Seeing that the third uncle and three aunts were also very entangled, the two admissions teachers glanced at each other, and then ran to Qin Hongyu's teachers in sync, hoping to get their support.

The teachers' hearts are also very complicated, and at the end, it was the head teacher Li Dongsheng who spoke: "Tsinghua University and Peking University are both top universities in China, how Hongyu chooses, we all support him!"

Seeing that these people who are most likely to affect Qin Hongyu cannot be used as a breakthrough point, the two admissions teachers are about to continue to fight, and Qin Hongyu, who has not expressed his position, spoke: "Teacher Liu, Teacher Xie, I know that you are very sincere, and I also know that your school is very good, but ......".

This one, however, made Teacher Xie and Teacher Liu dare not breathe, and their eyes dare not blink.

"But this is a major event in life, can I think about it for a while?"

Teacher Xie and Teacher Liu breathed a sigh of relief, although Qin Hongyu's words could be understood as a polite refusal, but he did not refuse directly, but there was still hope?

The two took out their business cards almost at the same time: "This is my phone, if you think clearly, call me at any time, our door to Tsinghua has been open for you." "

My phone is turned on for you 24 hours a day, and our Peking University will always be your home!" Qin

Hongyu cried and laughed, took the business cards of the two teachers, and then sent them to the elevator.

At this time, it was already past 9 o'clock in the evening, and other neighbors were leaving one after another.

Qin Hongyu sent everyone away, the third aunt went to clean up the mess, and the third uncle took the wine bottle and sat on the sofa with Qin Hongyu.

"Xiaoyu, the third uncle is very happy today.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you so happy, Third Uncle. Seeing that the third uncle was happy, Qin Hongyu was happier than anyone else.

"I never imagined that you kid would bring me so many surprises. Xiaoyu, you have grown up, you have grown up. At

the end of the third uncle's speech, the voice became smaller and smaller, and then the wine bottle fell to the ground.

Qin Hongyu looked sideways and found that the third uncle was drunk.

He was asleep, and the corners of his mouth were still amplitude.

Qin Hongyu was in a trance for a while, and said in his heart: "This is just the beginning. When you earn a small goal, and then bring up your social status, I will let

you and the third aunt live on a higher level!" At this moment, the third aunt came out: "Xiaoyu, the school and the next education bureau will reward you with money, and the third aunt will help you save it, and keep it for you to find a daughter-in-law in the future." Speaking of his daughter-in-law, did you take the classmate before?"

Qin Hongyu:

"......" He couldn't answer the words!


After returning to the room and taking a shower, Qin Hongyu collapsed on the bed.

He emptied the address book and stared at Xia Tiantian's three words.

Moaning slightly, he dialed the phone.

The phone was quickly connected, and Xia Tiantian's pleasant voice came: "Hey?"

Although only one word was said over there, Xia Tiantian's joy of surprise could still be heard.

"Haven't slept yet?"


"Today, the admissions teachers of Tsinghua University and Peking University came to me, and they all said that I can choose any major, and the scholarship is 1 million. "

The conditions are so good?"


Xia Tiantian was shocked, but she was also happy for Qin Hongyu.

After all, the higher the conditions for expulsion from the two schools, the more powerful Qin Hongyu is.

However, after only a brief moment of joy, she began to worry again.

The temptation to choose a random major and a scholarship of one million is too great.

I have no intention of going to Tsinghua University and Peking University, if Qin Hongyu has already made a choice, it may be difficult to be in the same city in the future.

Thinking of this, she was a little nervous, but pretended not to care and asked, "Then you...... Did you promise them?"

Qin Hongyu was silent.

Seeing this, Xia Tiantian's heart cooled down.

The mood that was originally up and down fell to the bottom.

Although she had thought that maybe Qin Hongyu would not go to the same school with her, although she had been mentally prepared, she was still very unhappy when reality came.

But at this moment, Qin Hongyu spoke, with a hint of a teasing smile in his voice: "No, because I promised a girl, I will go wherever she goes."

Hearing this, Xia Tiantian, who was originally cold-hearted, couldn't help laughing, and at that moment, the smile was like a flower, and the world became softer.

It's a pity that Qin Hongyu couldn't witness it.

Xia Tiantian was happy and angry.

was angry because Qin Hongyu was silent for a short time just now, obviously deliberately teasing himself.

Happy, it's because of the sentence that wherever she goes, I will go.

No matter how many times she heard this sentence, she felt as sweet as drinking honey in her heart.

However, she didn't show it on the phone, snorted lightly, pretended not to care, and then immediately changed the topic: "There are still three days to fill in the volunteers, when the time comes, you come to my house and we will fill it out together, and come over to practice by the way."


Qin Hongyu answered, and chatted with her for a while, and then hung up the phone.

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