"This is my nephew Qin Hongyu. The third uncle was immersed in joy, and didn't notice the changes in everyone's mood, but just introduced Qin Hongyu to the admissions teacher.

"Teacher Xie, Teacher Liu, hello. Qin Hongyu's reaction was quite flat, neither humble nor arrogant.

Seeing this, the two admissions teachers glanced at each other, and they saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Obviously, they were very surprised by Qin Hongyu's reaction.

They have also seen many geniuses and champions, but no matter what kind of genius they are, they will be very excited when they hear the words Tsinghua University and Peking University.

They were surprised, gave each other a blank look, and each turned his head.

The third uncle opened his mouth and said, "Two teachers, why don't you eat first?"

The two nodded, everyone was eating, and it was not good for them to start talking about business now.

After they were full of wine and food, they coughed lightly and looked at Qin Hongyu.

Everyone keenly grasped this signal, and suddenly came to the spirit, and the soul of eating melons was burning.

"Student Qin, I don't know if you have any intention of going to school?" this sentence was said by Tsinghua teacher Xie.

This time, Mr. Liu rarely did not contradict him.

Qin Hongyu shook his head without thinking.

Hearing this, the two admissions teachers were secretly happy, glanced at each other, and raised eyebrows at each other.

Teacher Liu couldn't wait to say: "Student Qin, I don't need to introduce the background and reputation of our Peking University too much, even if you haven't known about these, you must have heard of them." Our school is superb in arts and sciences, if you choose our school, then I only give one sentence, you can choose any major, and you can open your own scholarship!"

They are all people with families and children, and they still have a little understanding of choosing a university, and although you exceed its admission score, it doesn't mean that you can study all majors.

Qin Hongyu, as the top student in the college entrance examination, was able to choose all majors, and what surprised them was that you can open a scholarship casually!

This sentence is much more effective than picking any major.

Just when the people who ate melons were shocked, Tsinghua University's teacher Xie sighed, looked at Teacher Liu, and said with some sarcasm: "You can choose the major at will, and the bonus will be opened at will, after so many years, Lao Liu, you still haven't changed!"

After speaking, he looked at Qin Hongyu with an extremely sincere look in his eyes: "Classmate, Peking University lied to you, it's an old trick." Come to Tsinghua University, engineering is invincible, other majors are no worse than Peking University, science and engineering men come to my side is the best choice! And our major is practical, unlike a certain university atmosphere that is too romantic and flashy.

"Of course, when you come to us, you are still a random major, as for the scholarship, it is unrealistic for you to open it casually, but as long as you come, you will receive a 100w scholarship when you enroll!" The

third uncle and aunt who were originally inclined to Qin Hongyu to go to Peking University suddenly changed their minds when they heard Teacher Xie's words.

Indeed, the scholarship is just talking, if you open 10 million, it is estimated that Mr. Liu will definitely turn around and leave, or 1 million in Tsinghua.

And the most important thing is that Mr. Xie said that Tsinghua University's profession is practical, while Peking University's flashy and unrealistic.


Liu of Peking University scoffed at Mr. Xie's remarks: "Students, don't listen to his words, do you think the learning environment is important? It just so happens that the learning environment of Peking University is the best, not that I am inflated, and the style of study in our university is simply invincible!"

"We have a humanistic spirit, unlike a certain university that is a gathering place for straight men in science and engineering!"

"As for scholarships, I'm not going to play with you anymore. When I came to Peking University, I immediately reported to the school that within three days, the 1.1 million yuan scholarship would be on your card! "

1.1 million yuan! You can earn 1.1 million yuan when you go to school! What kind of concept is this?


neighbors and teachers were stunned and speechless.

They were shocked, and their eyes stayed at Lao Wu in the most corner.

Lao Wu's face was hot, his head was lowered, and he was ashamed.

The words 1.1 million shattered his last stubbornness with incomparable precision. Remembering that he had just said that the champion might want something, he felt that his face was getting hotter and hotter.

He secretly looked up and saw everyone's playful eyes, and he showed an embarrassed smile: "Third child, I have something to do, go first." The

third uncle was a little confused because he was in the kitchen just now, so he said, "Why did you leave so quickly?" This

was not intended to mock Lao Wu, because although Lao Wu loves to show off and likes yin and yang, his son is the best among all the people present. The tide is high, and the third uncle thinks that Lao Wu may give some useful advice.

These words made Lao Wu almost stumble and fall to the ground, he lowered his head and blushed, dropped a sentence of "It's really urgent", and then left in a gloomy manner.

As Lao Wu left, everyone's eyes focused on Qin Hongyu.

No matter how good the conditions given by the school are, if Qin Hongyu doesn't nod, it's all in vain.

Although the conditions given by the two schools were very powerful, Qin Hongyu's heart did not fluctuate.

He is already destined to take off, to be honest, the current highest university in China has no temptation for him at all.

As for the scholarship one million...... But he said that he wanted to earn 100 million men, so the temptation of this million is very small.

Besides, he promised Xia Tiantian.

Seeing that Qin Hongyu didn't react, the two teachers were a little anxious, they shifted their targets and looked at the third uncle and aunt in unison.

This is Qin Hongyu's parents, and this is also a good entry point.

"Tsinghua Peking University, judging from these four words, you know that Tsinghua University is better than Peking University. "

Fart, Peking University No. 1 in China!" "

We have a Bauhinia apartment, do you have one?"

"...... Do you still have a quota in Nanyue Province for Tsinghua University?"

"For the sake of the champion, I can immediately transfer the quota from other provinces. "


The third uncle and aunt listened to the two teachers-for-tat, and their faces were a little complicated.

It's already great for ordinary people to be able to go to one of these two universities, but their own children are picked at will, and they are still being fought for.

However, it is really a bit difficult - because Tsinghua University and Peking University are very good, and the conditions offered are also very attractive.

Children are too good, but they can also be annoying!

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