"Ababa." The huge white monster suddenly made a sound and pointed to his face.

"This is... I want my mother to kiss you? Get out!"

Xu Shengnan looked over, showing contempt.

For a while, the huge white monster became angry: "Ababa!"


Lin Hong glanced around and found that the other white monsters were furious.

After releasing the Donghuang Bell, covering himself and others, he directly led Xu Shengnan to pick a random direction and ran.

"Didn't it mean there is a way out here?" Xu Shengnan was a little strange.

"What do you believe?"

Lin Hong whispered and found that there was no way to escape, here was a dead end.

Xu Shengnan was a little angry: "You lied to me again?"

"Ah, I didn't lie to you, the road will come out soon."

Lin Hong gave an awkward cough, and saw countless white monsters rushing here. Without a word, he threw the golden keyboard outside the East Emperor Bell and blew himself up.

In an instant, this powerful energy made the heavens and the earth change their colors.

This was a full blow from the Immortal Venerable Realm, which directly blasted the monster's belly, blasted the white monsters to death, and blasted them into the sky with the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"Volcano eruption!"

With Xu Shengnan's roar, the volcano really erupted.

The huge monster that swallowed them had been directly killed, and they went straight into the sky with the lava.

"Huh..." Lin Hong exhaled, "It's finally safe now."

At the very least, it was a worthwhile trip to get the artifact trash and so many fruits that would help cultivate Shui Xuanjue.

"In other words, what exactly is this thing?"

Xu Shengnan held the artifact **** with curiosity on his face.

"Trash." Lin Hong said directly.

"Your eyes tell me that this is a good thing."

Xu Shengnan smiled faintly, and raised his hand to touch his head.

Lin Hong swallowed and spit: "Then you just keep it to see if it's a good thing."

His appearance made Xu Shengnan a little surprised. Is it really just an ordinary thing?

"Then I will keep it, and no one will give it."

She put her things away and snorted coldly.

"..." Lin Hong twitched the corners of his mouth, secretly saying that it was a little difficult to handle.

At this time, they were at the top of the molten spit, unable to go down for a long time, and their position was rather awkward.

"Do you need help?"

The voice came, it was a fire unicorn stepping on auspicious clouds.

Lin Hong glanced over, "Do you remember us?"

This guy is in the role of bodyguard, but he has no obligation to perform bodyguards.

"Ah, don't care about the details."

Huo Qilin coughed awkwardly, and knew that what he was doing was not authentic.

Soon, everyone sat on Huo Qilin and went straight to the south.

"That artifact trash..." Lin Hong still looked like a panda, tentatively asking.


Xu Shengnan smiled lightly.

Lin Hong cast his eyes to look away: "At a young age, she is very refined."

He knew that he had been seen through, and this Nizi believed that he wanted the artifact trash.

"Although I don't know what you want this thing for, but since you want it, I can't give it to you. I want to go the other way."

Xu Shengnan took out the artifact trash and smiled lightly, just wanting to see how uncomfortable others look.

"Then I don't want it." Lin Hong felt helpless.


Xu Shengnan directly responded.

Lin Hong secretly said, "Do you think this is fun?"

Having said that, the golden keyboard blew itself just now, causing a high-intensity eruption of the volcano, which would be affected for dozens of miles.

"It's fun to fool you."

Xu Shengnan gave a clear answer.

"The bear clan can't sit still anymore and starts to attack the human clan." Suddenly, the heart demon said.


Lin Hong asked inwardly, not understanding.

The inner demon replied: "Because of you, their goal now is to save you back even if they are exterminated."

"These guys..."

Lin Hong was inexplicably warm, but smiled bitterly.

If those bears knew that they were humans, they would hate themselves to death.

"How is Xuanmen?" He turned to continue asking in his heart, wanting to understand the current situation.

"Paying a large price in exchange for peace shows that it is not their disciple who declares war, but you."

The demon replied.

Lin Hong frowned: "Is there any involvement in Yuehua Immortal Palace?"

"Unfortunately, there is... The Bird Race knows that you are a member of Yuehua Immortal Palace. This time, in order to avoid being deceived, let people explore it first. "

The demon said, his tone becoming more and more serious.

"That, Xu Shengnan!" Lin Hong looked straight.

I have to go back. It is impossible to withstand the bird race with a blood red treasure chest alone.

"Let me guess... you want to go?"

Xu Shengnan seemed to have expected it.

Lin Hong was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Please take this circle off."

"No hurry, it's coming soon."

Xu Shengnan seemed to have become normal at this moment, shook his head gently, and looked into the distance.

"What's up?" Lin Hong was puzzled.

"Here, that's it, the sea of ​​flowers in autumn."

Xu Shengnan looked into the distance. It was an endless grassland, with flowers growing on it, and a faint wind blowing, blowing away the petals on it.

When the fire unicorn fell on the ground, Lin Hong suddenly said, "So you didn't have no purpose?"

"Otherwise, why should I come out for?"

Xu Shengnan was still sitting on the fire unicorn, shaking his legs at this moment, and took out the artifact garbage again.

She smiled and threw out the artifact trash: "Next."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Hong caught the artifact trash ~www.readwn.com~ somewhat surprised.

I thought it would take some effort, but just gave it to myself?

"When I get here, my ancestors won't know my whereabouts..." Xu Shengnan said, waving his hand.

After only two sounds of "click", the necklaces worn by Lin Hong and Huo Qilin were opened.

"You saved me twice before, and now I'm still on it."

Xu Shengnan said, took out the bead, smashed it suddenly, then turned and left.

"Uh...I'm free?" Huo Qilin shook his head at this time and turned into panic, "No, it would be miserable if the master grabbed me back."

Lin Hong turned into a human being, put on clean clothes, and wore good weapons: "Big fool, follow me."

"Where are you going?"

Huo Qilin is still worried about his life.

"Support... Yuehua Immortal Palace." Lin Hong pursed his lips. It is a realm of the Immortal King, and it will definitely come in handy over there.

"Isn't that the forces of the Northern Territory? No, I can't get past."

Huo Qilin quickly said, taking a few steps back subconsciously.

Lin Hong moved the blood contract: "Is it not clear who owns his life?"

"Well, it's a big deal."

Huo Qilin sighed helplessly, just out of the tiger's den, and entered the wolf's den again...

No, I clearly never came out of this ‘wolf den’!

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