In the C position of the classroom, a boy who was originally struggling to write couldn't help but clench his pen, and the green tendons in his hands burst out.

"Damn!" he cursed.

"What's the matter, Gao Qiu?" the same table heard his secret scolding, and subconsciously cared.

Gao Qiu replied casually that it was okay, but looking at Qin Hongyu giving Xia Tiantian an iPhone, his face was still extremely ugly.

Although he has never shown any signs of interest in Xia Tiantian to anyone, in fact, he has long set Xia Tiantian as his girlfriend.

In his opinion, in terms of talent, only the first in the class can be worthy of Xia Tiantian, whose grades are almost on par with him; in terms of beauty, he is also a class grass

, and Qin Hongyu, who is above average in appearance, cannot be compared with him at all! And if he talks about his family background, he can be regarded as a small rich second generation, and Qin Hongyu, who has always been diligent and thrifty and has a poor family background, cannot be compared

! ! Not to mention, he is also a star member of the school basketball team and the school committee of the class, and Qin Hongyu is just a dead nerd who can't get a fart for three days!

It is precisely because of this that before this, he had never considered Qin Hongyu in the list of potential competitors.

Even, before today, he had almost no impression

of Qin Hongyu! But it was such a person, who actually sounded the horn of the charge in advance when they were all preparing for the college entrance examination and were about to wait until after the college entrance examination to launch an offensive against

Xia Tiantian! Moreover, as soon as he made a move, he was actually a big deal!

Just when Gao Qiu's thoughts were flying, Xia Tiantian was under everyone's attention, her cheeks were slightly pink and she showed a little girlish appearance, and asked Qin Hongyu with some coquettishness in her voice: " Why did you send me such an expensive gift?"

"I want to change my phone, so I bought one for you." Not only you, but also my third uncle and aunt, I sent them all. Qin Hongyu told the truth.

Xia Tiantian didn't get the answer she wanted, and was slightly disappointed.

But Xiao Shuai, Xiao Wolf and others couldn't help but lie down for a while.

Even the other students in the class couldn't help but look sideways again when they heard it.

Especially after seeing that Qin Hongyu used the same iPhone xs Max himself, they unconsciously showed a little envy.

Four top-of-the-line flagship fruit machines, that's 50,000 oceans! For students who are still in high school, it's almost an astronomical amount! But Qin Hongyu actually said it so lightly?

"It's still class time!" Gao Qiu couldn't help but turn around and shouted, and then said in an old-fashioned manner, "Besides, the college entrance examination is imminent, is it time to be distracted?"

A few boys who also had a crush on Xia Tiantian also hurriedly answered: "Yes, the college entrance examination is our top priority!" That is a major event that is very likely to determine our fate in the next ten years, twenty years, or even a lifetime!"

"Don't look at us sitting in one class now, but when the college entrance examination is over, the two groups of people with good grades and those with average grades are destined to exist in two worlds."

"Xia Tiantian, don't be impulsive. With Qin Hongyu's achievements, his family background is ...... You are not destined to be a person of the world. "


Hearing this, Qin Hongyu frowned slightly.

I just sent a mobile phone to a friend, why are these people so excited? And even the words are so sour

? Xia Tiantian exploded instantly, and said coldly to the boys: "What do you say? The dog takes the mouse, does it seem that he is very smart?"

Several boys didn't expect that Xia Tiantian would actually react like this, and they all lowered their heads stupidly, pretending to continue to review, and at the same time secretly observed Xia Tiantian with the corner of their eyes.

Gao Qiu's face became more and more ugly.

He has been paying attention to Xia Tiantian since he was in high school, and he knows the mildness of his temper.

At least, in the three years that he observed Xia Tiantian, the number of times he saw Xia Tiantian lose his temper was almost zero.

But now, Xia Tiantian actually broke out directly because others sneered at

Qin Hongyu for a few words? This is definitely not a good sign!

I have to think of a way to make Xia Tiantian change her opinion of Qin Hongyu in order to recognize the gap between the two!

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he coughed lightly, and said seriously: "Tomorrow is the penultimate school-wide mock test before the college entrance examination sprint, everyone should hurry up and continue to review."

"Didn't the head teacher also say that these two mock exams can basically reflect everyone's college entrance examination results." Everyone must also hope that they can get a good score in the exam, right?"

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately stopped talking to each other, and then resumed preparing for the exam one after another.

Xia Tiantian also asked Qin Hongyu in a low voice after putting away the phone: "How much have you reviewed the information you gave you last time

?" "If I say that I haven't started yet, will you can't help but want to pinch me again?" Qin Hongyu asked weakly.

"I don't just want to pinch you!, I can't wait to give you a little punch!" Xia Tian snorted sweetly.

It was the information that she had spent several days sorting out for Qin Hongyu, but this nerd didn't take it seriously at all!

Qin Hongyu said, immediately opened the notebook, and read it carefully.

Xia Tiantian glanced at the brand-new iPhone for a moment, then looked at Qin Hongyu, couldn't help sighing, and then whispered: "I'm really happy to receive your gift."

"However, the college entrance examination is coming soon, if you have your current results, let's not talk about the same school in the future, it will be difficult to even apply to a school in the same city." And if you can't go to a city......

" "I've done my best to get that information, and the rest is up to you."

"At the same table, you must work hard.

After speaking, Xia Tiantian gently rubbed the new mobile phone.

Qin Hongyu trembled in his heart.

He has always known that he regards Xia Tiantian as a good friend who talks about everything, comparable to the kind of iron buddy.

It is precisely because of this that he regards Xia Tiantian's unusually good to him again and again.

Even if Xia Tiantian specially prepared review materials for him not long ago, and rushed to the hospital to give him life-saving money for his third aunt's surgery...... He didn't think much of it.

Even, even Xia Tiantian spoke up for him just now, he only regarded him as a good buddy and stood up for his friends.

But it wasn't until just now, when he heard Xia Tiantian's long sigh full of helplessness and a little loss and powerlessness, and the endless "tablemate" in her monologue, that he realized that he was really a nerd.

After glancing at Xia Tiantian on the side, seeing that she was absentmindedly dragging her cheeks out of her mind, Qin Hongyu took a deep breath, and then said as if responding: "At the same table, I won't let you down." "

Swear by my name!"

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