"Killing you to death!" Seeing the blood red treasure chest, he ran into it directly.


At this time, he directly knocked the master of the profound door into flight.

The master of the profound door stepped back several tens of meters and stabilized his figure: "This..."

He was full of disbelief, wondering why a box had such strength.

"Are you ready to die here?"

Lin Hong chuckled lightly, rushing to the other fairy monarch realms, and the master of the mysterious gate handed it over to the blood-red treasure chest.

When he came to an elder in the realm of immortal monarch, without saying anything, he flashed his sword light: "Send you to the west!"

The sword light flickered, however, it stabbed countless swords.


The elder spurted blood, his face was blank, and he knelt down without strength, already dying.

"Retreat!" The Xuanmen sect master knew that the situation was wrong, and said quickly.

At present, it can be analyzed that the weird box is in the realm of the immortal king, and Lin Hong can kill the realm of the immortal king, it must be the immortal king.

In other words... the other two fairy kings!

Thinking of this, the Xuanmen sect master began to cover the disciples' retreat, holding the ice blue long sword in his hands.

"Sect Master, what should I do?!"

Some elders looked desperate, looked around and kept vigilant.

However, it is too dark here, even though some methods are used, only an outline can still be seen vaguely.

The enemy is in the dark, I am in the light, there is nothing to fight!

The master of the mysterious gate showed a cold light on his face: "You first withdraw..."

He is going to be really serious. As the master of one of the three sects, he naturally has the means of pressing the bottom of the box. It is not difficult to hit two.

"It seems that you have any useless moves."

Lin Hongjing stared at him quietly, but didn't rush to kill him.

If he was hated by the Xuanmen, although he didn't care, the Yuehua Immortal Palace would be broken.

"Ice!" The Xuanmen sect master said, the whole body began to emit a cold light, and at the same time, the ground and all places began to freeze.

This space was suddenly illuminated, a day, even vaguely dazzling.

"You see me clearly, then?"

Lin Hong is holding the Shadow Sword in his hand. Now, there are only a few of them left in this huge place, and all the people in the Profound Gate have already left.

"I want you to die." Xuanmen sect master said coldly, floating slowly, his eyes filled with blue and white light.

"Master, can you stand it up?"

The blood red treasure chest flew in front of Lin Hong at this moment and asked tentatively.

Because of the blood contract, if he died, he died too, it would be really bad luck!

Lin Hong chuckled: "It's not a fairy, of course it can withstand it."

"Then...I'll go on first!"

The blood-red treasure chest was ruthless and rushed directly to the master of the profound door.

"I don't know how to live or die." The Xuanmen sect master finished speaking in a cold voice, waving the long sword in his hand.

Suddenly, frost bursts, and the temperature in this space suddenly becomes colder again.

"Fancy bells and whistles!"

The blood red treasure chest opened, and inside it was a blood basin with a big mouth and countless fangs.

The master of the profound sect sneered: "It's just an evil thing, and I dare to be rampant."

When the two converged, the Xuanmen sect master showed frost all over his body, not moving at all, but the blood-red treasure chest ate a mouthful of icy slag. At the same time, he was hit by a sword and suffered serious injuries.

"It's too ridiculous, it won't move at all."

The blood red treasure chest flew back to Lin Hong's surroundings, and it was already slightly damaged.

"You will all die here today. It is an honor for you to die on the Ice Profound Jue of my Profound Sect."

The master of the mysterious door showed contempt, after he said, raised his hand, a handle of ice skates appeared out of thin air, a total of dozens of them, each of which was extremely large and sharp.

"Master, I have a bad feeling." The blood red treasure chest suddenly said.

"This guy is a bit capable..."

Lin Hong licked his lips and frowned slightly.

I thought it would be easy to fight two against one, but I didn't think it would be so difficult, and the sky was already bright, I couldn't perform a shadow fight at all.

The master of the Xuanmen Gate pushed forward, and the ice skates immediately waved at Lin Hong and the others.

The blood red treasure chest quickly said: "Master, let me protect you!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was surrounded by nine ice skates.

As for the other one, it went straight to Lin Hong.

"Let me see how good you are, and whether you are a real fairy king."

The master of the mysterious door sneered, seeing through something.

"I never said that I was a fairy king..." Lin Hong chuckled, and then used his sword to make a dragon. He came to the ice skate and chopped it to pieces. Then, without stopping, he used the sword to make a dragon plus a sword. flash.

He instantly appeared behind the master of the profound door, piercing the back of his heart.

"Sneak attack?" Xuanmen sect master sneered, "It turns out that this is your ability, it's really sad."

After he said, an ice blue frosty shield suddenly appeared behind him, blocking all the attacks.

"What the **** is Bing Xuan Jue?!"

Lin Hong frowned and backed away, cursing in his heart, and found that he had nothing to do.

The heart demon said at this moment: "It is the treasure of the Profound Sect's Zhenzong. It is very powerful. There are five parts in total, and this is just one of them."


Lin Hong swallowed and spit, suddenly a little greedy.

This turned out to be just one of the five parts? If so, what will happen after learning everything?

"Will die." At this time, the system gave him unexpected answers.


Lin Hong asked, staring at the master of Xuanmen.

The inner demon replied: "Similar to the five parts of wood, water, fire, and earth, the five parts interact with each other and are difficult to control, so even those who are capable of Xuanmen will only choose one of them.

"But I have a system that can make fine adjustments."

Lin Hong tentatively asked ~www.readwn.com~ indeed. "The heart demon replied after a moment of silence, "But you can't get the skill of others." "

"Think of a way first, it's really impossible...just hide your identity and go in."

Lin Hong whispered and finished speaking, looking at the blood red treasure chest, at this time, it had already destroyed all the remaining ice blades.

"Master, let's go together." The blood red treasure chest flew over and stared at the master of the profound door.

"Feel the fear from the ice."

But at this time, the master of the profound door was frantic, and the ice-bound degree of the entire space increased again, and the entrances and exits were directly frozen to death.

Lin Hong saw this: "Don't worry, I have a way."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the Donghuang Bell in his hand, no matter how fancy you were, you couldn't get out of it if you were trapped inside.

"You go get his attention and leave the rest to me."

Lin Hong turned to communicate with the blood red treasure chest.

"Okay!" The blood red treasure chest answered, and then flew directly to the master of the profound door.

"Come to die again?"

The master of the profound sect sneered, the sword in his hand was already covered with frost.

The blood red treasure chest flew back and forth: "Did you cut me down?!"

"you guess?"

The master of the mysterious door was calm in his heart, and with a wave of his hand, he cut the blood-red treasure chest.

"Hello...bye." A figure suddenly appeared behind him, it was Lin Hong holding the Eastern Emperor Bell.

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