I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 777: Meet 2 women again

"What are you doing with this stuff?"

Seeing Lin Hong holding Tai Sui in his hand, the black bear was a little puzzled.

This thing is of no value to the bear clan, and no bear knows the value of this thing.

Lin Hong quietly put the things into the storage ring: "It's nothing, then... can you stop following me?"

"No, this is the task Xiong Zu gave me, and it is also for your safety."

The black bear said immediately, with no intention of leaving at all.

"Okay, then follow along if you are willing to follow." Lin Hong whispered, went straight to the depths of the grassland, got a lot of treasures along the way, and once again enriched the storage ring.

"It's dull and boring, maybe, this is life with a baby."

Not long after it got dark, Lin Hong lay down and looked at the stars, not knowing when he could break through the fairy king.

At this time, the inner demon said: "Look at your face, no one can break through without chance."

"It's like from the acquired state to the innate?"

Lin Hong had a headache.

He turned to think about the Profound Sky Jue. Although he could master a quarter of this thing in an instant, what should he do with the rest?

"It is recommended that you learn the remaining one first, and then master the other four in an instant to achieve balance." Xin Mo said.

This kind of life is the most stable, otherwise it is prone to problems.

"it is good……"

Lin Hong whispered.

The one that hasn't changed from that system is Shui Xuanjue, after being proficient, it will become Bingxuanjue.

He closed his eyes and began to practice slowly. He couldn't go anywhere anyway, so he was better off.



Time passed quickly, and it was another night.

Lin Hong sat on a rock: "It's been three days."

That's not the case, the progress of the key Shui Xuan Jue is minimal, and I don't know that the year of the monkey can be mastered.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. The master of the mysterious family has only mastered this book for 30 years."

The demon said with comfort.

"Where did I get so much time..." Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry, raised his hand, and a cloud of water appeared in the palm of his hand.

Unlike magic, this is the sky profound water that is actually condensed, with strong power.

"Xiong Zu called you over."

The white bear ran over at this time.

Lin Hong quickly dissipated the water polo: "Okay, I will go over."

These days, Ancestor Xiong often wants to see himself, and he doesn't know what to do, he just talks about something useless every time.

Soon, he came to Xiong Zu.

I don't have a big nostril now, and it feels weird to stand here.

"How does it feel to live here?"

Xiong Zu asked, his voice like a kind old grandfather.

"It's really good, the smell of grass is everywhere." Lin Hong said.

"Xiongzu, we caught two humans who broke in alone, and kill them directly?"

The black bear suddenly ran over and roared that he and the white bear were talking.

Xiong Zu's voice was cold: "Of course."

"The two people are the female disciple of Kaitianzong and Wang Gang you have met."

The heart demon suddenly spoke at this moment.

"Don't, don't kill them, how about giving me a toy?" Lin Hong said quickly after hearing this.

Why did the two of them stay together and came to the bear clan? !

"Xiong Zu..."

Although the black bear wants to agree, the decision-making power does not lie with him.

"Give it to him." Xiong Zu disagreed and agreed, then closed his eyes and practiced.

"Please follow me."

Upon seeing this, the black bear looked at Lin Hong.

Soon, Lin Hong followed him and went straight to the entrance of this grassland.

"Let us go!"


There are many bears here, surrounded by a man and a woman, Wang Gang and the female disciple who are dressed as men.

Seeing this, the black bear said, "Hit them, and be honest."

Toys must have the consciousness of toys, if they hurt the blood of the ancestors, it will be broken.

"No, no! You guys come with me quickly."

Lin Hong hurriedly stepped forward, winking at the second woman.

"So cute..." Wang Gang couldn't help but say.

"Are you stupid? We are going to be food!"

The female disciple could not help but gain the truth.

For a while, Wang Gang's face was pale, and his heart was extremely helpless.

The black bear saw this: "If you are honest, you have a chance to live forever, otherwise, die!"

After he finished speaking, a few bears came around cautiously.

In the fairy world, the bear tribe is a relatively powerful race. Although it is not as terrible as the bird tribe and the sea tribe, it is also famous.

"we know……"

The female disciple took Wang Gang's hand, nodded gently, and dealt with it for the time being.

Soon, they followed Lin Hong and went all the way to the depths of the grassland: "Where are you taking us?"

The female disciple asked directly, scanning around for fear of danger.

"Be quiet, can't you hear my voice?"

Lin Hong looked helpless. At this time, a lot of bears were paying attention to this side.

"It's you?" Wang Gang took the lead in reacting, "It turns out that you can become a monster beast in human form? It's amazing!"

"Speak down, be careful I throw you in the water."

Lin Hong looked at her and said quickly, in a very small voice.

For a moment, Wang Gang covered his mouth, but the female disciple was surprised: "Do you know each other?"

"I don't know who wanted to confess to me before. I forgot about it in a blink of an eye."

Lin Hong couldn't help but shook his head, and the female disciple's face instantly turned red, and then he realized.

"You... why would you?" She looked dumbfounded.

"I'll talk about it later, it's pretty safe for you to follow me now."

Lin Hong whispered, there are too many bears here.

Came to a nice place, near the river, with beautiful scenery

The fairy king bear who walked here to sleep~www.readwn.com~he said, "Let’s live here first."

It was a headache. It was already a problem to insist not to show up, but so two girls were added.

"This place is so beautiful..." Wang Gang sat down on the spot.

Her current realm is worthy of a grand master, which is not enough to see in the fairy world, and will even be killed by a strong eye.

"So you want to die here?"

The female disciple of the fake fairy stage, approaching the real fairy, was observing the terrain.

Lin Hong shook his head helplessly: "How did you two get together and come here again?"

"It's a long story..."

The female disciple began to talk.

At that time, they parted with Lin Hong, and unfortunately they met the second wave of the Bird Race army to attack the Xuanmen. The team was dispersed. She walked away by feeling and met Wang Gang, and the two had walked here.

"You can really look for directions, most people can't find it here if they want to." Lin Hong helplessly got down.


Wang Gang came to him and stroked him, dare to ask how many people can resist the cuteness of pandas?

Lin Hong suddenly chuckled, "Zhu Shengnan, what is your real name?"

"...You, how would you know?"

Wang Gang, that is, Zhu Shengnan was about to refuse, but his expression was startled.

"It's calculated by pinching fingers." Lin Hong shrugged, actually knowing it at any time, after all, he has a system.

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