Grilled fish?

The snow fox was asleep and opened his eyes instantly.

"Come here for dinner, the sun is tanning." Lin Hong put the food on the table, for two.

"There is no grilled fish here."

The snow fox jumped on the table and was disappointed to see that there was no fish at all, but his tail flickered and his mouth opened.

Lin Hong was speechless: "You can't eat by yourself?"

"But if I eat it, it will leave hairs in the dish."

The snow fox was very wronged and drooped his ears. Upon seeing this, Lin Hong suddenly softened his heart: "Then I will feed you..."

After dinner, the snow fox fell asleep in Lin Hong's arms again.

At this moment, the door was knocked.

"Enter." Lin Hong put his hand on the table and looked back at the door.

It was Su Xian who walked in. At this moment, her little brow wrinkled a little, as if something was on her mind.

Lin Hong saw in his eyes: "Are you unhappy?"

"Those people outside are all talking about me behind my back..."

Su Xian nodded.

Don't ask, this rumor will definitely spread since I saw that disciple in the morning.

Lin Hong rubbed his nose: "Don't meet the two of us, they will gradually stop talking about you."

"I don't want it! Will you accompany me to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion? Brother Xue Qi said, just let you teach me."

Su Xian shook his head. He also wanted Lin Hong to tell her more about the city.

"Teach you what, medical skills?" Lin Hong was a little curious about this so-called Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.


After Su Xian finished speaking, Lin Hong immediately smiled bitterly: "My master explained that you can't teach others anything, I can't violate it."

If I teach her, I will definitely reveal everything in minutes.

"Then learn together, hurry up, the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion will open in three minutes."

Su Xian was a little anxious, so Lin Hong had to hold the snow fox to keep up.

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is located to the east of the Medical Fairy Valley.

There are many bookshelves here, and the rows of books on them are faintly yellowed, obviously they are old.

There are many medical books on the table in the center, and Su Xian is slowly flipping through it.

Lin Hong also tried to immerse himself in it, but he couldn't understand at all, so he had to sit and pet the snow fox boredly.

"I said, for such a big Buddhist scripture pavilion, why are there only two of us?" Lin Hong looked at the empty surroundings.

"Only disciples of the Tibetan scripture pavilion can enter."

Su Xian turned a page with a serious expression

Lin Hong was helpless, so why did he let himself in, he was not a personal disciple.

After half an hour.

Su Xian put down the book in his hand: "Do you remember winning over Zize yesterday?"

"That kid is called Qi Ze?"

Lin Hong fiddled with the snow fox's ears, almost forgetting what happened on the martial arts stage yesterday.

"The Medical Fairy Valley has a medical hall and a martial hall. As long as you defeat the young hall masters of the two halls before the age of 26, you can enter the treasure house and take one thing!" Su Xian closed the medical book in his hand.

"Treasure house? What's in it?"

Lin Hong came interested.

Su Xian thought for a moment: "There are everything! Many novel things, the worst are the thousand-year medicinal materials!"

The things in this treasure house are a bit good.

"Qi Ze is the young master of Wutang, then I can go to the treasure house if I defeat the young master of the medical hall?" Lin Hong touched his chin and pondered.

"Wu Tang competes in martial arts, and the medical school compares to doctors. With your medical skills, you will definitely win."

Su Xian nodded seriously.

Better than medical skills?

Lin Hong was in trouble immediately, how could he be able to heal: "What is the specific comparison, do you know?"

"Medical knowledge or alchemy, choose one of the two."

After Su Xian answered, Lin Hong suddenly smiled.

He really knows nothing about medical knowledge, nor does he know how to refine alchemy, but he knows that he can definitely win.

Immediately, he exhaled: "I compare alchemy with him!"


At three o'clock in the afternoon, the familiar martial arts platform.

"This kid is really arrogant and arrogant. He defeated Senior Brother Qi, but still wants to win Senior Brother Liu?" A disciple frowned in the martial arts stage.

Two alchemy furnaces have been placed on the competition stage.

The young master of the medical hall, named Liu Xin, is the same as the Gu master, kind eyebrows and good-looking.

"Brother Lin, accept." He walked onto the stage with Lin Hong and arched his hands.

Compared with Qi Ze, Liu Xin is very stable, but he is a little older, and he is already twenty-seven this year.


Lin Hong bowed his hands in reply and sat directly in front of an alchemy furnace.

The elder stepped onto the stage: "The rules are very simple, refine healing pills, and the one with high quality wins!"

When he finished speaking, he stepped down and went to the stage. Two medical Xiangu disciples stepped forward and placed two medicinal materials beside Lin Hong and Liu Xin.

Liu Xin began to make alchemy.

There is one person in the alchemy furnace, and flames are burning in it. The herbs need to be prepared first, and then used to grind them into powder.

Just as he was about to put the medicinal materials in, he looked at Lin Hong curiously. It is said that this man has a good master, and he doesn't know what the alchemy skills are.

At this time, Lin Hong just picked up all the medicinal materials beside him and threw them into the alchemy furnace.

"Are you here to make trouble!?" Liu Xin, who had always been calm, stood up and shouted at Lin Hong.

"Don't be rude, maybe this is his unique way of alchemy."

Before the elder suddenly spoke, Liu Xin nodded and sat down again, but he felt insulted and felt insulted.

No matter what kind of alchemy method, it can't be so simple and rude, right?

Helplessly, he was about to put the herbal medicine into the pill furnace, but Lin Hong's voice suddenly came out: "It's a pill!"

Liu Xin looked surprised and saw that Lin Hong was holding a handful of pills in his hand.

" cheated!!" Liu Xin threw the herbal medicine in his hand to the ground, almost bursting out foul language.

How can there be such a thing? The simplest elixir takes at least half an hour to refine, how can it become an elixir so quickly! ?

Lin Hong buttoned his nose, looking very casual: "But I'm done."

"You..." Liu Xin wanted to say something, but the elder came to the stage and pressed his shoulder.

"He has no chance to cheat, I have been staring."

After the elder finished speaking, he was also surprised.

Before Lin Hong threw the herbal medicine in, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and when he stretched out his hand, there were more pills of these medicines, which was really amazing.

Could it be a long-lost technique? It seems that only this is possible.

The elder came to Lin Hong: "Please give me a pill to check."

He was also very curious about the quality of this pill.

Lin Hong handed him a recovery medicine.

The elder held it in his hand and looked at it repeatedly, and his face was shocked: "This is... the best medicine, but why is there no residual temperature?"

What was even more amazed to him was how this top-grade pill was refined from those common medicinal materials?  

"I pay attention to practicing alchemy and eating it now, and it's easy to burn my mouth when there is residual temperature."

Lin Hong stood up, put the rest of the recovery medicine into his arms, and secretly sent it into the storage ring.

How can he practice any medicine, some are just cheating.

"Are you cooking? It must be cheating if you practice and eat now!"

Liu Xin took a few steps forward, took the pill from the elder's hand, and looked at it repeatedly, making it more and more impossible.

Lin Hong shrugged: "You haven't seen it before, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That's it, I'm going to the treasure house."

When Lin Hong finished speaking, he turned around, but saw Su Xian standing behind him.

"You are amazing!"

As she spoke, little stars appeared in her eyes.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! Author's message: Please collect it! !

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