"Why it came out like this?"

Camilla raised her head to ask the sky, but how could she give her an answer this day?

Lin Hong pursed his lips: "I will come to find you often in the future."

"From now on, Wannian? Huh?"

Camilla looked at him, tears in her eyes slipping from time to time.

"Princess Mermaid, with all due respect, he is no longer the same person he used to be. He has probably been reincarnated, and has been reincarnated many times." Suddenly, the old turtle said.

After all, Lin Hong himself is less than 20 years old, how could he have contact with the former mermaid princess?

He can still see through these.

Camilla didn't speak, but smiled a little more sadly.

"We should go back..." Suddenly, the old Turtle's complexion condensed.

After he finished speaking, he took Lin Hong and others straight to the Dragon Palace.

"Hey, let me down!"

When he came into contact with the sea, Lin Hong instantly turned into a mermaid again and roared.

The old turtle was unmoved: "This is the order of the Dragon King, I can't violate it."

"Grandpa Long Wang? What did he say to you?"

Camilla asked quickly, somewhat puzzled.

"He asked me to take you back." Old Turtle said so, and then remained silent.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly and frowned, still being locked in a water cage.

Dragon Palace.

All the way back, he was forced to meet the Dragon King.

"Sorry, we..." Lin Hong gave his hand.

"I already know, you don't have to say much, Prime Minister Turtle, you **** them back to the Mermaid Palace."

The Dragon King shook his hand lightly, then turned around and sighed for a long time.

Old Turtle took the order, took Lin Hong and others, including Xiao Ning, to leave, and went straight to the Mermaid Palace.

Camilla was puzzled: "Grandpa Turtle, what happened?"

She looked haggard and distressed.

"The Dragon King owes your father his life. If your father speaks, the Dragon King will naturally not help."

The old turtle said with a smile, looking amiable.

"In other words, it was the mermaid king who asked me to go back?" Lin Hong finished with a wry smile, and looked at Xiao Ning, who was also locked in the cage. "Sorry, it hurts you. The things here are more complicated."

"It's okay... Since being rescued by her brother, Xiao Ning has been content, and it doesn't matter what she gets."

Xiao Ning Tiantian smiled and was eating.

"When I see Dad, I will explain to him." Camilla sat on the old turtle, hugging her legs.

"Let's talk about it then."

Lin Hong had a headache, it was terrible to not remember what he had done, and he didn't even know what he hadn't done.

The old turtle said at this moment: "Your father will probably imprison him forever."

"Eternal life... imprisoned?"

Lin Hong opened his mouth wide, somewhat incomprehensible.

"Why?" Even Camilla was full of questions.

"It shouldn't be difficult to understand. He spoils you, so naturally he won't make you sad."

The old turtle said lightly, let alone something like this that might be sad for a thousand years?

Camilla pursed his lips: "I won't be sad because of such a human being, absolutely not."

"Princess Mermaid, you have a sad face when you say this."

Old Turtle looked up at her and smiled again.

"That...that's just because my friend is leaving, so that's why." Camilla rubbed her face, but she was still sad.

"how do you feel?"

Lin Hongzheng closed his eyes, and suddenly a familiar voice came from his side, it was an evil god.

He looked over: "Not very good, very bad."

"I think so too... In fact, I was forced to give you the previous tasks."

Cthulhu scratched his head as he spoke, as if he felt embarrassed.

"Is there a difference, I am not your doll?" Lin Hong sighed, then looked away.

"It's the contract you want to sign with me, and I didn't force you."

The Cthulhu spread his hands, looking very innocent, as if he was cheap and still behaved.

Lin Hong turned and said, "Who asked you to give me those tasks?"

Obviously, everything was premeditated from the moment I let myself into the Sea Clan.

Even meeting Camilla was a secret arrangement.

"A senior of mine."

The Cthulhu didn't say it clearly, but he curled his lips when he mentioned that person, obviously the relationship was not very good.

"No matter, it's useless to ask more now, I'm going to be locked up forever." Lin Hong smiled bitterly.

"The predecessor said that this is your sin, your fruit, you must bear it, otherwise you can't go further."

"Further? My Xianli Pool is broken..."

"The method is always more troublesome. You are the fairy king now, as long as the Yuanlichi recovers~"

After the Cthulhu finished speaking, he gradually dispersed.

Lin Hong frowned: "The fairy king? When?"

"Brother, why are you sick again?"

Xiao Ning suddenly threw himself into his arms, crying and choking.

Always talking to oneself alone, what is this disease? !

"I'm not sick..." Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry.

"What's the disease?"

Camilla swam directly into the water cage, showing concern.

Lin Hong said again: "I'm really not sick."

"No, you are sick, let me take a closer look."

Camilla glared at him, and then gradually moved closer, putting her mouth close to his ears: "Knock me up soon~www.readwn.com~ you know?"

"We are in the Mermaid Palace."

Suddenly, the old turtle spoke.

At this time, the mermaid in the mermaid hall stood neatly in two rows, and the mermaid king swam from the mermaid hall, wearing a crown on his head and holding a trident.

"Hurry up!" Camilla said upon seeing this.

"You guys don't come here."

Lin Hong gently tapped Camilla's neck, wrapped her in her arms, and then said.

The mermaid king is still approaching.

Camilla said, "Dad, don't come over again, he will kill me."

"He won't, and he won't be."

The mermaid king said lightly, came to the water cage, waved his hand, and the water cage dispersed.

"You are so insightful as a torch." Lin Hong let go of Camilla, "if you have anything to say, please."

"Stay, I can give you everything you want."

The mermaid king said so.

Lin Hong shook his head: "I have something to do."

"The land is no longer alive, and the number of lives has plummeted. You used to only increase casualties!"

The mermaid king frowned slightly.

The Cthulhu contract broke out on a large scale, and nearly half of the people became bodies and became slaves of the Cthulhu.

"It doesn't matter what the fairy world is, I have to go back and do what I have to do." Lin Hong said, a pain in his head.

What is the so-called important thing? He can't remember it, but it must be important.

"Dad, let him go, I would be happy without him."

Camilla smiled hard, but a tear came from the corner of her eyes.

The mermaid king shook his head: "Is it worth it?"

Don't be willing to suffer for yourself, for others.

"If he is unhappy, how can I be happy?"

Camilla exhaled, shook his head slightly, and left directly.

"I'm leaving first..." The old turtle turned and left, not participating anymore. After all, it was a family affair.

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