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   The latest website: Stop the boat, and the night falls quietly.

   Sitting on the shore with Xiao Ning, eating the food caught during the day, Lin Hong looked around: "It's so dark..."

   Although not to the point where he can't see his five fingers, it's almost the same.

   "Brother, can we escape?"

   Xiao Ning subconsciously leaned against his side, with worry in his eyes.

   "It will definitely be possible." Lin Hong said seriously, then closed his eyes and rested quietly.

   Fortunately, although it is desolate here, it is safe and free from monsters and monsters.




   I don't know how long it has been, but suddenly, a loud noise came from the sea.

   Lin Hong opened his eyes and saw that it was a huge swimming fish jumping out of the water, at least tens of thousands of meters in length.

   He quickly picked up Xiao Ning and ran to the opposite direction of the sea.

   "Brother, what's the matter?" Because of the bumps, Xiao Ning rubbed his eyes and woke up.


   Lin Hong didn't say much, and at this moment, the huge fish in the sea fell back to the surface, splashing water.

   But this splash is a huge wave of hundreds of meters high for humans!

   The huge wave came straight to the shore, first breaking the fishing boat, and then straight to Lin Hong.

   "Brother, the boat is gone!" Xiao Ning screamed.

   "We are almost gone, just leave them alone, okay?"

   Lin Hong couldn't help but smile. He looked back and found that the huge wave was getting closer, but only a few meters away.

   Subconsciously, he showed Ta Xue Wuhen.

   The speed is so fast, the distance from the huge waves is instantly opened!

   Xiao Ning was stunned: "Brother, you are so fast."

   This elder brother whom I recognized by chance is very mysterious, but what is certain is that he was definitely a master before amnesia!

   "How come this sounds a little strange..."

   Lin Hong muttered softly, then stopped and looked around.

   The huge wave just reached his feet and sank into the sand.

   "There is a fish over there!" Xiao Ning pointed to the distance.

   That seems to be a very big fish, because it is too far away to see clearly.

   "Let's take a look, at least there is food..."

  Lin Hong hugged her and walked away. There was a headache. The boat was gone and the fresh water was gone. What should I do for the rest of the day?

   "Brother...It's a mermaid!" Xiaoning suddenly said as she got close.

  Different from the earth, many legendary creatures in the fairy world are real, including the mermaid in front of them.

   "Strange, why are you a little excited?"

   Lin Hong continued to approach, but muttered in a low voice, surprised.

   The mermaid is really beautiful. When they came closer, they were all taken aback, and they were silent.

   Lin Hong hesitated for a moment: "Sister, do you guess the mermaid's meat is good?"

   The situation is already like this, no matter how beautiful it is, it can only be destroyed by hand.

   The mermaid's closed eyes suddenly opened, and they were full of bright light, which was very moving.

   "It shouldn't be delicious..." Xiao Ning blinked.

   "I'm a mermaid, you guys want to eat me??"

   The upper body of the mermaid is a human, and the lower body is a fish tail. At this time, she is holding her chest, covering the spring, and the words are full of incomprehensible charm.

   Lin Hong shrugged: "Do you prefer to be eaten raw or cooked?"

   "You, you guys, ah..."

   The mermaid howled and burst into tears, and finally escaped, but was going to be eaten?

   "Brother, my head is dizzy." Xiao Ning covered his head.

   Lin Hong was also confused, it would be better to stay away.

   "So you are just ordinary people?" The mermaid stopped crying and became arrogant, "Quickly, lend me the clothes."

   "What happened to ordinary people?"

   Lin Hong hugged Xiao Ning and backed away again. Although he didn't understand the characteristics of this mermaid, etc., from the cry just now, it was definitely threatening.

   The mermaid still clutched her chest: "Lend me the clothes..."

   There was already a little threat in her words, it was obvious that she would fight if she didn't give it.

   "So, why are you naked?"

   Lin Hong pondered for a moment, took off his clothes and slowly approached it.

   "It's not because the waves were too big just now..." The mermaid stopped abruptly when he said that, and didn't continue to say, "Quick, take me away first!"

   I saw that the huge fish in the distant sea emerged.


   Xiao Ning was so scared that she began to tremble.

   Lin Hong pondered for a moment, stepped forward and grabbed the mermaid's arm, and ran away.



   I don't know how long it has been before, and arrived at a stone forest.

   There are tall rocks everywhere here, telling of loneliness and desolation.

   The mermaid was very excited and put on her clothes: "Is this land? Finally escaped!"

   "Are you not afraid of us at all?"

   Lin Hong casually threw her on the ground, holding only Xiao Ning.

   "Pain..." The mermaid bit her lower lip, "Human, do you know Lianxiangxiyu!"

   "Where is the fragrance? Where is the jade?"

   Lin Hong deliberately patrolled left and right, and then pretended to have found nothing.

   The mermaid angrily picked up a stone and threw it out: "I'm very powerful. If you dare to do this, I will be angry!"

   "However, you can't even walk, let alone resist."

   Lin Hong raised his hand to catch the stone, pinched it hard, and the stone instantly shattered into debris.

   "This..." The mermaid suddenly curled up in fear, "Even on land, you can't beat me!"

   "Brother, mermaids are very weak on land. I heard that some young people can't beat ordinary people."

   Xiao Ning blinked at this moment, and said.

   The mermaid heard the words: "It's not!"

   After she finished speaking, she sang loudly, the voice would confuse people's mind.

   But actually... Lin Hong just felt a little confused, nothing more.


   The mermaid turned to shout, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com's neck is red.

   Helplessly, Lin Hong stepped forward and raised his hand to cover her mouth: "If you call it again, you will be eaten."

   The mermaid closed her mouth quickly when she heard the words, but it was strange, why didn't her shouts have any effect on him?

   "Brother, I'm so dizzy."

   It was Xiao Ning, who fell asleep in a daze.

   "It seems good for you to use it to help sleep." Lin Hong stared at the mermaid and said lightly.

   "I am a nobleman in the sea, so I use me as a sleep aid tool?"

   The mermaid is very angry.

   "What about the nobles, you have thrown yourself into the net, and have you not let me do anything?"

   Lin Hongping put down Xiao Ning, then looked at the mermaid, rubbing his chin and thinking.

   "You, what are you going to do?" The mermaid covered her chest, "Do you dare to think of anything wrong, the sea clan is your enemy!"

   "The tone is not small... so to speak, your position in the Sea Clan is not weak."

   Lin Hong had a smile in his eyes, and Zhengshou couldn't go to the Dragon King Palace. If it were her, there should be any way.

   The mermaid nodded earnestly: "Yes, I am the princess of the mermaid tribe. There are hundreds of subordinate races alone!"

  Among them, the murlocs I have ever met are one of them.

   "Leave you alone, take me to the Dragon Palace."

   Lin Hong raised the corner of his mouth and made this condition.

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