"Don't worry, I'm not Pang Zhi, I'm not that stingy." Lin Hong waved to the waiter and walked into the cafe with Pang Tu.

The cafe was extremely quiet. At this time, it was already evening, and there were no people.

Because there is no box, Lin Hong casually finds a place to sit down, while Pang Tu stands aside respectfully.

"Why don't you sit down?" Lin Hong asked him strangely.

"Cough, Master, I am a servant." Pang Tu coughed lightly.

"I know, sit down." Lin Hong motioned for him to sit down.

"Master, I'm a servant, I can't sit down! Otherwise, I might look down on you when the Yanyun family comes."

Pang Tu spoke helplessly, telling the reason,

Lin Hong was strange: "You sit next to me, I see how they look down on me."


Pang Tu was a little at a loss. As a servant, he had never seen such an approachable young master.

Lin Hong pointed to the seat beside him: "Sit down!"

Helpless, Pang Tu could only sit down, but he appeared trembling and uncomfortable.

"Two, do you want something to drink?" The order clerk was a girl, who was young and beautiful, and secretly gave Lin Hong a surprise.

"Let's have a bottle of mineral water."

Lin Hong spoke casually, smiling slightly.

"Puff--" The guest at the table next to him spouted the coffee in his mouth directly.

Go to such a high-end coffee shop to buy mineral water?

"A cup of coffee is fine."

After Pang Tu finished speaking, with a wink, let her go down.

Lin Hong raised his hand: "Two cups."

"Okay, let's prepare now." The single member nodded, seeing that Lin Hong didn't mean that at all, he left with a pity.

"Master, what are you doing if you order two glasses?"

Pangtu couldn't help but wonder.

"I'll give you some." Lin Hong was speechless, he couldn't even see this, but you are still a business tycoon.

"Hey, master, you might as well treat the servants of us, and use it on the young lady!"

Pang Tu sighed.

Lin Hong didn't regard them as subordinates at all, but it was not worth it. In contrast, the young lady needed Lin Hong's care.

"I treat her well." Lin Hong was puzzled.

"It's not so good, I'll just tell you straight. In fact, Miss she likes you, but you don't marry!"

Pang Tu couldn't hold back after all, ready to speak clearly.

Lin Hong looked at him, and after a moment, pointed to the door: "It's me who won't marry?"

Pang Tu looked at it suspiciously, and saw that Pang Shanwen and a strange young man were walking into the cafe talking and laughing, appearing intimacy.

"This this……"

Pang Tu rubbed his eyes. Miss is she on a date?

On the other side, Pang Shanwen secretly glanced at Lin Hong and whispered to the man beside him: "Pretend to be a little bit like, come with me to anger him!"

"Oh, I hate the opposite sex, don't you know, stay away from me?"

The man covered his mouth and frowned, feeling a little vomiting.

Pang Shanwen smiled slightly: "Thirty thousand yuan, if you don't act like it, you will be gone."

"I'll just go..."

"Don't be such a mother!"


Lin Hong and Pang Tu looked at Pang Shanwen and they walked straight, silent.

"I didn't expect such a coincidence, I would meet you here." Pang Shanwen smiled, wearing glasses and a single ponytail, looking very playful.

"Miss, who is he, and... you never seem to have a habit of drinking coffee, right?"

Pang Tu rushed to speak in front of Lin Hong.

Pang Shanwen glared at Pang Tu to make him speak less, and then looked at Lin Hong: "I'll introduce you. This is my boyfriend, Jerry."

"Hello, my name is Lin Hong."

Lin Hong looked at Jerry with scrutiny eyes.

This boy is very handsome and tall, like a butter boy.

Jerry saw Lin Hong for the first time and couldn't help swallowing and spitting.

This is, love at first sight?

"Hello, I, my name is Jerry, are you... my Tom?"

Jerry said infatuatedly.

Pang Shanwen's eyes widened, and he pinched Jerry's back.

Let you come to help me anger people, not to grab a man from me!

"Who is Tom? My name is Lin Hong, not Tom."

Lin Hong is very strange.

But Pang Tu rubbed his head, feeling a headache.

It's too messy...

"Nothing, he just said something wrong, we are dating!" Pang Shanwen shook his head and smiled.


Lin Hong responded and nodded.

That's it?

Pang Shanwen was a little hard to accept: "We are on a date!"

"I know,"

Lin Hong nodded again.

Pang Shan stamped his feet and bit his lower lip: "You single dog!!"

After she finished speaking, she took Jerry and sat at the next table, and raised her hand to the orderer in anger: "Two cups of love coffee!!!"

This wood! I'm not angry at all, is it because I don't like myself at all?

But I said I like myself before! !

Lin Hong looked at Pang Tu beside him, puzzled: "She seems to be angry?"


Pang Tu didn't say a word, but just nodded.

Half an hour passed.

"Why aren't people coming?" Lin Hong looked at Pangtu, very strange.

"She said it would be there in ten minutes..."

Pang Tu smiled bitterly, the girl's time concept is just fine.

Pang Shanwen's ears moved, and he turned to look over: "Who are you waiting for?"

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound of high heels.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time."

A beautiful lady who looked like a fairy came from outside, with light makeup and an ancient Han costume, as if she had just walked out of a picture scroll.

And around her neck was a snow-white fox.

Lin Hong rubbed his nose and knew that it was a little fox.

The little fox looked at Lin Hong with tears in his eyes, and barely moved his body. Lin Hong discovered that his hands, feet and tail were all **** with a rope.

Immediately, Lin Hong was a little angry: "You are cruelly to animals!"

"Abuse? I give it abalone and sea cucumber~www.readwn.com~ If it wasn't for it, I would have let it go."

Yan Yun chuckled at the corner of his mouth, sitting directly opposite Lin Hong, with two bodyguards next to him.

Lin Hong still frowned: "I have no plan to buy it. I will give it to you and return it to me."

After speaking, he took the black card out of his arms, patted it on the table, and pushed it over.

"There are thirty trillion in it. It's just a little monster. Isn't that enough?"

Knowing his fate, Yan Yun raised Erlang's legs, propped his chin with both hands, and stared at Lin Hong.

Although Lin Hong was surprised by the numbers in this card, he still frowned: "Don't say thirty trillion, even three trillion I won't sell it!"

"Then six trillion?"

Yan Yun stared at Lin Hong with his fate, smiled softly, squeezed his chin, with a variety of styles.

Lin Hong couldn't help looking at Pang Tu: "This Yanyun family, so rich?"

"The world's richest list adds up, no one is as rich as his family..."

Pang Tu whispered in Lin Hong's ear.

The Yanyun Family controls 80% of the world’s Internet, and the daily accounting is astronomical.

Lin Hong was stunned, and Yan Yun knew his fate and smiled slightly: "Are you particularly reluctant to bear this little monster? I can return it to you, but there is one condition."

"You don't have the capital to make terms with me."

Lin Hong frowned. The little fox originally belonged to him. He was forced to buy and sell, but now he is still asking himself about the conditions?

Yan Yun chuckled lightly, pointing to the two bodyguards beside him: "They are both in the innate realm."

"Let's talk about the conditions."

Lin Hong stretched his brows, picked up the coffee in front of him, and took a sip.

"I want you to be my boyfriend." Yan Yun Zhiming suddenly said.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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