"Boy, don't you have anything to say?"

When the old turtle left, the mermaid king stared at Lin Hong with complicated eyes.

Lin Hong shook his head: "Listen to everything."

Everything is natural, everything is Tao.

There is nothing to say, nothing to say, just let the flow go.

"It's a good arrangement for you, come on..."

The mermaid king suddenly paused in the middle of speaking, and he didn't know how to arrange it.

If you let him go, your daughter will be sad.

If you don't let it go, your daughter will also be sad.

Thinking of this, he had a headache: "You go and comfort my daughter. If the comfort is good, I won't punish you. If it's not good, even if you let you go, I will let you leave something."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Hong's lower body.

"I won't let you hurt my brother!"

Although Xiao Ning was puzzled, he stopped in front of Lin Hong.

"I'm going now." Lin Hong had a chill, "Xiaoning, let's go."

All the way to the princess's bedroom, there was no obstacle, and it was easy to reach.

"How can this kid know the way?"

The mermaid king who was watching all this held the trident tightly, a little angry.

But soon, it was relieved...

The princess's bedroom.

Camilla lay on the bed: "What are you doing here?"

"Look at how ugly you cry."

Lin Hong walked into the room and looked around, but Xiao Ning did not come in quite knowingly.

"I'm not ugly!" Camilla bit her lower lip and wiped away her tears.

"Really~ Then don't cry, let me see how you look beautiful."

"Have you seen it many times?"

"Ah~ Headache...no, I am amnesia again."

Lin Hong covered his head, looking funny.

Camilla was amused involuntarily: "Hate! So cunning, it made me laugh."

"That's right, you look amazing when you smile."

Lin Hong went over and rubbed her head.

"I look good at all times, ‘worried man’, there must be many women outside you." Camilla shook her head suddenly and stared at him vigilantly.

"Should... I haven't remembered that yet."

Lin Hong rubbed his head and smiled bitterly.

Camilla heard the words: "In other words, in your memory now, I am the only one, right?"

"Yeah that's right."

Lin Hong chuckled and nodded.

"So I'm satisfied." Camilla smiled and lay on the bed.

At least, he only has himself in his heart these days.

"Silly girl, I promise, I will come to you in the future."

Lin Hong exhaled, it was time to say goodbye.

Camilla nodded, "Well, I believe you."

"Xiaoning will always be your sister-in-law."

Xiao Ning swam in at this time and hugged Camilla.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly, and after some time, it was finally time to leave.

Listening to the meaning of the mermaid king, the immortal world has been messed up, if you really are the immortal king, it will be very useful to go back.

"Brother, where will the village chief and the others be?" After leaving the Mermaid Palace, Xiao Ning felt a panic of fear after learning about the village chief and others.

"Don't be afraid, although the strength of that necromancer is not weak...but I am not easy to bully."

Lin Hong exhaled deeply, his Taoism is definitely not weak, and with so many things in the storage ring, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with him.

Riding on the dolphins dispatched by the mermaid king, they headed straight for the land.

Xiao Ning said happily: "I can finally go back!"

Although the seven days have not yet arrived, this trip to the Sea Clan is truly amazing.

"Are there any places you want to go?"

Lin Hong asked tentatively.

"Um... Yes, my home is still there. I was caught in the village after running away from home." Xiao Ning nodded, and then looked sad, "Mom and Dad must be worried to death."

"Don't cry, I'll take you there, do you remember how to go?"

"Well, remember!"

Xiao Ning wiped away her tears and nodded heavily.

Not long after they arrived on land and bid farewell to the dolphins, they turned back into human form and went straight to the distance.

Before leaving, Lin Hong looked back at this sea area: "Camilla, don't worry, I will definitely come back to find you."

It doesn't matter whether the person who made her wait for thousands of years in her previous life, whether she used to be, is not so important.

This is a promise, a promise that will be kept!

Unfortunately, not long after they left, the sun went down and plunged into the dark night.

"Brother...I'm so thirsty."

Xiao Ning was holding Lin Hong's hand, sweating.

"Let's rest for the night, and then make plans." Lin Hong nodded lightly and found an open place to sit down casually.

"Well, it's better to have feet."

After sitting down, Xiao Ning took off her shoes and rubbed her feet with her hands.

Lin Hong thought she was cute and took out a bottle of water: "Here, drink water."

"...Brother, you talk like that, so... it's hard to say a word"

Xiao Ning looked at him with disgust in his eyes.

"Cough, if you drink it or not, I will take it away." Lin Hong coughed lightly.

"what is this?"

Xiao Ning took the mineral water and blinked, a little puzzled.

Lin Hong chuckled, "You can drink it just by twisting it."

Speaking of which, I don't know which domain I am waiting for, which is really a headache.

"Can't unscrew..."

Xiao Ning twisted the water bottle hard~www.readwn.com~ completely ignoring the lid.

Lin Hong took out a bottle of water again: "Twist it like this."

He unscrewed the lid, which seemed to be the first time drinking water in so many days.


Not long after, Xiao Ning finally drank the water into his stomach, lay down and let out a long sigh of relief.

"We have gone a long way." Lin Hong raised the fire, "I guess we can get to the place you said the day after tomorrow."

"Um... wait, where did the water come from? Where did the wood come from?"

"Don't worry about these details."

"Well...wow! The night is so beautiful today~"

Xiao Ning looked at the sky, suddenly opened his mouth wide, and put his hand out.

The graceful starry sky is dotted with stars, there are no clouds at all, it is simply beautiful.

At this moment, a bird's song came, and then there was a burst of wind.

Before Xiao Ning could react, the outstretched hand was caught by an eagle's claw and was taken into the air.

"Xiaoning!" Lin Hong was startled, raised his hand to take out the bow and arrow, and draw the bow.



"Hahaha, even if you are a little capable, how can you beat me?"

The arrow was blocked, and a frantic voice came from the eagle. It turned out to be the village chief. He stood on the eagle, holding a sickle.

Lin Hong gritted his teeth: "What do you want, **** old thing?!"

"What? Now her life is in my hands. If you want to go back, just follow me!"

The village chief sneered and finished, controlling the eagle to fly away.

Lin Hong followed closely: "Damn...Xiao Ning!"

"Brother...Save me!"

Xiao Ning choked, her eyes red.

All the way forward, they finally came to a stone formation with a tall pillar in the center of which was an eagle's lair.

"Why is it familiar here?" Lin Hong stared at the pillar and found that the pattern on it was familiar, so he was puzzled.

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