"I have already sent Sister Ningzhu away..."

Xu Shengnan turned and said, there was an extra rope in his hand.

She tied the rope to the pet necklace that Lin Hong was wearing, then pulled the rope, turned and walked towards the cave.

Lin Hong couldn't help frowning: "Hey, are you really going to treat me as a pet?"

"if not?"

Xu Shengnan said it for granted.

Not long after, they came to the cave, followed by Fire Qilin.

"You haven't said your name yet." Xu Shengnan sat on a stone bed and asked Xiang Lin Hong.

"Not worth mentioning..."

Lin Hong didn't want to say more, closed his eyes and rested.

But soon, he frowned: "I said you, can you stop making trouble?"

It was Xu Shengnan who actually rode up!

"You are my pet, I can do whatever I want."

Xu Shengnan was holding the rope in his hands, and said calmly.

"..." Lin Hong was speechless for a while, "If you do this again, be careful that I turn back into a human."

My current panda look is very popular, and I don’t have to change back to a human.

"Isn't that more interesting?"

Xu Shengnan didn't care about it, and instead smiled lightly.

Lin Hong was a little stunned: "You are a sadist, right?"

It's hard to imagine what kind of psychedelic soup the demigod powerhouse had poured her into this way.


Xu Shengnan said, simply lay down on his back, and then fell asleep.

"What should we do next?" Huo Qilin asked tentatively.

"How do I know, just wait first, and wait until the demigod has almost gathered things together before acting."

Lin Hong whispered, and simply lay down directly, and began to practice Shui Xuanjue.



After that, two consecutive days passed.

Lin Hongzhen became a pet, and was toyed with and bullied by Xu Shengnan.

The demigod powerhouse is still collecting things, and according to what he accidentally said, only a half of the things have been collected.

On this day, inside the cave.

Xu Shengnan kicked Lin Hong's face with bare feet, "I'll give you a half-day holiday."

"Inner demon, can you say that Donghuangzhong can trap the strong in the semi-god realm?"

Lin Hong was indignant and wanted to teach this girl very much, but because of the demigod powerhouse, he did not dare to act rashly.

"Your chance of success is 0.8%." The heart demon quickly answered.

"I'm going crazy……"

Lin Hong walked outside the cave, Xu Shengnan never let himself rest these days

When he walked out of the cave, Fire Qilin was gloating here: "Haha, you also have today!"

"She tortured me, but I can torture you, why laugh?"

Lin Hong glared at him.

For a moment, Huo Qilin smiled awkwardly, and turned to play with the stones at his feet, when nothing happened.

"How is Xuanmen?" Lin Hong asked in his heart.

"It just ushered in the bird clan's fourth offense, and has already begun to seek help from the major sects."

The inner demon quickly answered, not only that, but he has already begun to confess, and wants to calm the bird race's anger at a certain price.

Lin Hong chuckled: "I didn't expect that a word at that time would make Xuanmen suffer such a big loss."

It is estimated that the master of Xuanmen has already hated himself to death.

"Not good... he is estimated to put his anger on the Yuehua Immortal Palace."

He couldn't laugh anymore, he muttered quietly, pondered for a long time, came to a hidden place, and put the bleeding red treasure chest.

"Hahu--" The blood red treasure chest was sleeping.

"Wake up, the sun shines."

Lin Hong couldn't help being speechless and said loudly.

The blood red treasure chest floated slowly: "Master? Where is this?"

"This is the residence of the demigod. In short, I need you to support a place now."

Lin Hongfei quickly spoke.

After a short while, the blood red treasure chest left, indicating that he promised to complete the task.

"Huh..." After finishing this, Lin Honggang breathed a sigh of relief, but turned around quickly, "What are you holding in your hand?"

"A hair stripper specially prepared for you, I really want to see you look hairless."

Xu Shengnan was walking slowly from there, holding a weird razor in his hand.

Lin Hong had a chill: "What's the difference between you and picking people's clothes?"

"Don't resist, the more you resist, the more excited I will be."

Xu Shengnan licked his lips, quite like the legendary Jiao Jiao.

"This, this is a bit dangerous, you try to him first, you don't want to hurt me, do you?" Lin Hong quickly said, pointing to the fire unicorn who was watching the show.

Huo Qilin looked dumbfounded, and he was watching a play here. Why was he still implicated?

"It makes sense... if it hurts you, it won't look good."

After Xu Shengnan said, he slowly approached the Huo Qilin, and the weird shaving knife in his hand showed a cold light.

Huo Qilin stepped back subconsciously: "Ten thousand years of cold iron?!"

It is a very sharp ore, and this shaving knife is surprisingly made of ten thousand years of cold iron.

"That's right... Otherwise, how can you shave your hair?"

Xu Shengnan nodded.

Huo Qilin wanted to run, but was caught by the horns.

On the other side, Lin Hong looked around. In the past few days, the demigod strongman had captured many weird monsters, and the total number was close to 20.

"No, don't, it won't work there!" Soon, Huo Qilin began to be shaved, and gradually wounded all over his body, "Who did I offend?"

He was lying on his side on the ground, looking pitiful, the hair on his body had been scattered, besides there were many wounds.

"I need to improve..."

Upon seeing this, Xu Shengnan turned and walked into the cave with a **** razor.

Lin Hong breathed a sigh of relief: "I almost had no face to meet people."


Huo Qilin, who was suffering from Wuwang's calamity, heard the words and looked at several bare places on his body, feeling helplessly anxious.

As a unicorn~www.readwn.com~, there is not much hair in itself, but it is still shaved like this.

"Oh, I'll give you some clothes to wear." Lin Hong coughed lightly and took out some large pet clothes for him, "How about it, not bad?"

"It feels okay. Forget it, I'll change it."

The fire Qilin whispered and transformed into a human form. The monster beast could play like this as long as it reached the realm of the fairy king.

Lin Hong pondered for a moment: "Bald."

"you are annoying!"

Huo Qilin became like a little boy, with flames burning all over, he raised his hand to touch his head and said angrily.

Wasn't it shaved just now? How could it be otherwise?

"I can't tell, you are quite young." Lin Hong turned and walked over to touch his head.

"I'm only over 3,000 years old, have you ever seen a monster that became an immortal king over 3,000 years old? Humph! That mysterious door, when I become an immortal, I must go and destroy it!"

Huo Qilin said angrily, proud when he said the previous words.

Lin Hong rubbed his nose: "First of all, I have seen a crab that has become an immortal king over a thousand years old, and secondly, Xuanmen estimates that if you can't support you to become an immortal, you will be wiped from the world."


Huo Qilin was embarrassed at first, then puzzled.

"Because the bird tribe is stronger than we thought." Lin Hong said, looking up at the sky, that was another big army of the bird tribe.

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