I Can Become a Treasure by Picking Up Garbage

Chapter 794: Another artifact rubbish

"This feeling is great"

Xu Shengnan didn't care, and was still smiling.

After running for a long time, Lin Hong looked back: "I rely on..."

I saw that it was an innumerable white monster, chasing after it.

"Do you want me to call my ancestor over?"

Xu Shengnan was a little undecided at the moment, if he died here, he would no longer be able to torture others.

"Don't, don't," Lin Hong said quickly.

I want to take advantage of this opportunity to escape. If that guy comes over, he will run away.

"okay then……"

Xu Shengnan said, lying on him to sleep.

Lin Hong's mouth twitched: "It's so dangerous, can you still fall asleep?"

While speaking, he heard the snoring noise, which made him even more speechless.

"That's it."

Suddenly, the heart demon spoke.

"Yeah." Lin Hong nodded lightly, and looked over there.

It is a high mountain, if you look closely, it is made up of all kinds of strange and indigestible things.


Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Looking back, it was a pile of white things stuck to the Eastern Emperor Bell: "Inner Demon, what the **** is this?"

Before the inner demon could answer, he understood.

It's those white monsters.



The monsters spewed white venom one after another, hitting the Eastern Emperor Bell with loud noises.

"Those monsters can spit out sticky venom." Inner Demon explained.

Xu Shengnan was awakened and sat up and rubbed his eyes: "Is it morning?"

"It's annoying... Don't make trouble, I'm talking about the monsters."

Lin Hong whispered and found that the collar was tightened, and said hurriedly.

"Humph." Xu Shengnan snorted coldly, "I don't want to see the outside clearly."

Not surprisingly, it won't be long before the East Emperor Bell will be enveloped in those white liquids.

"East Emperor Bell!" Lin Hong patted the inner wall of the East Emperor Bell without saying a word.

In an instant, golden light bursts, and the white venom outside instantly becomes invisible.

"What just happened? This clock is so handsome, can you give it to me?"

Xu Shengnan was a little surprised.

Lin Hong didn't hear it as if: "We have already arrived, there seems to be a lot of treasures here."

To be precise, there is a lot of rubbish

But don't forget... trash, to yourself is the baby of the baby!

When approaching, he began to transform the **** here, and did not rush to find the artifact rubbish.

"They stopped attacking."

Suddenly, Xu Shengnan spoke and found that the white monsters were all standing quietly in the distance, motionless.

"Really, Inner Demon, what's the matter?" Lin Hong looked a little strange.

"Because you are cleaning up the trash, those monsters regard you as a useful cell and are hesitant to kill you."

The demons quickly answered.

Lin Hong chuckled: "It turned out to be so."

They can't clean up these rubbish, so their appearance is in a sense a savior.

"Are they stupid?"

On the contrary, Xu Shengnan slowly drew out the Excalibur, as if he wanted to do something.

"It's you who is stupid." Lin Hong hurriedly stopped her.

If you fight, you will face countless white monsters, and it will be a headache just to think about it.

"Dare to call me stupid?"

Xu Shengnan was a little angry, frowning tightly together.

Lin Hong put away the Donghuang Bell and dangled her from her body: "Stop making trouble, I still have things to do."

"What are you doing? Get out the clock!"

Xu Shengnan covered his nose and was a little unhappy after falling to the ground.

Lin Hong ignored her, but began to use the system to transform the garbage here.

[Successful conversion, obtain force value×68754]

[Successful conversion, get the maze of stars (cheats)]



Suddenly, he thought on a whim: "How good would it be to get the Xianli value directly?"

Now, what you get by transforming garbage is still the value of force, not the value of immortal power. If it weren't, it would be easy to become a fairy.

"Don't dream, there is a lot of **** here, maybe you can get a few artifacts."

The demon couldn't help but tell him to hurry up, after all, time should not be wasted.

After that, Lin Hong began to transform frantically, but when he got close to the artifact trash, his body stopped.

"It's another monster..." Xu Shengnan followed, pinching his nose with his hands.

Not far in front, a huge white monster was sitting there, holding a round palm-sized iron ball in his hand, spitting venom on it from time to time.

"What should I do now?"

Lin Hong was a little speechless, knowing that the monster wanted the iron ball to disintegrate.

But the point is, that is artifact garbage! This level of venom is estimated to be corroded in ten or eight years.

He tentatively walked over: "Can you give me something?"

The huge white monster looked at him, shook his head directly, and then continued to spit venom on the artifact garbage.

"Then why are you willing to give me things?"

Lin Hong frowned. It turned out that these gadgets could understand people's words.

The huge monster shook his head again, there was no room for negotiation at all, but a little angry, frantically spitting venom on the artifact garbage.

In addition to its stickiness, this venom has the most basic toxicity, but it is only slightly stronger than the stomach acid here.

"What is that thing?" Xu Shengnan asked at this moment.

"Do you still need to ask? Of course it's rubbish, can it still be a treasure?"

Lin Hong shook his head, taking it for granted.

On the surface, this is indeed true.

Xu Shengnan heard this: "Really?"

She narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she could see through something.

"Of course it's true, monster, how about I trade this thing for you?"

As Lin Hong said, he took out the keyboard he once got. The keyboard was golden all over, and letters would fly out to attack ~www.readwn.com~ at the same time, and the power could be comparable to the full blow of Xianzun.

"Artifact? Where did you get it?" Xu Shengnan was a little surprised.

A mouthful of Donghuang Bell has surprised her, after all, not everyone can have a magical weapon.


Another one?

Moreover, still use artifacts to replace trash? ?


The huge white monster didn't appreciate it at all, and spit out a mouthful of white venom on the keyboard.

Lin Hong twitched the corners of his mouth: "Don't toast, eat fine wine!"

That artifact trash must be obtained by himself, no matter what method is used.

"Hey, can you give that to someone? Right, right, that's it."

But I saw Xu Shengnan stepped forward, looking at Xiaojiabiyu, pointing at the artifact trash.

Annoyingly, the huge white monster was actually given out, looking a little shy.

"Old **** embryo..." Lin Hong wanted to change back into a human form, and cut the monster into eight pieces.

Must a girl want it? !

"What's so good about this thing?"

After Xu Shengnan got the artifact trash, he wiped off the venom on it and frowned slightly.

No matter how you look at it, it's rubbish.

But she understood that it could never be that simple, otherwise how could that guy be willing to trade with the artifact?

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