When the time passed by one minute and one second, the bear group crossed the mountain range and approached the mysterious gate.

"Damn... what kind of monster is that?!"

"No, let's start the guardian array!"


Shouts came vaguely.

Lin Hong sat on Xiong Zu's head and watched the play: "Heart demon, can the profound door hold it?"

"No matter how it is, it is one of the three sects. It represents the top human power and will not be defeated so easily."

The inner demon's answer is justified.

"It's a pity..." Lin Hong whispered, nothing more than anything else, he now looks down on Xuanmen very much.

Soon, the bear clan began to attack the mysterious gate. When the time passed by one minute and one second, and half a day passed, the bear clan had no results and suffered a lot of casualties.

Lin Hong was boring to witness the whole process, and even wanted to solve the formation in the past.

Not long after, the bear clan retreated.

"It's so stupid to use a treasure knife as a kitchen knife."

Lin Hong was extremely helpless, the monster beast was still a monster, simply too stupid.

At this time, the bears changed their way and prepared to go to the cholera tribe.

Lin Hong tried to communicate with Xiong Zu: "Should we not attack humans?"

Although I am not a good person, I don't want to watch the slaughter of his clan.


Xiong Zu's voice was long.

"Because..." Lin Hong couldn't say so.

For the bear tribe, human beings are enemies, and they are endless enemies.

"Because human beings have a very strong master, who seems to be in the realm of a demigod."

Lin Hong thought of something and said directly.

For a time, Xiong Zu's footsteps paused: "How is it possible?"

The reason why the clan invasion started was entirely because the human race had gone through several catastrophes, and its vitality was greatly injured.

Now... but was told that there is a strong man in the semi-god realm? !

"It's true, I have seen it with my own eyes, and I carry a fire unicorn."

Lin Hong said directly, involuntarily swallowing and spitting, hoping that this would make the bear clan retreat.

"Could it be that this has been a human trap from beginning to end?" Xiong Zu suddenly noticed something.

Think about it carefully. From the hiding place to this place, the bear clan didn't kill a single human, but only a few hunters.

Finally met a sect, but was stopped by a cover, and suffered heavy casualties on his side.

"Or you are smart..." Xiong Zu said, and ordered to retreat.

No one dared to disobey his orders. Soon, the bear clan turned and retreated directly.

"Then, what do you do?"

The heart demon couldn't help but understand that if the bear tribe went to the cholera tribe, they could still find a chance to escape, but now they are more vicious.

Lin Hong chuckled and responded in his heart: "Don't get excited, am I not going to have a shadow?"

"It's so naive, 78% of Xiong Zu's attention is on you. Once you disappear, he will notice it."

The demon couldn't help but understand, when someone curiously patted it with a paw, Lin Hong would be crushed into meat sauce.

"Is that so..." Lin Hong had a headache and was a little surprised.

After that, the bear tribe walked through the mountains and rivers for a while, and came to a grassland that looked like a fairyland.

"The concentration of aura here is so high, not bad."

Lin Hong took a deep breath, then glanced around and found that the scenery was pretty good.

Suddenly, a gust of wind lifted him up and blew him to the ground.

"This is our last pure land... Once, the entire fairy world was our paradise, **** human!"

Xiong Zu uttered angrily, then raised his head and howled, his voice spread far away.

The surrounding bears began to roar.

Lin Hong roared greetly, and asked the demon in his heart: "What does he mean by this? Ever?"

"A long time ago, the fairy world had not been developed at that time, the monsters were still free, but now there is only such a grassland that has not been set foot by humans. It is still because of the hidden location."

The demons couldn't help but get the way.

Lin Hong thought for a while, and indeed, it was difficult to get through with ordinary means on this road.

"We went out this time and found the blood of our ancestors. We did not return without success."

Xiong Zu turned and said, for a moment, all the bears looked at Lin Hong.

Lin Hong now looks like a panda: "Hello everyone..."

Although he was helpless in his heart, he pretended to be happy on the surface, for fear of revealing any flaws.

"I'm trying to go one step further. If I succeed, I will seek revenge from humans!"

After Xiong Zu said, he lay down directly, absorbed the aura of this world, and strengthened himself.

"No accident, it is only a matter of time before he can successfully become a master in the realm of Immortal Venerable." The heart demon said.


Lin Hong was a little helpless, waited until then, he didn't even want to leave.

He turned to look in the direction he had come: "Inner demon, he is practicing now, do I have a chance to escape?"

It was already another morning, and although it was impossible to use the shadow to escape now, it would be easy to wait until the evening.

"His attention to you is now 81%, and look around."

The demons couldn't help but get the way.

For a moment, Lin Hong glanced around, twitching the corners of his mouth.

Countless bears surrounded him ten meters away, looking at him curiously and in awe.

Among them, the black bear tentatively crawled over: "What should we call you?"


Lin Hong reluctantly lay down, stared at by so many eyes, can run a hairy!

Time passed and it was night.

I thought they would stop at night. Whoever thinks, they still stare at themselves, their eyes are bright, and they haven't moved from the beginning to the end.

"Enough of you guys!" Lin Hong couldn't help but said, staring at countless eyes most of the night, who can be comfortable?

For a time, so the bear ran away quickly.

"They like you, that's why they look at you, just hesitating whether to approach..."

The black bear beside him couldn't help but understand ~www.readwn.com~ Lin Hong said: "Do I look so fierce?"

"In the legend, the ancestors were particularly slaughter, and they were grumpy and could swallow ten thousand meters of iron mountain in one bite."

The black bear said seriously, staring at his cute appearance, and instantly felt that the legend was a bit false.

Lin Hong thought for a while. Giant pandas do have a name like iron-eaters, but he didn't think that there would be pandas that really eat iron, or the iron mountain of ten thousand meters... don't you have a stomach?

He turned and looked in the direction he came: "Can I go out and play?"

"Of course you can, come with me, you can play whatever you want."

The black bear hurriedly said, raising his paw and pushing him, making him face the depths of the grassland.

"Inner Demon, is there a baby?" Lin Hong asked in his heart.

"Of course there are, and they are all rare treasures."

The heart demon responded casually, and has been using the system to probe, collecting many rare treasures, peerless herbs.

After Lin Hong pondered for a moment: "Tell me the location, the ready-made baby can't be ignored."

Soon, after learning the location, he went straight to the depths of the grassland.

"Run slowly, don't worry."

The black bear followed, for fear that he would fall or be touched.

"I found it..." Not long after, Lin Hong came to a ganoderma lucidum and found that it was meat ganoderma lucidum, also known as Tai Sui.

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