"Another sneak attack..."

The master of the profound door said angrily, however, as soon as he turned around, he was locked in the Donghuang Bell.

Lin Hong chuckled: "Are you crazy again?"

He still has confidence in Donghuangzhong, even if he is the immortal king, it is impossible to break free.

Upon hearing the words, the master of the mysterious door slapped the Donghuang Bell vigorously.

As the bell rang, he hurriedly covered his ears, his face was stunned.

"Don't think about resisting, it's useless." Lin Hong breathed out and finished, the Eastern Emperor Bell began to freeze.

"Do you want to keep shrinking?"

Lin Hong frowned slightly, and tried to slap the Donghuang Bell but it didn't work at all.

The voice came from the East Emperor Bell: "I won't let you push it."

It was the master of the profound door, he sealed himself in this way so that he would not be harmed by sound waves.

"Then you just stay inside, what if you have been shut up for a lifetime?"

Lin Hong smiled and finished speaking, putting away all the remaining treasures.

"Master..." The blood-red treasure chest flew over at this moment, with scars on his body.

"Thanks for your hard work, just tell me what you want."

Lin Hong smiled lightly, now it is safe, as long as he evacuate again.

The blood red treasure chest thought for a while: "Is there any artifact?"

"This one is really there. Let's take it for you to play."

After Lin Hong finished speaking, he took out the fairy king whip. Anyway, this thing was useless to him.

"Awesome thing." The blood red treasure chest liked it very much, and he put it in his stomach and flew back and forth.

"Don't be stunned, we are going to withdraw."

Lin Hong smiled lightly, and walked straight to the exit with the East Emperor Bell, and broke the ice that sealed it with a punch.

The blood red treasure chest followed: "I feel there will be an ambush."

"What did you do to our doormaster?"

As he was talking, a shout came from some Xuanmen disciples, who had been waiting here for a long time.

"Your sect master has been taken prisoner. If you are acquainted, get out of the way quickly." The blood red treasure chest opened immediately.

"What, this, how is this possible?"

"The sect master was captured..."


The many Profound Clan disciples present were shocked, and even the elders began to be at a loss.

Lin Hong put away the martial arts suit and the imposing cloak, and said with a light smile: "Are you really going to stop me?"

For a time, there were many people in the Profound Sect, no one dared to stop.

"Call a master in the mysterious door to rescue me."

The voice suddenly came from the East Emperor's Bell, and it was the master of the Xuanmen Sect.

"Xuanmen is not just him in the Immortal King Realm?" Lin Hong was a little surprised, asking the demons in his heart.

"Of course, it's one of the three sects anyway, and only one fairy king is too shabby."

The inner demon replied, and the answer was reasonable and well-founded.

But at this time, those Profound Clan disciples ran away separately, in their opinion, as long as one ran back, they would be rescued.

However, Lin Hong didn't think about letting them go back alive, letting out Lin Yi: "Go, kill them, kill them clean."

"Yes, master!"

Lin Yi rushed directly, and the blood red treasure chest followed closely behind.

Not long after, screams came, and all the profound disciples died, and even the elders were not spared.

"How is it, do you feel distressed?" Lin Hong rolled his eyes to look at Donghuang Bell.

"You will pay for what you did today."

When the voice came, it was still the master of the Xuanmen sect, and his words were full of anger.

Lin Hong couldn't help but smiled: "Before that, I think it's because you didn't have the Profound Sect, or I was paid."

"Joke, my profound door has a long history and has stood for tens of thousands of years. How can it be lost because of you as a kid?"

The Xuanmen sect master sneered.

"Dang--" Lin Hong punched the East Emperor Bell, but only shattered some of the ice inside.

"You can't hurt me with this weird thing."

The Xuanmen sect master said lightly, at this time, the broken ice had solidified again.

Lin Hong saw this: "How about we do another business?"

"Don't do it."

"Is it uncomfortable to be trapped in the ice?"

"It's not uncomfortable."


Lin Hong stared at the expressionless Xuanmen sect master with a headache.

If he didn't let his guard down, he wouldn't even be able to collect the Eastern Emperor Bell into the storage ring.

After thinking about it, he directly asked: "Your practice seems to be pretty good?"

"It turned out to be the idea of ​​hitting my secret secret book in the Profound Gate Town, joke, hurry up and die of this heart."

The master of the profound door sneered, and said nothing again.

Lin Hong dragged the Donghuang Bell all the way, after walking out of the pothole when he came in, he paused.

"Are you trying to cut Hu?" Looking to the left, Shi Pengyun and others are there.

"No, dare not, we just came out."

Shi Pengyun hurriedly said, a few drops of sweat slipped on his forehead, the massacre of Lin Hong and others just now, they saw it in the dark.

And... it's terrifying to be able to capture the realm of the fairy king.

This makes them terrified, the person who wanted to use before turned out to be such a terrifying existence!

Lin Hong smiled lightly: "That's good."

He turned to release the flying saucer, took Lin Yi and the others up, and then went straight to the border of the Western Regions.

"Inner Demon, what happened to the Fugui Medical Center?"

Lin Hong asked tentatively.

"Wait then you will know, now what I say will only add to your anger." The heart demon said.


Lin Hong frowned slightly, an unpleasant feeling spontaneously arisen.

While thinking, fiercely, the flying saucer stopped spontaneously. It turned out that at some point, there were already bird races around.

Among them, the bird clan prince before was impressively listed: "Don't think you are hiding, we won't be able to find you!"

"Hmph, if you do this, you will usher in the anger of our profound sect!"

Lin Hong snorted ~www.readwn.com~ directly yelled.

"Xuanmen?" The bird clan prince thought for a moment, and sneered disdainfully, "The sect of human beings, nothing more."

"You dare to insult Xuanmen, I represent Xuanmen formally to fight against the bird race!"

Lin Hong pretended to be angry and said loudly, making the blood-red treasure chest beside him look dumbfounded.

When was his master a disciple of Xuanmen?

After thinking about it, I realized that it turned out that this was provoking the relationship between them.

Upon hearing the words, the bird clan prince slapped his wings angrily: "Xuanmen, yes, I have responded on behalf of the bird clan! Before destroying your profound doors, I want you to die first!"

After he said that, all the surrounding bird races began to attack, and among them, there was actually a realm comparable to the realm of a human fairy king!

"Boy...you angered me."

Inside the East Emperor's Bell, the main face of the Xuanmen Gate was as cold as ice.

The bird tribe, the forces that the three sects dare not provoke, if they provoke it, it is likely to be annihilated.

Lin Hong controlled the flying saucer to fly around in the air, and glanced at the master of the profound door: "So? You can't even get out, how can you stand me?"

"When the master of my profound sect arrives, you will definitely die without a corpse!!"

Xuanmen sect master said angrily, tried to struggle, but it was still useless.

"Go..." Lin Hong manipulated the flying saucer to kill a bunch of bird races, and then went straight to the distance, as fast as a comet.

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