"The master! It's the master who is back!"


Approaching the Xuanmen, Lin Hong and others were greeted in.

The master of the mysterious door said: "I was seriously injured. This person is the disciple I collected on the road. Take him to get the clothes."

"PLZ follow me."

A Xuanmen disciple came to Lin Hong.

"Okay..." Lin Hong nodded lightly and followed him.

"That new disciple is so handsome."

"Oh my God!"


Lin Hong attracted the attention of many female disciples.

There are very few female disciples here, almost none, but everyone is exclaiming.

The disciple who took him to get the clothes smiled and said, "Junior, you are very popular with girls."

Not to mention anything else, this appearance alone is a bit against the sky.

"It's okay, I don't take these seriously."

Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows, and he didn't take it seriously, which caused a headache.

Soon, he got a set of Xuanmen disciple's clothes, put it on and walked inside Xuanmen.

"Heart demon, where is the thing?" Lin Hong asked tentatively, already a little impatient.

"Looking for..."

The inner demon's voice was slightly lowered.

After all, it is the treasure of the town gate, it must be hidden, and even the system takes time.



Lin Hong walked in the Xuanmen for a while, unknowingly, it was dark.

He turned to look into the distance: "Why did that guy come here?"

It is Xu Mao, one of the three major sects, the young master of the Open Heaven Sect.


Xu Mao felt a familiar feeling, and when he looked over, he saw only a handsome Xuanmen disciple.

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me." Lin Hong shook his head gently, and went all the way to the place where he was assigned, preparing to wait quietly until the system detects the location of the cheat.

When I came to the place, it turned out to be a double room.

"It seems only me?"

Lin Hong found that the two beds were empty, so he shook his head and came to sit down beside the beds.

One of the three dignified sects, the place where the disciples lived is so shabby, not to mention the small place, but also two people.

He closed his eyes and rested quietly, suddenly he opened his eyes.

"Excuse me... is this room 4257?"


Lin Hong nodded slightly, looking at the people who walked in front of him, a little surprised.

The girl disguised herself as a man and sat on another bed at this time: "Hello, my name is Wang Gang and I also live in this room. Please take care of me."

"Oh hello."

Lin Hong nodded slightly, and directly heard that this was a fake name.

"What's your name?" Wang Gang asked curiously.

"It has nothing to do with you."

Lin Hong turned to lie on the bed, closed his eyes and rested, not too lazy to take care of her.

Wang Gang pursed his lips: "It's so cold..."

She ate the steamed buns she had brought, and sips, eating very slowly.



When the night passed, Lin Hong opened his eyes: "Isn't it all right?"

"No, the mysterious door is a bit big, and the search scope is very wide."

The demons responded and continued to use the system to check.

"Thanks for your hard work." Lin Hong breathed out and found that Wang Gang was not there, but there was a bun and a note by his bed.

"This guy……"

Lin Hong looked at the note. There were some words left by Wang Gang, indicating that he would eat on time, and a smiling face was drawn at the end.

The demon said at this moment: "That girl is quite naive, she was cheated of money just now, and now she is going to be cheated of her body again."

"what are you saying?"

Lin Hong was a little surprised. This didn't sound like a good thing.

"A male disciple is cheating her to go to her house, do you want to bother?" The demon said.

"To be idle is to be idle. She reminds me to eat on time, and I also have to remind her to go home on time."

Lin Hong picked up the buns and ate them, then walked out of the house, and when he knew the location, he went straight ahead.

After a while, I arrived at the place.

Here are all independent houses. According to the rules of the Xuanmen, if you want to live in a better house, you have to shoot it down yourself.

Looking at the two-story building in front of him, he jumped and jumped directly to the balcony on the second floor.

"You, what are you doing?" Wang Gang's voice suddenly came from the room.

"Don't struggle, if the girl's identity is revealed, it will be very troublesome? As long as you obey, I won't say anything."

"no, do not want……"


Inside the house, Wang Gang was pushed onto the bed by a male disciple, tears in his eyes.

Lin Hong walked in: "This place is good."

"Asshole, where are you from? Get out of here!"

The male disciple looked over and cursed.

"I won't roll, but I will let others roll." Lin Hong chuckled lightly, and kicked it directly.

This disciple is not in the realm of true immortality, how can he stand this kick? Was directly kicked down.


The male disciple gritted his teeth, feeling a little at a loss.

Lin Hong stared at him indifferently: "Don't you go away? Remember, if you dare to tell her gender, you don't want to have a good life."

Xuanmen, a magical sect, runs counter to Chixia Sect, but even more so, only accepts male disciples.

"I remember."

After the male disciple finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Didn't you understand what I said? Get out!" Lin Hong said coldly.

The male disciple gritted his teeth and had to lie on the ground and roll out.

"Don't cry, isn't there nothing wrong?"

Lin Hong looked at Wang Gang on the bed. At this time, most of her clothes were torn.

Wang Gang choked, "Thank you..."

"You're welcome, but I should thank you for your buns."

Lin Hong disagreed, and after finishing speaking, he was ready to leave.

"Um, do you have spare clothes?" Wang Gang sat up, clutching his chest.

"What's your real name?"

Lin Hong directly took off his clothes and threw them to her.

After taking it off like this, I am bare upper body, and my strong muscles make my eyes visible~www.readwn.com~ I'm sorry...I, I don't want to say. "Wang Gang looked very cute when he put on his clothes.

"Why are you so stupid that a woman pretends to be a man and joins Xuanmen? I advise you to leave as soon as possible and change power."

Lin Hong was a little helpless, the bird clan had already waged a war with this broken place, and it would become more and more dangerous in the future.

Wang Gang shook his head and said, "I want to prove that girls are no worse than boys."

"So you chose this way?" Lin Hong pondered for a moment, "This house is given to you, don't be fooled again."

After he finished speaking, he jumped out of the window sill and let out a gasp.

"Found it, on the top floor of a building."

The heart demon suddenly spoke at this moment.

Lin Hong replied, "Tell me the location."

Soon, he learned the route, went straight there, and after a while, he arrived at the place.

"Only open to direct disciples and senior leaders?"

Lin Hong looked at it from a distance. It was a seven-story tower. According to the inner demon, the secret book was on the seventh floor at the top.

Inside are precious things from the Profound Clan, heavily guarded, and even guarded by experts in the realm of Xianjun.

"It's a headache now." Lin Hong frowned, feeling a little uneasy to steal, "It would be great if I could get in... Is there any way?"

As he was talking, a group of people with repair tools in the distance went straight to the tower.

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