"So so." Lin Hong took the little fox in her arms.

"Teach me okay? If you don't tell me...accept me as a disciple?"

Su Xian had deep desire in her eyes, the only thing she loved most was Dan Dao.

"Go to the treasure house first, I'm still waiting to pick the baby" Lin Hong rubbed his nose.

If the owner of Gu knew that Su Xian had this idea, the expression would be wonderful.

"You still want to go to the treasure house? You are just an outsider, where is the qualification to go to the treasure house!?"

In the audience, the disciples where the sound came from scattered one after another, and the figure of Qi Ze appeared. He arrived with his son and mother in his hand and looked at Lin Hong, with a sarcasm smile at the corner of his mouth.

It's nothing more than an outsider, who can make him unscrupulous in the Medical Immortal Valley, is enough to give him face, and even want to go to the treasure house?

"Senior Brother Qi is right. What does the rules of Medical Immortal Valley have to do with outsiders?"

"I don't agree to give the treasure from Guzhong to outsiders!"

Seeing the surrounding disciples making a fuss, Qi Ze couldn't help but smile.

You stranger from outside, I can kill you just by using fallacy!

Su Xian was a little anxious: "Gu Zhong's rules didn't say that he must be a Gu Zhong disciple, so..."

"You stinky girl, don't think that everyone doesn't know that he is the man you stole, so you are looking at him everywhere!"

"Be generous to others, take things from the valley to your lover!?"

These people swear swear words, very uncontrollable.

They are holding back their grievances. Su Xian is an orphan picked up, but he is sixteen years old, has no background and is stupid, but has become a direct disciple, and they have been in the valley for more than ten years, but never for twenty years. Interrogated!

Liu Xin frowned on the stage: "Shut up all of you! I can't control the Wutang people. Anyone in the medical hall will send me back and copy the medical skills three hundred times!"

The booer calmed down, but no one left.

"This is what the disciple Gu said, Brother Liu Xin, is it possible that you are going to punish disciple Gu in because of an outsider? This is too chilling!"

Qi Ze's words were extremely straightforward, and all the disciples in the medical hall fell silent.

Indeed, their young hall master is just for an outsider, preparing to punish them.

Liu Xin raised his eyebrows: "Young Master Lin has a pill, which is worthy of respect from my generation. How can you talk badly?"

"Joke, you respect an outsider so much, but you don't respect the people under your hand, I think, you should change the position of the young master of the medical hall!"

Qi Ze hugged his shoulders and paused, the more he spoke, the more excited he was, the grinning smile on his face.

But only to hear, a faint voice came from leisurely: "He is improper, should you take it?"

"See the Valley Master!"

The disciples present, except for Lin Hong, even Qi Ze, who hadn't been able to slow down, knelt on the ground hurriedly.

This person turned out to be the owner of the valley!

Gu Lord approached, with a kind face, and touched his long beard: "Gu Zhong's rules don't limit outsiders."

"But Valley Master, Qi Ze is unwilling to give the treasures in the valley to outsiders."

Qi Ze knelt on the ground, raised his head, his face was stubborn.

Xue Qi, who was behind Gu Zhu, shook his head slightly. Qi Ze's martial arts talent is very powerful. As the peak of acquired martial arts at a young age, it is not impossible to step into the innate, and his conscience is too bad.

"Don't say anything else, Su Xian, take Lin Hong to the treasure house and pick a treasure."

The Valley Master waved his hand and threw a token, then walked to Qi Ze and knocked him on the head.

The token drew an arc in the air and flew towards Su Xian on the stage. Su Xian reached out to catch it and looked at Lin Hong: "Let's go?"

"Well, let's go now."

Lin Hong looked at Qi Ze sideways, feeling that the look he looked at himself was sinister... and mocking?

Lin Hong and Su Xian left, and most of the disciples dispersed, leaving only Wutang disciples, Gu Zhu and Xue Qi.

"Go to punish the disciple's Heart Sutra, three hundred times." After the master of Gu said, Qi Ze could only nod his head.

The Heart Sutra of Disciple is a book for self-cultivation.

Gu Zhu left after speaking, but Qi Ze still knelt on the ground, lowered his head, a fire in his heart gradually burned, filling his whole body.

Why, he is just an outsider, and he is a direct disciple, or a noble young hall master, why should he be punished for an outsider! ?

Gu Zhu left, but Xue Qi did not leave. He knelt down and patted Qi Ze on the shoulder: "I am your senior brother, I must persuade you not to be too self-willed."

After Xue Qi finished speaking, he sighed and left.

"I'm self-willed?" Qi Ze stood up, sneered at the corner of his mouth.

I can only say that you have no brains...

Time to act...


"Uncle Yu, Uncle Tang, please let us in." Su Xian took Lin Hong to the door of the treasure house and gave out the token in his hand.

The location of the treasure house is very conspicuous, just on the back mountainside of the Medical Immortal Valley.

"Xian'er, it's been a long time since you came to see our two old men."

Elder Tang was sixty-seven years old this year. He stood up and took the token. His old bones creaked, as if he hadn't been active for a long time.

He and Elder Yu are the administrators of the back mountain. In addition to guarding this treasure house, he also needs to manage the entire back mountain.

Su Xian smiled embarrassedly: "Uncle Tang, Xian'er has been learning alchemy!"

"Quickly follow me in." On the other side, Elder Yu had already opened the door, carrying his hands on his back, and walking inside.

This door is inlaid in the mountains, and there is a cave in it, which is very wide.

Elder Tang continued to guard outside, while Elder Yu led Lin Hong and the others into the treasure house, first of all in the dark corridor.

Looking at the hunched-back Elder Yu in front, Lin Hong was puzzled, and approached Su Xian: "If there are really bad guys, can the two of them hold the treasure house?"

His voice was very small, but he still let Elder Yu who walked in the front heard it.

Elder Yu did not change his face: "Old Tang and I ~ www.readwn.com~ are both congenital warriors. Although we are old, we can still guard the gate."

"I'm so sorry..."

Lin Hong scratched his head. Although he was only curious, he shouldn't talk about others later.

Walking through the corridor, there is another gate. Elder Yu walked forward, took out the key from his arms, and opened it.

"Crack—" The door opened, and there was a crisp sound.

Lin Hong couldn't wait to walk in with bursts of jewels rushing towards his face, dangling the golden light.

"Lots of babies!"

Lin Hong couldn't help exclaiming. There were gold mountains piled up here, and shelves were scattered, each one was five meters high. There were many grids in the shelf, and every grid was a valuable treasure.

Elder Yu smiled: "Five minutes, you can only get one piece, hurry up and choose it."

"Only five minutes?"

Lin Hong hurriedly ran through the treasure house.

A diamond with a big head? No, no, money is useless to me.

Exercises? It's not made by picking up garbage, so you can't master it directly!

After running for two minutes, Lin Hong paused and looked at the large piece of scrap iron piled up under the shelf beside him, which turned out to be fluorescent.

He looked at Su Xian beside him: "Isn't this a treasure house, why is there still rubbish?"

"This is not rubbish, but the East Emperor Bell, one of the ten ancient artifacts, which was on the same ember as the Xuanyuan Sword Jade in the First World War."

Elder Yu suddenly appeared beside Donghuangzhong.


"I want it!" Immediately, Lin Hong looked happy.

"You want this?"

Elder Yu was stunned, even Su Xian was puzzled, because no matter how brilliant the Eastern Emperor Bell was, it is now just a pile of waste copper and rotten iron.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content! Author's message: The contract has been up for almost a month, and the status has not been changed yet. It's really a headache...

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