Xia Tiantian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Qin Hongyu, smiled again, and said softly: "You are really, stupid people have stupid blessings." "

Why does this sound like a scolding me?" Qin Hongyu smiled.

Xia Tiantian glanced at him: "You were originally a nerd!" "

Is there one?" Qin Hongyu was a little dumbfounded, and was about to find out the root cause, when Assistant Lin came back with the phone again.

This time, she was full of spring breeze, and said gently and kindly to Qin Hongyu: "I'm sorry Mr. Qin, I'll give you a bill for a long time if you keep you waiting."

After she finished the order, Qin Hongyu immediately asked, "When will my third aunt's surgery be arranged?" "

Please rest assured, I have already reported the situation on the phone just now, and I can operate on it this afternoon at the latest." As for the single VIP room and one-to-one gold service you ordered, it has been officially effective from just now. Assistant Lin said as he asked Qin Hongyu and the others to sit down, and then poured water for Qin Hongyu and the others.

While pouring water, she cautiously asked, "Does Mr. Qin drink tea, juice or coffee?" Qin

Hongyu asked for a cup of boiled water, and not long after he sat down with the third uncle, Xia Tiantian and others, Assistant Lin's phone rang again.

This time, after she glanced at the caller ID, she connected it in front of Qin Hongyu and the others.

After answering the phone, she immediately said: "Mr. Qin, the feedback from the surgeon is here, and the operation officially started at three o'clock this afternoon."

When the third uncle heard this, he immediately couldn't help but be overjoyed: "That's good!"

As he spoke, he showed a little nervousness again, "This operation is not risky, right?"

Assistant Lin hesitated for a moment before he said cautiously, "Strictly speaking, every operation will have risks. And for a serious illness like Mrs. Ling, no matter how high the surgeon's medical skills are, there will definitely be a certain risk...... This is clearly stated in the consent form you have signed before.

As soon as the third uncle heard this, his heart that had been put down hung again.

Seeing this, Qin Hongyu immediately said with relief: "Third uncle, the third aunt Ji people have their own natural appearance, and everything will definitely go well."

Xia Tiantian also nodded.

The third uncle forced out a smile, but there was still an indelible worry between his eyebrows.

"Don't think about it too much, Uncle San, let's go see Aunt San first. Qin Hongyu said, taking the lead and standing up with Xia Tiantian.

The third uncle didn't want him to worry, so he also got up.

Assistant Lin enthusiastically led the way for the three of them.


On the sixth floor of Nansha People's Hospital, in Ward 6319 of the single VIP ward, a middle-aged woman is obviously enjoying the meticulous care of the exclusive nurse at the moment, but her expression is a little restrained and uneasy.

After a long time, she finally couldn't help the uneasiness in her heart, and asked, "Little nurse, are you mistaken? Why did you transfer me from the eight-person room to this side

?" "Moreover, wasn't it a nurse who was in charge of eight beds of patients before, but now how did it become a one-on-one service

?" "Is it the end of the eldest sister's life?"


The little nurse was crying and laughing, thinking about how to answer, when Qin Hongyu and the others walked in.

"Lao Qin, Xiao Yu, you came at the right time. The third aunt looked a little flustered, "This hospital is so good, it suddenly transferred me from an eight-person room to a single room here, and also arranged for me to be cared for...... You tell me honestly, is my condition worsening and time is running out?"

"Don't think about it, these are Xiaoyu's filial piety. The third uncle sat at the head of his wife's bed, with some embarrassment, and briefly told Qin Hongyu how he threw millions for her after winning the jackpot.

After the third aunt listened, her eyes suddenly turned red. When he looked at Qin Hongyu, there was relief, self-blame and some emotion in his eyes.

Qin Hongyu also walked to her side and said seriously: "Third aunt, don't say thank you." These are the things I should do. The

third aunt immediately wet her eyes at this time, and took Qin Hongyu's hand with tears in her smile: "Good boy, the third aunt is a rough person, she has no culture, and she doesn't know how to speak, but today's events, the third uncle and three aunts have all remembered it in their hearts."

Xia Tiantian saw her crying, and immediately pulled out a few tissues and handed them over.

"Thank you. The third aunt took the tissue, and then seemed to have just discovered Xia Tiantian, while looking at Xia Tiantian, she looked at the third uncle and Qin Hongyu suspiciously, "Who is this?" "

This girl is Xiaoyu's tablemate, and she is also a good child." The third uncle immediately helped to introduce, "I was afraid that our medical expenses would not be enough, so I took the initiative to come to the hospital to send medical expenses to Xiaoyu." "

Hello third aunt. Xia Tiantian said hello to the third aunt sweetly, "My name is Xia Tiantian, and I am Qin Hongyu's high school classmate and tablemate." The

third aunt's eyes immediately lit up, and she looked at Xia Tiantian carefully, and then smiled from ear to ear, "Hello, hello." It's Xiaoyu's girlfriend at school, right?

When Xia Tiantian heard this, her pretty face suddenly seemed to be in full bloom, but she didn't make a defense, but secretly glanced at Qin Hongyu next to her from the corner of her eye.

When the third aunt saw this situation, she immediately knew it and smiled more cheerfully.

But Qin Hongyu explained as soon as possible: "Third aunt, Tiantian and I are just classmates and tablemates, don't get me wrong." "

The third aunt knows. The third aunt smiled and said with some encouragement, "Classmates can become friends, friends can become boyfriend and girlfriend, and the relationship can develop step by step..."

Qin Hongyu was afraid that if the third aunt continued, Xia Tiantian would be embarrassed, so he hurriedly interrupted, "Third aunt, Tiantian will go back to school later, I'll send her out first."

Seeing this, the third aunt immediately stopped talking.

The third uncle sighed with emotion: "I kind of know, why Tiantian just said that you were a fool."

After speaking, he silently added in his heart: You are really single by strength.

Xia Tiantian was slightly disappointed, bowing her head and not saying a word.

Seeing this, Qin Hongyu thought that she was unhappy, and after saying goodbye to the third uncle and third aunt in a hurry, he left the hospital with Xia Tiantian.

When he walked out of the hospital gate, he took the initiative to explain: "Don't take what happened in the ward just now, my third aunt is unintentional."

When Xia Tiantian heard this, she immediately glared at him, and said angrily: "You big fool, it's better not to explain!"

Xia Tiantian became even more angry when she saw this, and said quickly: "I'll go back to school first, big fool!"

After speaking, the cute "hum" and left in a huff.

Qin Hongyu looked at her departing back, still a little confused: "I'm so witty, I can even make up nonsense like winning the lottery and scholarships, why am I so stupid

?" "Also, she was so good just now, why did she suddenly get angry?"

"Woman, what an incomprehensible creature!" "It's

better to read, one is one, two is two, write clearly, and the reason is clear." The most important thing is that reading can still become stronger, so I'd better read more.

Thinking of this, Qin Hongyu shook his head and turned around and returned to the third aunt's ward.

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