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"By the way, haven't you already died outside?" The Third Elder asked instead, with great interest.

The outside world calls the gods, what is the strong man who tears the sky, what provokes the gods to be punished against the skywalker.

However, there is no exception in the end... it is all news of death.

"How is it possible? I'm not living well."

Lin Hong shrugged, isolated from the world a few days ago, it is normal to be regarded as dead.

At this moment, there were rushing footsteps, Shuyao and Xianghan.

Lin Hong pondered for a moment, then turned around to look: "Long time no see."

Shuyao was haggard, as if already crying a lot.

In contrast, Xianghan is much better, but not much worse.

"Fraud to death again! You... why don't you really die!" Xianghan released the dragon pig and threw it directly.

"I didn't say I was dead again."

Lin Hong raised his hand to catch the dragon pig, hugged it in his arms, and smiled bitterly.

Shu Yao: "It's fine if it's okay."

She fell to the ground like a big rock in her heart, and her eyes were gentle.

"It's not good, it's not good, the alliance formed by the evil men and the raiding regiment is attacking!"

Suddenly, a disciple ran in and knelt directly on the ground, showing despair on his face.

"What?" The third elder was in a good mood, and at the moment he clenched his fists, "How far are they?"

"Back to the acting palace lord, only tens of kilometers away"

The despair on the disciple's face was even worse, and for a while, silence filled the air.

For a long time, the three elders said: "Lin Hong, take orders!"

"The disciple is..."

Lin Hong handed over, always feeling a bit weird to be ordered by her.

"You took the elite disciples left in the clan and escaped from the back mountain. That's the road I took you there that day." The third elder carried his hands behind his back.

"Then what should you do with the rest of the clan?"

Lin Hong frowned, knowing that she was talking about personal transmissions and inner disciples.

But if so, what should the remaining outer disciples do?

The third elder exhaled: "We will buy you enough time, what are you waiting for, let's go."

If you don't leave, it will be too late.

"No... don't have to be so pessimistic, I have another way, give me half a day!"

Lin Hong gritted his teeth and went directly to the storage ring to find Fairy Baihua.

"What's the matter?" Fairy Baihua was a little dazed when he saw him appear.

"I'm sorry..."

Lin Hong hugged her directly, and then kissed her.

Fairy Baihua was flustered at first, and then obediently let him go.

Lin Hong asked frantically, even greedily, to quickly restore the Xianli Pool.

Outside the storage ring, Yuehuaxian Palace.

"Half a day...What does he want to do?" The Third Elder frowned.

"Three elders, trust him."

Shu Yao took a step forward, her beautiful face was full of trust.

Xianghan also said: "That guy is still very reliable at the critical moment, and won't make fun of Zongmen."

At this moment, Lin Yi and the blood red treasure chest suddenly appeared.

It was Lin Hongfang and the others who came out and told them to listen to the orders of the three elders.

"Who? Third Elder, me, help!"

Lin Yi scratched his head and said something confusing.

"Who is the third elder, we are here to help." The blood red treasure chest repeated, "Don't look at this guy as stupid, the realm of the fairy monarch."

"Xianjun?" The Three Elders' complexion condensed.

"It's must be fine in this case."

A smile appeared on Shu Yao's face, and now the realm is advancing by leaps and bounds, and she is already in the realm of fake fairy.

Xianghan clenched his fists: "I'm going to find the old monster and let him pass on my skills."

Because of obsession, she couldn't break through to the true immortal, but if there is the help of the old monster behind the mountain, the true immortal is not impossible.

"Don't be fooling around, when the time comes, steal the chicken and eat the rice again, and take yourself in."

The three elders directly refused, and then arranged.

Actually... there is nothing to arrange.

The total number of elite disciples is only 400, while the outer courtyard disciples still have 1,800.

Except for her, the only masters above the realm of true immortality are Lin Yi, who can only rely on the guardian formation for a while.

"If there is no good baby, I will kill you."

On the other side, 30 kilometers away from the Yuehua Immortal Palace, a man on a certain boat stared at the village chief and said coldly.

The village head hurriedly smiled: "How dare I lie to you?"

He deliberately pretended that there was only a realm of real immortality, and found the Alliance Army, with a humble attitude, in order to kill people with the sword.

The person in front of him was a high-level member of the Raiders League, commanding a team of hundreds of thousands.

Using this to deal with Yuehua Immortal Palace... is easy.

"Forgive you for not dare, ha ha, the little Yuehua Immortal Palace, I am afraid there are not many true immortals."

Master Xianjun sneered. His team included himself. There were three masters of Xianjun. Since its establishment, it has recruited many evil people, and it has burned, killed, looted, and destroyed hundreds of sects.

It can be said that even if it has the power to fight against the three major sects, let alone the small Yuehua Immortal Palace?

In the afternoon, the war is approaching.

For things like the Guardian Array, the Alliance Army’s approach is always to force a breakthrough.

As long as they suffer a certain degree of damage, no matter how strong the guardian formation is, it will Try not to let them get close to the formation! "In the Yuehuaxian Palace, the disciples attacked. However, looking at the attacking evil men's army, there was a burst of despair.

Is that the tide or people? There are so many and scary.

The originally clear sky became dark, making their hearts depressed.


When the evil men's legion was close, the formation was attacked frantically.

"I'm coming!" A roar came, and Lin stepped on the blood red treasure chest and flew directly out of the formation.

He descended from the sky and sent a palm to the evil legion.

Along with the shaking of the mountains, thousands of evil men were photographed into meatloaf, and he fell to the ground, stopped in front of the formation, and began to fight.

"So there are still masters in the palace?"

"Great... we work harder!"

"When the palace owner comes back, they will be saved!"

The disciples of Yuehua Immortal Palace boosted their morale and tried their best to meet the enemy, but the effect was still minimal.

Can you really hold it for a long time?

The three elders are also fighting, and some elite disciples and direct disciples have been arranged to go to the back mountain. Once the sect is broken, they will directly evacuate.

Inheritance cannot be broken!

And Lin Yi, who was killing him, ushered in his opponent.

That was a master fairy with a square head and face: "Kill you, I will enter the alliance high-level."

He is an evil person, and joined the evil army in desperation.

Even if he has the strength, he cannot become a high-level person because of his status.

But just now, he received the task, as long as he solves Lin Yi, he can become a senior!

"Kill you, protect the sect!" Lin Yi looked at him, clenched his teeth, and squeezed several evil people to death, just like ants.

"We are all poor people who are forced to do nothing...Why, why can't the world accept us?!"

The Fangtou Xianjun gritted his teeth, full of hatred.

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