Not long after, they came to the Hai Clan restricted area.

Although no one will come here, but because of the Dragon King's franchise, there is no problem.

Lin Hong pondered, "Shall we go directly?"

"I just arrest people and don't care about the rest."

The old turtle said, swimming faster, and reached the shore within a few minutes.

"Wow..." Camilla opened her hands, "Grandpa Turtle, will you take me to the land of creatures to have fun?"

"Then my old turtle may be caught to make turtle soup."

After the old turtle finished speaking, he looked at Lin Hong who was sitting on his back.

Lin Hong knows: "I will show you the way."

Soon, they went straight to the village.

Even on land, the speed of the old turtle is not slow, it only took a very short time to get to the vicinity of the village.

"Hey, it's late."

The old turtle sighed.

"What?" Lin Hong turned into a human form with a dazed expression, jumped down and ran into the village.

"This guy didn't even take me."

Camilla pouted, somewhat unhappy.

The old turtle was silent before saying: "It seems that you have a very good relationship with him."

"It's not good, he is so stubborn, he doesn't listen to advice."

Camilla blushed, picked up her shoulders, and looked away.

"You were also very stubborn in your previous life, and you don't listen to anyone." The old turtle suddenly recalled the past.


On the other side, Lin Hong searched the village, but no one was found, and the whole village was empty!

He then jumped to a house next to him: "Is there anyone else?!"

The voice was loud and spread throughout the village.

There is no answer.

Obviously, there is no one in the village anymore.

Armor and weapons are missing.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly and sat down, looking at the old turtle who had jumped beside him: "Sorry, I will take you a trip for nothing."

"It doesn't matter to me, but then you will be locked in."

The old turtle showed a pity and shook his head gently.

"No way." Lin Hong smiled bitterly. For a month, just thinking about it was a headache.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect you to be a human being."

The old Turtle said suddenly, with a little coldness in his words.

Lin Hong backed away quickly: "This..."

"Don't worry, I won't break through you. The Mermaid Pill, the Mermaid Palace should be enough for you to eat for a lifetime."

The old Turtle gave a cold snort and didn't intend to tell the matter.

"Thank you, Grandpa Turtle." Camilla hugged it.

"What shall we do now?"

Lin Hong was a little undecided for a while.

The old turtle thought for a while: "One is to go back first, you are locked up, and the other is to lie that you have killed the other party, and you are safe.

He spoke out all the current methods, nothing more than telling the truth or making up nonsense.

"A it okay?"

Camilla asked tentatively, knowing that if the false report was successful, then Lin Hong would be spared from prison.

"No problem, people don't know it." The old turtle nodded lightly.

This kind of thing is a bit risky to put it bluntly, once it is found out, everyone present and even the Dragon King will be implicated.

But this can only be done.

After all, there is no mermaid pill to eat when in jail.

When Lin Hong came out of the prison and was found to be a human being, he would end up miserably.

Although the sea clan is not at odds with the terrestrial creatures, it is almost the same.

"Then... Then I'm sorry Grandpa Longwang!"

Camilla gritted her teeth slightly and decided to lie.

Lin Hong pondered for a moment: "Why don't you listen to me?"

"That's the case, I have already done everything, and there is no need to go back to the Sea Clan anymore."

When he saw Camilla nodding with the old turtle, he said directly.

"This..." In an instant, Camilla opened his mouth, "Are you going to leave?"

"Well, I don't belong to the Sea Clan. When you say that you are still innocent, it can be regarded as a make up."

Lin Hong smiled bitterly and nodded, and then asked if he could bring Xiao Ning over.

"No!" Camilla didn't answer, but the old turtle said suddenly.

"why is that?"

Lin Hong looked confused, but was trapped by the water cage that suddenly appeared.

The old turtle's expression was faint: "Do you think that the mermaid's cohort is quite appropriate, don't you think it's inappropriate?"

"You may have misunderstood, my marriage to her is a fake marriage."

"Fart! How can it be false to declare things in the world?"


Lin Hong looked confused, but at the time he was talking about fake marriages.

"Child, don't cry first." Old Turtle said suddenly, looking at Camilla who was in tears, "Grandpa Turtle will help you!"

In this sea area, Camilla has always been a treasure, with fear of turning, holding it for fear of falling, how can she be sad now?

It doesn't even matter to deceive the Dragon King!

The selection has begun.

The demons are still watching the theater, and the choices they make today confirm the future.

Lin Hong sighed and realized that he couldn't break through the water cage at all.

Camilla finally said: "Grandpa Turtle, let him go... I believe that he will not like staying with me in the Sea Clan."

After she said this, she was even more sad, and the tears couldn't stop, you are still you, unchanged at all, still that stupid kid. "

The old turtle suddenly laughed. It seemed absurd, or maybe it was funny.

It turned out that the mermaid princess of the previous generation, in her previous life, had also made choices. As a result, even the answers were almost the same.

"This?" Camilla burst into laughter when she heard about this. "But I won't be so stupid, waiting for a man for thousands of years."

"Maybe, but you did that abruptly in your previous life. You chose to let him leave, but you waited. It's really contradictory."

The old turtle sighed long.

Suddenly, Camilla froze in place: "Choose...choose?!"

She suddenly realized, isn't she just making choices now?

Wait, the human being who has been in contact with him... isn't it just Lin Hong?

"It turned out to be like this, you are the ‘bad guy’! I have waited for thousands of years in my previous life, but there is no news!"

Camilla stared at Lin Hong, unable to cry.

Lin Hong was silent. In fact, he had already had this conjecture a long time ago, but he had been buried in his heart and passed away.

Unable to verify...

After all, I am amnesia. It's hard to say what I have been like.

Camilla raised her hand. As mentioned before, she wanted to slap the ‘bad guy’ but couldn’t get it.

"Hit it, if you are comfortable." Lin Hong sighed with a wry smile.

"That way you will hurt, and my heart will also hurt..."

Camilla retracted her hand and covered her chest, with a tired smile on her face.

The old turtle has lived for so many years, and of course he understands what is going on: "No wonder the mermaid king will let you marry."

If this is not the case, there is no need to find someone to marry, just say that you are married. Who can do with him?

It can be determined that the mermaid king did it deliberately!

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