I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 769: All kinds of babies

Lin Hong glanced around and saw that no one was paying attention to this place, so he directly used Ta Xue Wuhen to come to the back of the team.


"Crack it."

The person in front of him noticed the strangeness, but when he looked back, his neck was directly screwed.

Lin Hong took the repair tools from his hand and put him in the storage ring. Only then did he let out a long sigh of relief and followed the team.

After a while, the team stopped.

"We are here to fix it as usual."

"Well, go in, remember, don't touch anything."


Having arrived in front of the pagoda, the leader of the team talked with the guards.

Soon, everyone walked into the pagoda, but four guards followed behind to watch.

Lin Hong swallowed and spit, thinking in his heart whether to solve them directly.

"Who are you, where's Lao Liu?" When the team stopped, a man stared at Lin Hong with a stunned expression on his face.

"He is in a hurry, let me help."

Lin Hong knew that he was talking about the person killed by himself, and he said immediately.

Although the man was still stunned, he didn't say anything: "That old Liu is lazy again."

Upon seeing this, Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief and quietly scanned around.

There are so many treasures, worthy of the Xuanmen, all kinds of precious talisman, pill, but there are so many good things on the first floor of the pagoda.

"What to see, hurry up and continue your work!"

A guard scolded.

Lin Hong responded, and then began to help with repairs. Although he didn't understand, he could follow the gourd and learn how others do.

Time passed by every minute, and half an hour had passed unconsciously.

The guards became lazy and even started to sleep.

"Hey... I don't know when I can finish it."

"Next time I will call someone else to replace me. Old Liu has the foresight."


Those who repaired the building began to mumble, while Lin Hong slowly distanced themselves from them.

It's very dark here, you can use the shadow fight!

When separated to a certain distance, he entered the darkness without saying a word, and then went straight to the second floor. After a short while, he reached the place.

Coming out of the darkness, there was a quaint atmosphere here.

"It's all baby, heart demon, can you take it away?" Lin Hong glanced around, swallowing and spitting.

This is much better than the first layer, but the quantity is therefore less.

"It can be, but it's not of much use to you."

The inner demon replied casually.

Lin Hong saw this: "Who would think that there is too much money?"

After he said, put the bleeding red treasure box and let him collect the things here.

"My God, master, is this heaven? This is heaven!"

The blood red treasure chest is very excited.

"Who is on it?!"

"Quick, go up!"


Suddenly, a voice came from downstairs, followed by a series of rapid steps.

"You guy!" Lin Hong whispered, patted the blood red treasure chest, and then put him into the storage ring. He used the shadow fight, sneaked into the darkness, and went straight to the third floor.

The taller the tower goes up, the space becomes smaller. When it reaches the third floor, it is already only half the size of the first floor.

"Strange... I clearly remember being here."

A person suddenly came to face him, and Lin Hong hid behind the cabinet beside him, frowning.

Unexpectedly, there are guards in the pagoda. Judging from the appearance of the person, it seems that he is still an elder, and at the worst, he has the realm of the fairy king.

"It shouldn't be a guard, just an elder who simply came to find something." The heart demon said at this moment.

"Is that so?"

Lin Hong sat cross-legged in the shadow, rubbing his eyebrows when he heard the words.

It's more troublesome to say that. Always beware of other people on each level.

When the elder passed, he started to move, and when he was curious, he glanced around. There were a few weapons here, all kinds, although not many, but they had everything, and even a few artifacts.

"This... I'm sorry if I don't take it." Lin Hong said with a light smile, and waited quietly. He waited until the elder left this floor before he emerged from the ground and came to the divine artifacts. There were three things in total.

They are swords, bows, and guns.

"Inner demon, how do you get them out?"

Lin Hong tentatively asked that these things were locked in the formation, but he couldn't see any loopholes in these formations, and it took time to analyze it systematically.

The heart demon borrowing system quickly got the answer: "First put in the storage ring with the formation method, and then use the universe formation plate."

"good idea."

Lin Hong nodded first, then followed suit, putting everything into the storage ring, and then went straight to the fourth floor.

"Junior sister, you have to believe me, I really like you!"

"Humph, but I already have someone I like."


As soon as I reached the fourth floor, I saw two direct disciples, a man and a woman.

Lin Hong hurriedly hid in the shadows: "Is this layer a secret technique?"

I saw that there were cheats everywhere, but not many, and they all add up to just a few.

"They are all very good cheats, Xuanmen has accumulated for many years."

The demons couldn't help but gain the Tao, the value of these exercises combined is already invaluable.

"Hmm..." Lin Hong swallowed and spit, a little greedy.

"Junior Sister, I know you just want to test me."

"No, in fact, I like your brother, you die."


The two direct disciples were still talking.

Lin Hong whispered: "I can really linger, can't I change the place?"

It's a waste of my time, it would be terrible if it was discovered that the artifact was stolen.

"What? It turned out to be him..."

"So, you die of this heart."

"You two are dead."

As the two direct disciples said, there was a sudden voice from their sides.

It was Lin Hong who released Xianli without saying a word, killing these two people: "It's safe now, and the infiltration succeeded."

"A good one sneaked into success..."

The inner demon was speechless for a while, even if he sneaked in without being noticed?

Lin Hong took away all the secret books on this floor and walked to the fifth floor. When he arrived, there was no one on this floor, but there was only one thing.

"Inner Demon, what is that?" Lin Hong walked into that thing and found that it turned out to be a complete human skeleton.

"The whole body is pure white and pan-gold~www.readwn.com~ is probably the bones of a god."

The demon thought for a while and gave such an answer.

For a while, Lin Hong was a little surprised: "God will die too?"

The saint I've seen before, that guy is a god, the so-called death was just because he wanted to die, so he died, but he didn't see the real death.

"Of course, no matter how strong the existence is, it will die, it's just the length of time."

The inner demon replied, the **** is not immortal, but can live for too long too long, close to longevity.

"Can you put this thing in the storage ring?" Lin Hong whispered, and directly put the bones into the storage ring with the formation to protect it, and then went to the sixth floor with a smile, "The seventh floor is coming soon. Up."

When I get the secret book of the town gate, I will leave, not to mention anything else, this time I came here and I really made a lot of money.

When he came to the sixth floor, he quickly immersed himself in the darkness, covering his mouth to prevent himself from making any movement.

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