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Lin Hong guarded Xiao Ning behind her, frowning.

Just now... I am so fast, what's the matter?

The villager's face was grim: "It turned out to have two shots, but it's useless! The village chief will definitely punish you!"

After he finished speaking, knowing that there was no life left, he stood up and rolled off the fishing boat.



Xiao Ning was very scared and hugged Lin Hong.

In the sea, the villager looked grim: "I am waiting for you in hell!"

Gradually, his whole body sank into the sea, and no sound was heard again.

"Don't be afraid, we are safe, just dead."

Lin Hong gently stroked Xiao Ning's head without any fear or fear.

After that, we will rectify and move on.

The goal now is simple, to stay away from the village and live.

As the rain was still falling, Lin Hong threw out his fishing nets, feeling uneasy: "Can the village chief really find us?"

In any case, he is also a fairy, if he is caught by him, it will be difficult to handle.

"Yes, because you all have his mark."

Suddenly, there was a voice, and a girl holding a pipe suddenly appeared in the air outside the bow.

"Who are you?!" Lin Hong looked dazed, and quickly backed away.

"Oh... Amnesia? It deserves it~"

The Cthulhu fell backward, as if leaning on an invisible sofa.

Lin Hong couldn't help asking: "Do you know who I am?"

"Brother, who are you talking to?"

Xiaoning noticed the strangeness, and was frightened.

"Can't you see her?" Lin Hong stared at the evil god, chills behind his back.


Xiao Ning stared at the empty front, not even half of the flies could be seen.

Cthulhu said with interest: "I am too lazy to explain. In short, you signed a contract with me before and must complete the task I gave you, otherwise I can take your soul and control your body."


Lin Hong protected Xiao Ning behind him, and at this moment, it happened to be clear.

"It depends on you, Lin Hong, who signed this contract with me." With a wave of the Cthulhu's hand, a contract appeared.

"Lin Hong? What's up with me in his signing?"

Lin Hong said this, and led Xiao Ning back to the shed.

Cthulhu was stunned, then waved his hand to dismiss the contract, and said angrily: "Dance for me! Dance for an hour!!"

"Don't jump, you can kill me if you have the ability."

Lin Hong glanced at her, a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"You have no room to resist..." Cthulhu waved his hand.

Suddenly, Lin Hong came to the bow of the ship and began to dance a weird dance involuntarily.


Xiao Ning looked dumbfounded, completely unaware of what happened.

Lin Hong stared at the evil god: "What did you do to me?!"

"It is clearly stated on the contract that you can be assigned unlimited tasks by me and controlled at will."

The Cthulhu spoke lightly, the smile on his face even worse, causing him to start dancing weirder.

"You..." Lin Hong was forced to dance ballet for a while and street dance for a while. The whole person was not good, and he couldn't help glaring at him.

"I haven't reported the last hatred, so dare you to be aggressive with me?"

Upon seeing this, Cthulhu clenched his small fist involuntarily.

Lin Hong couldn't help asking: "What hate?"

"Just...huh! Dance and sing for me until I'm satisfied!"

The Cthulhu couldn't open his teeth, and his fist clenched tighter.

Lin Hong began to sing, singing and dancing.

Xiao Ning watched intently: "Brother is so handsome..."

"You really have admirers everywhere, since ancient times."

Cthulhu glanced at Xiao Ning and raised his eyebrows.

"Since ancient times? Contract, show me the contract!" Lin Hong suddenly remembered something.

Throw away the other things first, if it is really a contract signed before I amnesia, then it must have my own name on it!

"Stop it." The Cthulhu first raised his hand, and then threw the contract.

"My name is Lin Hong?"

Lin Hong was able to stop, raised his hand to catch the contract, and saw that his name was clearly written on it.

Xiao Ning tilted his head: "Brother, what are you looking at?"

"Looking at a pile of useless shredded paper."

As Lin Hong said, he directly shredded the contract on hand.

"You are really shameless as always." The demons couldn't help but say.

"Like to tear? I still have it here!"

On the other side, Cthulhu seemed to be a little angry, waving his hand, and a contract began to appear all over the sky, directly covering the entire sky.

On each of these contracts, the two characters Lin Hong were clearly written!

Lin Hong was helpless: "Then you should help me cure my amnesia, don't you think of it?"

"No, it's more interesting this way,"

Cthulhu chuckled lightly, and then began to assign tasks.

Steal the Dragon Ball from the Dragon Palace!

Lin Hong was silent for a while, then continued to cast the net.

A place you haven't heard of, a thing you haven't heard of, whoever loves to go to whom.

"You have at most one month...Hey, did you hear that!" Cthulhu said, seeing him ignore him, and said indignantly.

"did not hear."


When Lin Hong answered casually, the Cthulhu was almost beaten by an angry punch.

"Brother, who are you talking to?" Xiao Ning stepped forward eagerly.

"A bad girl, a girl who is so name is strange enough."

Lin Hong said it very seriously.

Upon seeing this, the Cthulhu became even more angry: "You are so wide? Call me master!"

"the Lord……"

Lin Hong said half of his words, and stopped abruptly, resolutely not to say the other half.

"Hey, don't be fooling around." Suddenly, a voice that only Cthulhu could hear fell from the sky, "I have just been a **** for three years, have you started teasing seniors?"

"Obviously he took advantage of me first!"

The Cthulhu looked aggrieved towards the sky, tears almost falling.

The voice came again: "It wasn't you who made the offer at that time? In my opinion, it is clearly a disadvantage."

Hearing this, the evil **** clenched his fists in anger, but couldn't refute it.

"No need to call my master."

For a long time, Cthulhu looked at Lin Hong, who was flushed.

Lin Hongru relieved his burden and exhaled, almost calling out.

The feeling just now was very strange. In addition to my own willpower, there seemed to be an inexplicable power to keep me from opening my mouth.

"Anyway, Dragon Palace, Dragon Ball!"

After the evil **** said, he was depressed, his figure gradually disappeared, and he was ready to find someone to call the shots.

Lin Hong wiped the sweat off his head: "Sister, do you know where the Dragon Palace is?"

"It seems to be a royal city of the Sea Clan. It is rumored that it is under this sea area, but no one has confirmed it."

Xiao Ning thought for a while, and he really knew something about it.

Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry, how could he and others dive into the water, I'm afraid he would have drowned before reaching the bottom of the sea.

"Brother, it's getting dark, let's get to the beach first."

Xiaoning looked at the yellowed horizon and suggested.

The sea at night is too dangerous, and if you are not careful, there will be no way to survive.

Lin Hong nodded: "Okay..."

Reefing the sail and fetching the oars, he rowed to the shore, and after a while, he reached the place.

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