap in the sky.


   [error, unable to detect]

   The heart demon tried to detect the fragments of the sky with the system, but found nothing.

   Lin Hong put the fragment of the sky into the storage ring, and was about to tear it again, but suddenly stopped and took a few steps back.

   I saw an eye appeared in the hole.

   is not the eye of the **** when it breaks through the true immortal, but there is a ‘human’ on the outside and it is peeping inside.

   "Run! What is this?!"

   The heart demon roared loudly, his voice almost hoarse.

   The corners of Lin Hong's mouth raised up: "Interesting."

   "It means your sister, run!" The heart demon shouted again, really going crazy.

   "Disturb the order, die!"

   The voice came from the hole, and then Lin Hong was hit hard in the chest.

   life was gone, he was beaten up and flew away.

   One kilometer, five kilometers...

  80,000 kilometers...


   During this time, the life-saving necklace on Lin Hong's neck shattered.

   I don’t know how long it took, he fell into a sea, and was shot ashore by the waves.

   "Ka——" The life-saving bracelet shattered, and the heart that almost stopped beating suddenly became full of vitality.

   "Almost died!"

   The heart demon shouted angrily, but Lin Hong had completely fainted.



   Time changed, a little girl came to the shore, saw him, and approached curiously.


   The little girl didn’t panic: "Big brother, are you dead?"

   "Hey, wake up, someone is coming!"

   The demon yelled, but he was taken aback and suddenly said, "Is he unable to hear me?"

   From the time of breaking through the real immortal, Lin Hong has never paid attention to himself, which is very strange!

   "Not dead..."

   The little girl sniffed, turned and ran away.

   "Hey, can you hear me or not?" The demon said again.

   "The head hurts." Lin Hongyou woke up, just about to move, but there was a burst of pain, "What's the matter, why can't I move?"

   "Your body is almost scrapped, the Slaughter Body was beaten to shut itself down, and the Xianli Pool was even shattered!"

   The mind demon said and sighed.

   "Who am I...?" Lin Hong didn't hear the words of the inner demon at all, and his face was blank.

   "I am amnesia!??"

   The demons groaned down, feeling upset.

   "It's here, uncle... come here quickly."

   The voice of the little girl came, and several adults.

   Soon, Lin Hong was carried away by the people who came.

   "This armor is quite heavy."

   "Boy, don't be afraid, we are here to save you."


   Those adults are talking and laughing.

   Lin Hong looked dumbfounded: "Excuse me...Do you know who I am?"

   "Big brother, we don't..."

   "Cough! You, you are the second cow in our village."

   The little girl was about to say something, but the adult on the side coughed slightly.

   "Don't believe him!" The demon screamed hard.

   "My name is... Niu Er?"

   Lin Hong nodded weakly, unable to hear what the inner demon said.

   On that day, the Red God's eyes exuded strange power, in order to make him enchanted, but the reason for enchanting was to improve his strength.

   But because of this, he halfway chose a more effective Cthulhu contract.

   The results were mixed. Even though he got rid of the eyes of the Red God, the strange power still remained in his body, blocking the communication between him and the inner demon.

   The adult nodded: "Yes, we will send you to the village doctor."

   "I can't remember many things."

   Lin Hong was at a loss, and even forgot what was going on with this armor.

   "Xiao Ning, when he is healed, you can take him to reminisce, understand?" One of the adults looked at the little girl.

   There is no way, except for children, everyone has something to do.

   "Hmm... I know Uncle."

   Xiao Ning nodded lightly, seeming a little scared.

   The heart demon suddenly said: "You can reactivate the Slaughter Body as long as you kill!"

   At that time, everything will be solved, and the memory will come back. This is the answer given by the system!

as long as……

  Kill the individual!

   "I'm a little hungry..."

   However, Lin Hong couldn't hear him at all, so he groaned in his stomach.

   Xianlichi shattered, which is equivalent to becoming an ordinary person. In addition to being much stronger than ordinary people, he can no longer condense the immortal power~www.readwn.com~ forbearance, and wait for you to eat pie. "Those people said, and finally came to the village doctor's house.

   "It's okay, it only takes about ten days of cultivation to work on the ground, yes, the body is quite strong."

   When Lin Hong lay on the bed, the village doctor quickly responded.

   Then, he was taken away from the armor and sent to a small wooden house, and was told that this was where he lived since childhood.

   "Weird... so clean." Lin Hong glanced around and found that the whole house looked like no one had lived in it.

   "Yes, guess it, those people are lying to you!"

   Seeing this, the mind demon cheered for him.

   Lin Hong pondered for a moment: "It seems that my Niu Er loves cleaning very much!"

   Seeing this, the mind demon felt helpless.

   "Brother, I'm here to bring you food."

   The door was opened and Xiao Ning walked in. She was holding a large pie with fish in it.

   "Well, can I trouble you to feed me?" Lin Hong was so painful that he couldn't move, so he could barely open his mouth.

"of course can."

   Xiao Ning sat on the edge of the bed and tore a small piece of fish into his mouth.

   Lin Hong chewed twice at random and swallowed: "Thank you."

   "That...I am your sister."

   Xiao Ning lowered his head and said the identity of the villagers.

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