"it is good……"

Lin Hong responded and nodded softly.

"Swim to the left! Full speed!" The Demon said.

Lin Hong did so, avoiding the monster's first attack, almost passing by.

"Almost eaten."

Xu Shengnan recalled the scene just now, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Lin Hong helpless: "That's not something to be happy about."

After that, it was dealing with monsters.

Although this monster is huge and powerful, its movements are a bit clumsy, giving a lot of room for manipulation.


I don't know how long it took, the inner demon roared again.

Lin Hong did so, and then found that the place where he was just now was agitated. It turned out that other monsters in the lava had come over.

"Kick off now," the heart demon said directly, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, goodbye!"

Xu Shengnan suddenly yelled.

Lin Hong was diving, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Can you stop messing around?"

Because she was in a dangerous situation, if it weren't for the demon and the system, she would have been in the shape of a dead person.

Xu Shengnan didn't say anything, but closed his eyes, looking forward to seeing something fun again.

Exploring the unknown is exciting.

And the world in this molten slurry is undoubtedly unknown...

"Discuss and untie this necklace for me."

Lin Hong tentatively said.

"Don't even think about it, no way." Xu Shengnan answered very simply.

"Are you happy to treat a person as a pet?"

Lin Hong was a little angry, but helpless.

Xu Shengnan nodded: "Yes, it's especially an iron-eater, how interesting is it?"

"Can't understand..."

Lin Hong continued to dive, and the roars around him were gone.

This means that it is temporarily safe.

"It's not dangerous." Xu Shengnan looked very boring.

"If it weren't for me, you would have been bitten by the first fish before you got here."

Lin Hong twitched the corners of his mouth. Is this a big deal?

Xu Shengnan heard this: "Aren't you mine?"

Lin Hong was helpless for a while.

"It's almost here, it's really a ruin, maybe there will be something good."

At this moment, the inner demon suddenly spoke and began to use the system to conduct a large-scale search.

"Hmm..." Lin Hong nodded gently.

"Because you can't see clearly, I'll dictate to you."

The inner demon spoke, and then talked about it, it was probably a very dilapidated building, which has been here for many years, and the strange thing is that these buildings have not been corroded by the molten slurry.

He waited and continued: "It has been detected. These are all very good materials."

"But it's not worth mentioning to me. What did you say before that can improve my strength?"

While helpless, Lin Hong continued to dive, but he had not yet reached the location of the ruins he said.

"The location is relatively off-track, I will guide you through when I am somewhere." The heart demon replied.

"It's getting boring again, is there anything that makes me happy?"

Xu Shengnan started to move around at this time, broke free of his embrace, and wandered around.

Lin Hong saw this: "We have left the most dangerous area. It is relatively safe here and there are no monsters."

"That's a pity... When you go up, you must catch a few monsters to play."

Xu Shengnan holds oxygen coral in his arms, which is a life-saving thing.

"Why are you grabbing those things?" Lin Hong was speechless, he was already close to the bottom.

"Maybe it will be delicious."

Xu Sheng is a man, unless it is used to torture or eat, it will be meaningless.

Lin Hong couldn't laugh or cry: "People are not afraid of melt, can you familiarize them with it?"

With that said, he had reached the lowest level, and in front of him, a huge stone gate was stunned into his eyes, and he barely saw it when he released air and squeezed the molten slurry.

"It makes sense... what a big door."

Xu Shengnan was boring at first, then when he saw the door, he knew that he had come to a mysterious place.

"The history here should be at least tens of thousands of years." Inner Demon said.

"That's not important. The important thing is is there any artifact junk here?"

Lin Hong tentatively asked, now that he has three artifact junk on his body, only the last one can be upgraded.

The demon borrowed the system to detect it: "It's a pity, no."

It may have existed before, but it has been dissolved in this molten slurry.

"I've heard of the remains of the seabed, but this is the first time I heard that there are still remains at the bottom of the lava.

Xu Shengnan was very excited, traveling back and forth, and found some treasures for her, but they were all dispensable.

At least, for them.

"Bring some things back to the ancestor, he will definitely praise me for being great."

Xu Shengnan found a few coins. These coins were very old coins, packed in a decaying box.

"I will scold you and prevent you from coming to such a dangerous place again." Lin Hong said casually.

As far as he knew, the demigod powerhouse Ma Pengfei was already barren, so he would ask her to modify it.

"I always have a question, isn't my ancestor's surname Ma? Why should I be surnamed Xu?"

Suddenly, Xu Shengnan was a little surprised.

"How do I know." Lin Hong was too lazy to respond, but knew the cause and effect.

"Don't you know how to do it? Help me do it!"

Xu Shengnan said, he was about to clenched his fists.

Helplessly, Lin Hong said: "Your ancestor was once a servant of a god."


Xu Shengnan was looking for something while listening.

"In those days, when a servant had the same surname as his master, he changed from Xu to Ma, but his original surname was Xu, so I asked you to change it to Xu." Lin Hong explained clearly.

"It turned out to be like this... It's really Xun~www.readwn.com~ Xu Shengnan nodded lightly, and then showed contempt.

Lin Hong saw this: "At that time, it was a great thing to be a servant of God."

Now there are very few immortals, or even nowhere to be found, let alone being servants of others.

"I mean, he doesn't change his name back, it's awful."

Xu Shengnan shook his head and asked himself to change his surname, but he didn't know how to change it.

In fact, she was told that if she had children in the future, she would also have to be named Xu.

"It may be loyal, or it may be afraid." Lin Hong shrugged.

The former is excusable, and the latter, maybe the so-called **** is not dead, after all, I have seen the saint with my own eyes.

"There is a lot of broken copper and iron around here, nothing good."

Xu Shengnan rummaged for a while and complained.

Lin Hong chuckled: "For ordinary people, these are a very large asset."

However, the temptation to myself and others is really insufficient.

"Change the place, what if there are artifacts or something?"

As Xu Shengnan said, he picked a place to swim.

"Follow me." Lin Hong learned from the heart demon the position of the thing that could improve his strength, and went straight there.

Soon, when I arrived, there was a strange plant growing here, all of which were small red fruits.

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