"What's around here?"

Xu Shengnan couldn't see things clearly in this molten slurry, and asked curiously.

Lin Hong let go of her, approached the plants, and said casually: "Nothing."

When he got close to a certain distance, he found that the surrounding area had cooled down.

"Is there really nothing?"

Xu Shengnan used the oxygen coral to gather oxygen and then released it, but still saw nothing.

"Of course." Lin Hong nodded lightly, touching a fruit.

He found that the fruit was not red, but had a layer of red frost on the surface and ice blue inside.

It may be that the extremes of things must be reversed, this extremely hot place has such fruits...

"This thing can make you practice Shui Xuanjue a step faster, and even get twice the result with half the effort."

The heart demon spoke at this moment.

Lin Hong nodded lightly and put away 108 fruits in total: "It's not in vain."

"Did you find something?"

Xu Shengnan asked at this time, a little warm and angry already in his voice.

"No." Lin Hong replied again, but his expression changed, "Is this... catching up?"

Just listen, the roar of the monster came, and besides that, the surrounding molten slurry began to flow quickly.

"Hurry up and hide in a building."

The inner demon said directly, in terms of time alone, there is still quite a bit left.

Lin Hong responded, and then swam to Xu Shengnan, "Grab my shoulder and follow me."

"Huh, what good thing did you find? Show me!"

Xu Shengnan snorted coldly, seemingly very unhappy.

"Really not." Lin Hong grabbed her arm instead, borrowed the system and entered the nearest building.

The building is not badly damaged, it is a small house.

"I don't believe you."

Xu Shengnan relied on his instinct to firmly believe that he had found some treasure, but he was unwilling to take it out.

Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows: "I can't hide anything on my body."

"Don't think I don't know, that weird ring on your finger is a storage ring."

Xu Shengnan said suddenly.

In fact, Lin Hong's storage ring is very different from the ordinary storage ring, not to mention the older, but also a little shabby.

If it hadn't been understood, it would be almost impossible to be discovered.

"How do you know?" Therefore, Lin Hong was a little surprised.


Xu Shengnan patted her own storage ring and took out some air.

In an instant, the room was filled with air, squeezing out all the molten slurry.

Lin Hong's mouth twitched, "When did you collect it?"

His storage ring is a divine tool, which can create air. This guy's storage ring is not. The only possibility is that the air was collected in advance.

"Before the lava, how about it, am I smart?"

Xu Sheng is a man, and he was prepared long ago.

"..." Lin Hong suddenly covered her mouth, "Hush, don't talk."

The surrounding air dissipated, and the voice of the huge monster gradually approached.

"The monster was drawn by the air." The heart demon couldn't help but say.

Lin Hong smiled bitterly, helplessly, closed his eyes, hoping that the monster could leave quickly.

Of course, he wouldn't be so silly to wait and waste time, but start to practice Shui Xuanjue. The temperature here is very terrifying. Although he can't feel it, it is true.

"By the way, there are those fruits just now." Lin Hong thought in his heart, took out a piece of the fruit and ate it.

In an instant, a weird feeling rose, as if oneself was flying under the deep ocean, and Shui Xuanjue's cultivation speed was increasing sharply!

"It won't take long for you to become proficient..."

Lin Hong was delighted, and it is estimated that it will take more than a month.

The heart demon couldn't help but said: "If you let the master of the profound sect know, I might be envious of it."

After all, it took many years for people to be where they are today.

"Maybe, call me if it's dangerous."

Lin Hong chuckled, speaking in his heart, completely sinking into the state of further training.

At this time, near the crater, Huo Qilin was staring at the lava and was stunned: "People, where about people?!"

In fact, he had been awake for a long time, but he hadn't seen anyone coming out of the molten slurry at all.

"It's over, if they die here, I'll be over!"

He was anxious. If Xu Shengnan died, the demigod would kill him, and Lin Hong would die because of the blood contract.

Really two living ancestors!

Huo Qilin wailed in his heart, stepped directly on the auspicious clouds and flew towards the molten lava, ready to go in and look for it.

He was not dead yet, indicating that Lin Hong was not dead either, and there was still a chance.

"So boring, so boring!!"

In the hut at the bottom of the lava, Xu Shengnan had already broken free of Lin Hong's embrace and was wailing.

The huge monster kept staying, turning around here and there, making it impossible to do anything at all.

Lin Hong opened his eyes: "Can you keep your voice down? It will die!"

According to the latest information, the monster's strength is the fairy king, close to the fairy king, equivalent to the Xiong Ancestor he has seen before.

"Huh, death is better than being boring here."

Xu Shengnan snorted and continued to yell.

"It's really going to die." Lin Hong frowned suddenly, then released the Donghuang Bell, enveloping himself and others.

Immediately, there was shaking.

"what happened?"

When everything settled down, Xu Shengnan was puzzled.

Lin Hong didn't say a word, but let the East Emperor Bell shine. I saw that they were in a strange place.

There are smooth flesh-colored walls everywhere here, and there are faint shadows of broken stones.

Xu Shengnan asked in shock: "Where is this place and where does this clock come from?"

He and the others are being covered by a bell, and there is not a half drop of lava inside.

"This is the belly of that big monster~www.readwn.com~Lin Hong said helplessly. Fortunately, the Eastern Emperor Bell was taken out in advance, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

"We were eaten?" Xu Shengnan was shocked on the spot.

"Did you take it off? Give you a sentence that deserves it."

Lin Hong glanced at it, and it was actually nothing. With the Eastern Emperor Bell, it just takes time to get out.

Xu Shengnan shook his head: "No, I have my way. In other words, how does it feel to be digested?"

She looked a little excited.

"If you want to try, take this circle off and try again."

Lin Hong tugged at the collar that tied him, frowning.

"Actually, I can call my ancestors over at any time, just to be digested or to live... It's really difficult to choose." Xu Shengnan looked a little tortured, and then said, "We don't seem to be able to get out of this clock. In that case, there are still Maybe starve to death?"

"I really don't understand what you have experienced."

Seeing that she was looking forward to it, Lin Hong reluctantly shook his head and looked out of Donghuang Bell.

There was stomach acid everywhere, and there were many dead fishes being digested, and green gas was faintly permeated, probably due to bad smell.

If it weren't for the East Emperor Bell, I'm afraid it would be smoked by the smell here.

Xu Shengnan leaned on the Donghuang Bell and did not answer his question: "It seems good to live here for a few days."

In that case, you can feel the despair.

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