Seeing this person, Teacher Zhang and the others immediately stood up: "Principal, why are you here too?" Principal

Ma nodded and waved his hand, motioning for them to sit down first, and then walked up to Qin Hongyu and shook Qin Hongyu's hand vigorously: "You are really me giving us the face of the school head this time."

Qin Hongyu didn't expect Principal Ma of Nansha No. 3 Middle School to come in person, and he was a little flattered.

"You are not only the first champion of our school in the college entrance examination, breaking the highest score in the history of our school, but also breaking the highest score

of the previous champions in Nanyue Province!" "The champion is different from

the high-scoring champion!" "Maybe you don't know what this means, but I can tell you responsibly -- the previous high-scoring champions are now all the pillars of society! The worst in the mix, with an annual salary of more than one million! Hongyu classmate, you have a bright future!" Principal Ma was a little emotional.

Hearing this, the neighbors and teachers were deeply impressed.

And a few neighbors who were dissatisfied with Lao Wu just now silently looked at Lao Wu who retreated to the back of the crowd.

Didn't you just say that the top student in the college entrance examination doesn't mean anything

? The worst ones in society go out and have an annual salary of one million, which is useless as you say?

Lao Wu looked at everyone, extremely embarrassed, and could only smile wryly, his face was flushed, like a monkey's ass, and he looked extremely funny.

At this moment, he was eager to dig a hole in the ground and go down!

Principal Ma didn't notice it at all, and continued: "The threshold of my office is about to be broken today, and only now do I have time to come and say thank you in person. It's you, let

Nansha No. 3 Middle School create brilliance again!" Although Nansha No. 3 Middle School was already very good in the past, but now that it has a champion, it will absorb more high-quality students in the future, how can he not be excited?

"Time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, Hongyu has changed from a small pudding to

the pride of many people!" The principal also said that he missed a sentence, in fact, Hongyu's child is also the pride of our community.

"The third and their husband and wife worked hard for Hongyu, and now Hongyu has the ability, I am really happy for them from the bottom of my heart."

The person concerned, Qin Hongyu, took a deep breath, looked at the principal with tears in his eyes, and replied seriously: "Principal, this is what I should do as a student." I hope that the third middle school will get better and better in the future!" the

principal was stunned, and then his body trembled slightly: "Okay...... Good.

Everyone was also infected by the atmosphere, and a few women couldn't help but have mist in their eyes: "The wind is so strong that I cry." "

When I'm older, I want to cry when I feel a little bit of trouble.

"Hongyu, you're not very young, but those of us who are old can't stand it. "

Turn off the fans, let's talk about something else." "


"What's the matter?" As soon as the third uncle came back from buying the things, he was taken aback when he saw that everyone was in some emotions.

"Are you embarrassed to say? What kind of fan did you buy, the wind is also strong, it's a little spicy. A neighbor's aunt laughed and cursed.

The third uncle is a little inexplicable, I am a ceiling fan, this can also blow into your eyes? You keep looking up at the ceiling, right?

He turned off the fan, and the third aunt also came out at this time: "Everyone is hungry, the dish is ready, and when the meal is opened, you can eat it immediately." The

third aunt saw a lot of unfamiliar faces, looked at Qin Hongyu and motioned for him to introduce it.

Qin Hongyu understood: "This will be the principal of Nansha No. 3 Middle School, this is Teacher Yao." The

third uncle and three aunts hurriedly said hello.

Seeing this, Principal Ma took out a stack of red banknotes from his briefcase, and said with a smile: "Here is 100,000 yuan, the school rewards Hongyu students for winning glory for the school, I will hand it over to your parents." The

third uncle and three aunts were overjoyed: "Thank you leader, thank you school."

Qin Hongyu was a little surprised.

Although 100,000 yuan is nothing to him, who would dislike having a lot of money?"

"Don't thank me, this is what Hongyu deserves." The

principal said with a smile: "Hongyu got such a high score in the exam this time, and people from the Municipal Education Bureau will come to give him a bonus after a while."

"In the past, our Nansha City ranked low in the entire Nanyue Province, but this time, because of Hongyu, we can finally hold our heads high, so that is what he deserves!"

"The bonus is not much, 200,000 yuan."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Looking at the third uncle and aunt who were about to cramp with a smile, the neighbors' eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

After laughing, the third uncle and three aunts thanked me again, and then said politely: "Principal Ma, you are so happy today, will you stay for a meal and then leave?"

The principal politely refused: "Because of Hongyu, the leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau called me all day today, and I asked them to have dinner together, I'm sorry."

"Then I'll send you. The

third uncle pulled Qin Hongyu and sent the principal out together.


By the time the two returned, the meal had already been arranged.

Qin Hongyu and the third uncle sat down and started eating.

Just as the atmosphere was in full swing, there was a quick knock on the door. At the same time, there seemed to be the sound of people arguing?

The third uncle stood up and opened the door, only to see two middle-aged men with sparse hair who had formed the Mediterranean.

Seeing the third uncle, they asked in unison, "Is this Qin Hongyu's home?"

After speaking, they glared at each other, and then each snorted softly, don't look over.

Looking at the two people who came together in front of him, but the smell of fire was so strong, the third uncle nodded a little uncertainly.

"Hello, you must be Qin Hongyu's parent, I am the person in charge of the Nanyue Provincial Admissions Office of Peking University, my surname is Liu, I came here this time to discuss with Qin Hongyu about the relevant matters of his intention to university. "

Hello, I'm from Tsinghua University, and my surname is Xie. "

Tsinghua University, Peking University

, two people were incompatible just now, this is the rhythm of coming to the door to grab people

?" The third uncle was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "It turned out to be Teacher Liu and Teacher Xie, we were eating just now, and Hongyu was also inside, why don't you come in and have a meal together?"

"Okay!" The two rivals spoke in unison again, and then each snorted softly, and followed behind the third uncle in unison.

"Xiaoyu, you hurry up and go into the house and get two more stools to come out.

As soon as he entered the dining room, the third uncle shouted at Qin Hongyu with a smile on his face.

Looking at the strange two people behind the third uncle, Qin Hongyu was a little surprised, but he didn't think about it, he just thought it was a friend of the third uncle.

After the two teachers sat down, the third uncle stood up, looked at everyone, and introduced: "Let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Liu, the admissions teacher of Peking University, and this is Mr. Xie, the admissions teacher of Tsinghua University." The

crowd who was feasting was stunned.

When they came back to their senses, everyone looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Tsinghua University, Peking University, these are the highest institutions of learning in China!

Except for newborn babies who are unconscious, who has not heard of the name of Tsinghua University and Peking University?

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