The mysterious gate has been attacked by the bird tribe too many times, and it is like a candle in the wind, faltering.

"So it's like this..."

Fire Qilin reacted.

Lin Hong chuckles: "No matter what, your hatred will be reported sooner or later."

"It's a pity, it's too easy for those people to die."

Huo Qilin was so indignant that he was only killed in battle.

"Where is my pet?" The voice suddenly came, it was Xu Shengnan.

"Why are you here again?"

Lin Hong is a little helpless, don't you feel annoying, I feel annoying.

Xu Shengnan came to the front: "I'm a little sleepy, your vacation is over early, come with me soon."


Lin Hong pursed her lips, knowing that she couldn't refuse her request at all.

In this way, he and Xu Shengnan entered the cave and were treated as pillows.


"The analysis has been successful." I don't know how long it took, the heart demon suddenly said.

"Tell me how to become a god, how much more do I need?"

Lin Hong looked straight, and asked directly Xu Shengnan who was holding him without alarm.

The heart demon thought for a while: "Many, many, almost every kind of heaven and earth treasure between heaven and earth is needed."


Lin Hong frowned, it was simply impossible.

"Being a **** is not that simple." After the inner demon said these words, he began to investigate various things about the demigod.

"Killing? Somewhat afraid of cats?"

Lin Hong frowned after listening and found that the guy had many dispensable shortcomings.

For a long time, he frowned: "Once you were a servant of God?"

It is understood that the strong demigod was named Ma Pengfei. In addition to being a servant of the gods, there was also an older sister, but it was a pity that the older sister passed away due to illness.

As for the servant of God, I don't know for the time being.

When he learned everything about the demigod, Lin Hong closed his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows, and found that it didn't seem to be that invincible.

He found that there was a sentence that said that the demigod had become a demigod because of the black energy. He couldn't help but wonder: "Inner demon, besides becoming a god, is there a prerequisite?"

"Of course, if you can become a **** if you can, wouldn't it be a chaos in the world?"

The demons couldn't help but get the way.

"Ah, how can you become a god?" Lin Hong coughed awkwardly, thinking about things too simple.

"I don't know. According to Ma Pengfei's idea, it is naive to want to strengthen the body and turn the body into a god..."

The inner demon replied simply, and at the same time, he did not forget to mock Ma Pengfei.

There is no doubt that this will not succeed at all!

Lin Hong frowned: "Then how to become a demigod?"

"After reaching the realm of Immortal Venerable, practice one type to the extreme, such as formation."

The demon replied.

"Um?" Lin Hong was a little confused, "Does the five elements count?"

Although it's a bit difficult, if the Sky Profound Jue is fine, it will be perfect. When you reach the realm of Xianzun, you can directly become a demigod?

"It should be possible to study the Five Elements to the extreme. Try it yourself first."

The demons quickly answered.

Lin Hong nodded gently: "Is there any way I can quickly master the Shui Xuanjue?"

"After so many days of painstaking search, you need water. The stronger the water, the faster you can practice Shui Xuanjue."

The demons quickly answered.

For a moment, Lin Hong glanced around and came to the water's edge.

He pondered for a moment: "It's disgusting..."

I saw that the water had become black water because of the black air.

"Go down and try it first, soaked in water."

The spirit demon persuaded, the words were full of calmness and calmness.

"Co-authoring is not that you jump down." Lin Hong whispered, then jumped down.

He found that although the water was black, it was no different from ordinary water, so he felt a little relieved.

He closed his eyes and began to practice Shui Xuanjue.

"The cultivation speed has increased a lot!"

Soon, he opened his eyes, and they were full of surprises.

The inner demon replied: "Then start practicing."


Lin Hong nodded lightly and concentrated on cultivating, but after a long time, he was helpless and found that as he became more proficient in Shui Xuanjue, the effect of this water on himself was minimal.

"You need stronger water." The heart demon said.

Only then can the cultivation speed be made faster, because when you reach a certain level, the original cultivation speed is simply not enough.

"I know the truth, but I can't get out of such a mountain."

While Lin Hong was helpless, he looked into the distance, there were mountains, and birds called faintly.

Huo Qilin came over at this time: "What are you doing in the water? Your master is looking for you."

He was gloating on his face, and when he said the words "Master, he bit the word very hard."

"...Has the demigod returned?"

Lin Hong crawled out of the water, knowing that Ma Pengfei had left before.

"No, it's been a long time since I came back." Huo Qilin replied.

"Go and see Xu Shengnan first, and see if there is any way to change her back."

Lin Hong sighed. This is like the legendary blackening, directly from a daughter who is a self-improvement to the current abuser.

I have been beaten by her many times.

Although it doesn't hurt, if she becomes stronger in the future, I don't know how many creatures will die because of it.

The heart demon pondered for a moment: "It's useless, it's hard to change the nature of the country. This is the nature of others, but it was awakened by Ma Pengfei."

"Is that so..."

Lin Hong was a little helpless, but started to walk towards the cave.

Soon, when he arrived at the place, Xu Shengnan was looking for himself nearby.

When he saw this, he looked at the rope at his feet, followed the rope and looked at the collar that tied his neck: "Inner demon, how can this ring be removed for him?"

"The safest way is for you to fool Xu Shengnan to unlock it."

The demons quickly answered.

Lin Hong pondered for a nodded lightly, and went straight to Xu Shengnan.

Huo Qilin turned and left, not wanting to join in, for fear of being affected.

This time I became bald, what about next time?

Xu Shengnan saw Lin Hong: "Iron Eater, what did you do?!"

"I feel uncomfortable because of this thing. I just hit the wall."

Lin Hong muttered casually, seeing this, he really regarded himself as an iron-eater? Obviously knowing that he is human...

"So great?" Xu Shengnan heard that, instead of feeling distressed, he pointed to the stone aside, "Quickly, demonstrate it again."

"Your tendency to abuse people is too serious?!"

Lin Hong couldn't help but get it. He wanted to sell it miserably, but he liked it.

Xu Shengnan licked his fingers and smirked: "I have prepared a gift for you."

"Farewell, it's definitely not a good thing."

Lin Hong whispered and started to back away involuntarily.

"It's a whip." However, Xu Shengnan raised his hand and took out a whip. It is silvery and slender. Although it is not a magical tool, it is almost the same. "You will definitely like it, behave, don't move."

"Are you trying to beat me to death?!"

Lin Hong turned around and ran without saying a word.

Xu Shengnan raised his hand: "Where do you want to go?"

The collar that tied Lin Hong suddenly tightened, making him unable to breathe instantly, and at the same time he fell.

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