"Please forgive me...I am so old that I don't want the sect to be ruined in my hands."

   The master of the door burst into tears, but he wondered whether he would ever be beaten in his heart.

  A Lin Hong, a little girl who looks charming, and a foolish guy holding a box.

   Among them, Lin Hong should be the strongest, after all, he is the strong one who has torn the sky.

   But why would such a strong one use teleportation array? The speed alone is already faster than the teleportation array, right?

   He had a bold guess, so he tentatively asked: "Master Lin, is there something wrong with your realm?"

   deserves to be an old fried dough stick, simply guessed Lin Hong's situation.

   "So what?"

   Lin Hong said with great interest, and secretly stopped Baihua Fairy and Lin Yi who wanted to do something.

   "Hehe... since I admit it." The master sneered, "All the disciples listen to the order!"

   He changed from the poor old man just now to the leader of the disciples today.

   "Are you planning to do it?"

   Lin Hong is not in a hurry, with his hands behind his back.

   The master nodded: "Otherwise? I still want my Tianhexuan treasures, it's really crazy."

   After he finished speaking, he directly ordered many disciples to rush to kill.

   "Do it, don't leave one."

   Lin Hong finished speaking and closed his eyes.

   Lin rushed out fiercely, the coercion of the strong immortal monarch made the faces of many disciples present.

   The master of the door opened his eyes wide: "How come?!"

   This kind of stupid stuff turned out to be a strong Xianjun, so God is blind!

   "You pretending guy..."

   Fairy Baihua was already angry. He was already soft-hearted, but when he saw that he was just pretending, he was even more angry.


   Not much time, there are not many disciples left in Tianhexuan.

   The sect master knelt down there, severely injured: "It's over, it's over, you demons!!!"

   "A good name."

   Lin Hong smiled lightly, and slowly approached him.

   "You must not die." The host raised his head and looked at him, gritted his teeth, full of resentment.

   "In the next life, don't mess with me again."

   Lin Hong drew out the Shadow Sword and slowly retracted it, but a human head had already landed.

   turned around, he led everyone to the Zongmen’s teleportation formation: "After I go back, I will set up a teleportation formation for the spaceship itself."

   In that case, you can send it casually, but it requires a lot of resources.

   But this kind of stuff...he doesn't lack it.

   The teleportation array was activated, and the scenery in front of them changed instantly.

   Northern Territory.

  When I came here, the air instantly became colder.

   "Let's continue on our way." Lin Hong released the spaceship, led the crowd to jump up, and headed away.



   Two days later, Tianhexuan.

   "Father..." When He Yun and Zhu An returned, he looked at the headless corpse and collapsed directly.

   "What happened?"

   Zhu An looked cold, but unexpectedly, when he went out, the sect was gone.

   Could it be an evil person?

   He Yun suddenly remembered something: "By the way, there are projection stones..."

   He came to a nearby stone pillar, raised his hand and patted hard, and a stone appeared directly.

   I saw that in the stone was the scene when Lin Hong led the people to slaughter the sect.

   "I want you to pay with blood, and I want Yuehua Immortal Palace to pay with blood!!"

   He Yun's eyes were about to split, and he carefully put away the stone. This will be evidence of the crusade in the future.

   On the other side, Lin Hong, who had just sailed to the Yuehua Immortal Palace, sneezed fiercely, "Strange...what's going on?"

   "Stop, Yuehua Immortal Palace now prohibits anyone from entering or leaving!"

   A voice suddenly heard from the guardian formation.

   "I can't even do it?" Lin Hong took the take-off boat, and led everyone to jump off.

   The blood red treasure chest and Lin Yi, Baihua Fairy had been put into the storage ring by him, with only Xue Qianhan and Zhuo Yaqin beside him.

   "It turned out to be the Young Sect Master?"

   Those disciples in the formation are all puzzled.

   Didn't the news of his death be sent back a few days ago? Why did this come back alive again?

   Lin Hong curled his lips: "If you don't let me in, then I will enter by myself."

   After he finished speaking, he swaggered and took Zhuo Yaqin and others across the guardian formation and walked into the clan.


   Those disciples looked at each other, and they all saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

  Yue Huaxian Palace's guardian formation originally had a "shengmen"?

   "Are the palace owners here? Who is in the palace?" Lin Hong let out a gasp.

   "Sect Master Hui, there are only three elders, she is dealing with sect affairs."

   One of the disciples arched hands.

  The heart demon said at this moment: "The situation is not optimistic, the resources in the Yuehuaxian Palace are already seriously insufficient."

   "Is that so... Let's go to the hall first and see the three elders."

   Lin Hong rubbed his chin and thought for a while, and led everyone to the main hall. After a while, he arrived at the place.

   faintly, there was an angry scolding: "This bastard, I've piled up troubles on me."

   It was the three elders, acting as palace lord, this kind of thing was fairly simple from the beginning, but now everything is enough to make people feel bad.

   "Ah...Three elders, long time no see, how have you been?"

   Lin Hong walked into the hall alone, coughing in embarrassment.

   I saw that the three elders now have a haggard face and unruly hair. It is obvious that they have not rested for a long time.

   The third elder raised his head and looked at him like a hungry wolf seeing the sheep: "You are finally back."

   From the beginning to the end, she never thought that Lin Hong would really die.

   "Don't get me wrong, elders, even if I come back, I don't bother to do sect affairs."

   Lin Hong blinked his eyes, talking calmly.

   "This is a task for you, to assess whether you are qualified to be the palace lord!" The third elder said again.

   "It's ugly~www.readwn.com~ Do you think I care about the position of the palace lord?"

   Lin Hong grinned lightly, the Xianli Pool had already recovered more than half, and in a few days, he would be enough to become a strong immortal king.

   This is undoubtedly exciting...

   "It doesn't matter whether you want to be or not. There are only the last two days of food left. The fairy stone reserve bottoms out and everything is over."

   The three elders smiled bitterly, and they no longer looked like that cold-hearted official business.

   She didn't know how tired the palace lord was until she sat in this position.

   Lin Hong chuckled, "I have a lot of these things in my pocket."

   After he finished speaking, he put his pocket in his hand, turned around, and took out the food and celestial stones in the hall.

   "Even...all of them are middle-grade immortal stones?!"

   The three elders stood up fiercely, and the dim eyes were full of brilliance.

   "These are the resources I got outside of this trip, donated to the sect to get through this difficult time." Lin Hong turned.

   "Good job." The third elder rushed forward, "Come on, move everything!"

   After a short while, the disciples began to move things, box by box. At this point, the crisis in Yuehua Immortal Palace was resolved.

   "Have they come back yet?" Lin Hong asked instead, somewhat puzzled.

   "It will take a few more days... and even if they come back, what can they do?"

   The three elders sighed long, a little heartache, just a few days ago, it seemed that they were much older.

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