
Lin Hong's coffee was sprayed directly on Pang Tu.

"What did you say?" Lin Hong felt that he had heard it wrong.

I said not to sit, I have to let me sit...

Pang Tu picked up a tissue to wipe his clothes, grieving in his heart.

Yan Yun knew his fate and smiled softly: "I said, I want you to be my boyfriend."

Pang Shanwen at the table next door stared at Lin Hong, and his angry hair stood up.

Jerry took a sip of coffee helplessly and shook his head.

Who is the one who is mad at?

"Why?" Lin Hong couldn't help being surprised after confirming that he had heard it correctly.

"Because I like you, it's that simple."

Yan Yun Zhiming licked his lips, as if eating Lin Hong.

"But... why." Lin Hong scratched his head, still puzzled, how could he not be surprised to be confessed by such a girl inexplicably.

"There are so many whys, go, I will take you to the movies!"

"forget it……"

"Do you still want this little fox?"


Lin Hong sighed helplessly, but was forced to take his shoulders by Yan Yun knowing his fate, and walked outside.

Pang Shanwen curled his mouth, tears of grievance were about to flow down: "He deliberately **** me off!?"

"Didn't you want to **** off others..."

Jerry took a sip of coffee.

Pang Shanwen bit his lower lip: "You, go to the movies with me! Keep up with them!!!"

With that, he grabbed Jerry and followed Lin Hong and them.

"You stay away from me, I am sick..." Jerry whispered helplessly.

This group of young people...

Pang Tu wiped his clothes clean, so he didn't plan to follow, so he didn't get hurt by mistake.


"Which one do you want to watch?" Yan Yun still held Lin Hong's shoulders with his fate.

"Just the stray pancake."

Lin Hong chose one randomly.

"No taste..." Yan Yun murmured at his fate, then looked at the bodyguard beside him, "What are you waiting for, buy this movie theater."

Usually when the rich come, she will only book a venue, but she will buy the entire movie theater.

"Not for sale!"

Pang Shanwen brought Jerry over.

Unfortunately, the property rights of this movie theater are in the hands of the Pang family.

Knowing his fate, Yan Yun turned his head and looked over: "Where does this vinegar jar come from? A smell of vinegar..."

Have it?

Pang Shanwen sniffed his arm foolishly, but only smelled a faint body fragrance.

"Darling, the whole movie theater is full of vinegar. I can't stay. I heard that the Bird's Nest will hold a concert today. Tickets are free. Let's go there?"

Yan Yun knew his fate holding Lin Hong's arm and walked outside.

Wherever you go, I will follow!

Pang Shanwen took Jerry and followed Lin Hong in a huff.

Lin Hong took out the car key: "Would you like to drive?"


Yan Yun still held Lin Hong's arm, and her two bodyguards followed closely behind.

"That's not good..." Lin Hong could feel the envy of some passersby on the street.

"What's wrong, don't forget, you are my boyfriend now."

Yan Yun knew his fate and smiled lightly. Then, he glanced behind him and saw that Pang Shanwen was still following, he couldn't help but "tsk".

Bird's nest.

"You have to spend a lot of money to hold a concert here?" Lin Hong couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the huge venue.

It’s nice to have money, so self-willed, and I don’t know which celebrity is hosting this concert, but I don’t even charge tickets.

"Almost a billion at a time."

Yan Yun knew fate obviously because he knew the price, so he answered directly.

One billion...

Lin Hong couldn't help feeling that this star lacks heart and eyes, and he is stupid and has a lot of money.

"Humph!" Pang Shanwen dragged Jerry over and stood beside Lin Hong, snorting coldly at this time.

"What do you think about marrying me?"

Suddenly, Yan Yun knew his fate and whispered in Lin Hong's ear.

Unfortunately, this sentence was heard by Pang Shanwen, and Pang Shanwen stepped on the soles of Lin Hong's feet without saying a word.

It hurts...

"What are you going to do?" Lin Hong turned to look, wondering where he had offended this little ancestor.

"I stepped on it accidentally, can't you?"

Pang Shanwen was a little short of Lin Hong, and raised his head at this time, pouting slightly.

Just as Lin Hong was about to speak, suddenly, with a "bang" under the Bird's Nest, colorful flowers burst out, attracting his attention.

"Welcome everyone, come to today's concert!!"

The lights converged on the most central host, and Lin Hong looked intently, suddenly a little dumbfounded.

This host turned out to be Xiao Feng!

The fool who spent a billion to pack the Bird's Nest and set the tickets to be free turned out to be Xiao Feng! !

"This host is so ugly..." Yan Yun shook his head knowingly.


Pang Shanwen first nodded in agreement, then shook his head and snorted while hugging his shoulders.

"I believe everyone must be very strange, why the tickets are free..."


Xiao Feng began to talk endlessly.

five minutes later.

"Why haven't I noticed that his eloquence is so good before..." Lin Hong couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

When this guy speaks, there is no beginning and end, but it is not difficult to imagine that today's protagonist should be Xiaomei.

The first show worth billions should be unprecedented.

"You have a pillar, Xiaomei will appear!"

Xiao Feng roared and put down the microphone. The lights that Ben had gathered on him were suddenly extinguished, and when they were on again, they shone on the stage in the center of the entire Bird's Nest ~www.readwn.com~ and Xiaomei, Standing on the stage, wearing a pure white skirt and a crown, she looked like a real little princess.

She was holding a microphone in her hand, and at this time, the accompaniment slowly sounded.

"I want to have a home... a place that doesn't need much size."



The time for a song quickly passed, Lin Hong sighed first, then smiled softly.

Xiaomei's life will be turned around due to this.

Next to him, Yan Yun knew his fate, his eyes were red, and he was obviously moved.

"Wow..." Pang Shanwen cried directly and threw himself into Lin Hong's arms.

"Hey, this is my boyfriend, go cry in your boyfriend's arms!" Yan Yun nodded Pang Shanwen's head vigorously.

"This is my brother, slightly!"

Pang Shanwen raised his head and made a face at Yan Yun Zhiming.

"You two don't want to fight anymore..." Lin Hong smiled bitterly, then looked at Xiao Feng coming from a distance.

"Why didn't you tell me when you came? There are so many people, but fortunately I have sharp eyes!"

Xiao Feng was smiling originally, but when he stepped closer, his face instantly darkened.

What a hug from left to right.

To abuse the dog?

Lin Hong and the others are at the top of the bird's nest seat. Although they are the farthest away, they have the fewest relatives.

"Leave aside this, how did you think of spending a billion to come to the Bird's Nest for a free concert?"

Lin Hong rubbed his eyebrows, looking a headache.

Xiao Feng shook his head: "The more weird the better, the major media rush to report first. Look, all the hot searches tomorrow will be Xiaomei!"

"Are you so sure?"

Lin Hong couldn't help but wonder.

"I'm stuffing money!" Xiao Feng raised his eyebrows.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!

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