At three o'clock in the afternoon, the third aunt's operation began as scheduled.

Qin Hongyu accompanied the third uncle to wait patiently outside the operating room.

While waiting for the operation, the third uncle was so anxious that he couldn't even control his emotions in front of Qin Hongyu, getting up from time to time, pacing back and forth without saying a word, and even smoking extremely frequently, almost one after another.

Qin Hongyu comforted him several times, but the effect didn't last for three minutes each time.

It wasn't until close to five o'clock in the afternoon that the "operational" indicator light went out, and the group pushed open the door of the operating room and walked out.

Moreover, during this operation, our team performed far beyond normal, and the patient will hardly have any problems in the next three years, as long as he pays attention to maintenance. "

Thank you, thank you so much!" The third uncle took the initiative to hold the hand of the chief surgeon with both hands and thanked him again and again.

When Qin Hongyu heard this, he couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief, and then smiled.


chief surgeon also smiled and said, "It's all what we should do." The patient is now awake and can go in now if you want to see her. After

saying that, he quickly left with people.

The third uncle immediately went into the operating room.

Qin Hongyu also followed in, and saw that the third aunt's complexion was indeed better, but after still looking haggard, he was slightly distressed.

He turned around and ran out of the operating room, quickly followed the chief surgeon, and asked in a low voice: "Doctor, is it possible to eradicate my third aunt's disease?" "

If there is a major breakthrough in the field of nephrology in modern medicine in the past three years, it is possible." The surgeon said it very tactfully.

But Qin Hongyu understood.

The surgeon was almost telling him bluntly that with the level of modern medicine, the third aunt's illness could not be cured at all!

As for what was the major breakthrough in the field of nephrology of modern medicine in three years...... That's almost impossible.

If you want to take a step forward in the scientific research process of basic disciplines, it is too difficult, and as for taking a big step forward and making a major breakthrough, it is countless times more difficult than hitting the jackpot of the big luck lotto

! However, he doesn't want the third aunt to leave the world early before she has time to enjoy life, and he doesn't want the third uncle to be sad because of this!

Qin Hongyu secretly clenched his fists, and asked a little unwillingly: "Then is there any other way to relieve her pain and let her live a long and healthy life?"

"Modern medicine can only go so far for the time being. The chief surgeon looked a little regretful.

Qin Hongyu took a deep breath and said seriously, "I understand, thank you, doctor." The

chief surgeon patted him on the shoulder and said with relief, "No matter what the future holds, cherish the people in front of you first." Now there are not many filial and caring children like you, and on your third aunt's side, I will let the nursing staff take care of it more.

Qin Hongyu thanked him again, and then turned to leave.

The moment he left, he opened the system panel.

When he reconfirmed that his spiritual power had risen to level 2 and that it was possible to gain the skills in the books through reading, he secretly decided: If modern medicine can't do it, then I will study all the medical techniques and put Bian Que, Zhang Zhongjing, Hua Tuo, and Li Shizhen ...... When

the time comes, I will heal the third aunt and create miracles by myself!


After leaving the hospital, he took a taxi straight home.

Soon after I got home, I was packing up my things when I received a call from Goudong Logistics, saying that the things he ordered had arrived, and asked if he was at home.

"So fast?" Qin Hongyu was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that the mobile phone he ordered yesterday evening would be delivered in just half a day.

When he took the box from the courier, he opened it directly in front of everyone.

When he saw that there were four brand-new iPhone xs max in the delivery box, a wave of envy flashed in the courier's eyes.

Several other young ladies who were receiving the express couldn't help but glance at Qin Hongyu a few more times.

Qin Hongyu suddenly felt a little satisfied with his vanity, and after taking the mobile phone home, he changed into the mobile phone card, turned it on, and activated the ......

After feeling the black technology of the new mobile phone, as well as the silky smooth operation and system, he directly threw the knockoff golden apple into the trash: "Goodbye, never again!" "

From today on, I am the rich generation, the most dragged cub in the family!"

After a few sentences, Qin Hongyu put the two iPhone XS max on the dinner table and wrote a message to the third uncle.

After doing this, he was worried that the third uncle would not be willing to use such an expensive mobile phone, so he simply unboxed, turned on, and activated all the two mobile phones to prevent the two from returning the goods.

After that, I took the remaining new mobile phone and went straight to school.


Half an hour later, Nansha No. 3 Middle School, in the eighth class of high school.

Xia Tiantian was absentmindedly turning the pen, and looked at the mobile phone on the table from time to time.

"I don't know if that nerd's third aunt's surgery went well?" she

was thinking about when someone suddenly sat down next to her.

"This one is for you. A familiar male voice rang out.

Xia Tiantian's eyes immediately returned to clarity, and she said with some surprise

, "A gift?" "You said it was a gift, it was a gift." Qin Hongyu smiled.

Xia Tian looked at Qin Hongyu's hand happily.

She was stunned when she saw that it was a brand-new, unopened iPhone XS Max.

Seeing this, the four people who had been paying attention to Qin Hongyu, Eryu, Xiaoshuai, Fatty, and Little Wolf couldn't help but burst out foul language: ", Brother Qin, you're too awesome, aren't you!As soon as you make a move, it's the latest iPhone XS Max, or the 256g top version!This is a special ocean

!" "The big guy is really the only way for me to spy on the upper class!"

"My women's clothes are also quite sassy, Brother Qin, why don't you consider me too?"


As soon as these guys' riotous words came out, everyone in the class who was originally seriously reviewing also turned their eyes.

After seeing the brand-new iPhone that Qin Hongyu pushed to Xia Tiantian, almost everyone was stunned: ", am I dazzled

?" "Isn't this product usually not good-looking, extraordinarily thrifty and simple

?" "Could it be that he just looks ordinary, but in fact he is a hidden local tyrant?"

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