"Xiaoyu, have you been under too much pressure lately?" the third uncle asked with some concern.

After he touched Qin Hongyu's forehead, he found that the other party did not have a fever, and his first reaction was that Qin Hongyu should have been too stressed, resulting in some mental abnormalities?

Xia Tiantian also looked at Qin Hongyu at the same time when the search results jumped out.

Assistant Lin didn't think that Qin Hongyu was like the kind of person who could take out millions of dollars at will, but at this moment, seeing that Qin Hongyu's two close people were doing this, he also stopped swiping the card.

Qin Hongyu didn't explain this time, and asked directly: "Assistant Lin, the card has been given to you, are there any other questions?"

"Mr. Qin, I think it is still necessary to remind you." The VIP ward in a single room is 15,000 per month, and the one-to-one gold care service is 13,000 per month. If you follow what you said, one year of gold medal care plus a single VIP ward, plus the operation fee of 1 million, you need to spend a total of 1,336,000 yuan this time. Assistant Lin deliberately accentuated the number 1,336,000 when he said it.

Qin Hongyu showed a thoughtful expression.

Seeing this, the third uncle and Xia Tiantian thought that he was sober up and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but Qin Hongyu suddenly spoke again: "One hundred and thirty-three thousand six thousand? "

Mr. Qin, the hospital does not accept any discounts and bargaining. Assistant Lin reminded.

Qin Hongyu snapped his fingers: "I said, make up a whole, you directly brush 1.4 million, and the extra 64,000 will be used as the reserve fund I paid in advance, when the time comes, what does my third aunt need, you use this fund to meet her!"

Assistant Lin was stunned again.

She has seen a lot of people who come to the hospital to ask for the erasure of the medical expenses on the grounds of making up, but like Qin Hongyu, who has made up 1.33 million medical expenses to 1.4 million, it is the first time she has seen them?

The third uncle cautiously walked up to Qin Hongyu and secretly observed his demeanor to see if there were any signs of mental abnormality.

Xia Tiantian touched Qin Hongyu's arm with some concern, and asked in a low voice, "You...... Are you okay?"

Qin Hongyu couldn't help laughing: "I look like there's something wrong?"

Xia Tiantian and the third uncle subconsciously nodded in unison.

"......" Qin Hongyu was speechless for a while.

Assistant Lin also wanted to say that Qin Hongyu did look a little abnormal, but out of professionalism, he didn't say it.

Seeing that Qin Hongyu insisted on going his own way, she didn't remind her more, skillfully swiped the card, entered the amount of the card, and handed the credit card machine to Qin Hongyu: "Enter the password."

Qin Hongyu didn't say much, took the card machine, and quickly entered the password.

When he handed over the credit card machine, Assistant Lin consciously glanced at the display screen of the credit card machine.

When she saw the four big words of successful collection, her expression of disgust stiffened.

The credit card machine automatically starts printing the receipt.

The third uncle and Xia Tiantian saw that Assistant Lin's expression was wrong, and thought that Qin Hongyu had teased each other and made the other party unhappy, so they immediately walked over and wanted to help Qin Hongyu out of the siege.

But as soon as they walked over, the two of them saw the small receipts that were constantly popping up from the credit card machine.

"Nansha People's Hospital, ticket number A1356, collection: 1,400,000 yuan......"

The third uncle was stunned for a moment, and then consciously glanced at the card that was swiped.

After confirming that it was Qin Hongyu's bank card, he subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

"Xiaoyu, you, where did you get the 1.4 million?" Xia

Tiantian also looked at Qin Hongyu with an unbelievable face.

As Qin Hongyu's tablemate, she really knows too well that Qin Hongyu is in a tight situation. Moreover, the attitude of Qin Hongyu's third uncle in front of him is enough to prove the constraints of Qin Hongyu's family.

It is precisely because she knows the difficulties of Qin Hongyu's family that she will not hesitate to grind hard and even try to take care of Qin Hongyu's self-esteem and vanity after learning that Qin Hongyu's third aunt is seriously ill and in urgent need of medical expenses to save her life, and even tried every means to take care of Qin Hongyu's self-esteem and vanity, and only today did she lend 800,000 yuan to Qin Hongyu with "borrowed money".

But now, Qin Hongyu actually spent 1.4 million without blinking his eyelids?

Xia Tiantian was a little skeptical that he had a delusion.

"Could it be that I'm really overstressed and paranoid?" she

tried to pinch herself.

It hurts, isn't it delusional?

Xia Tiantian had this thought in her mind, and the phone on Assistant Lin's desk rang.

"Sorry, I'll answer the phone. Assistant Lin hurriedly apologized, then covered his mobile phone and went out to answer respectfully.

Qin Hongyu took the opportunity to smile at the third uncle: "I wanted to tell you a long time ago that the lottery ticket I bought yesterday won the jackpot, and after paying 20% of the taxes, there is still 1.5 million." But when I texted you last night, your phone was broken, and when I wanted to tell you this morning, you were coaxing you to be happy......

"This matter is the third uncle's emotional. The third uncle blamed himself, and then asked with a trembling voice, "This one and a half million, is it really no problem

?" "The money is all in my card, third uncle, what else can you say?" Qin Hongyu said, stuffing the bank card into the third uncle's hand, "If you really don't worry, I'll hand over the card to you for safekeeping?" "Then don't

worry! The third uncle is at ease with you." The third uncle hurriedly excused himself, and then couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "The old Zhang Tou next door bought a lottery ticket for decades, and the biggest one won more than 1,000, I thought that thing was a pit person." Unexpectedly, Xiaoyu, you really won the jackpot.

Qin Hongyu also smiled lightly: "Yes, thank God for opening your eyes, the third aunt's medical expenses have been settled." "

It should be the third uncle and the third aunt who want to thank you!" The third uncle's eyes were slightly moist.

During this time, he can be said to have broken his leg for his wife's medical expenses, and he has suffered a lot of white eyes, but what he hears the most is pretending to be poor with various excuses.

Especially yesterday, when I went to the provincial capital to find a few distant relatives who were obviously very generous - those relatives were eating and drinking spicy food, driving luxury cars and living in mansions, but after he opened his mouth to borrow money, they all began to pretend to be poor with bitter water;

On the contrary, it was Qin Hongyu, who thought that the fart child was big, after winning the grand prize of 1.5 million, he did not choose to hide it, but took the initiative to take out almost all of it without hesitation, and paid the medical expenses for his wife and improved ......the hospitalization environment

No matter what Qin Hongyu thinks, the third uncle is grateful and moved from the bottom of his heart.

Qin Hongyu could understand the third uncle's mood, but he smiled and said: "It's all a family, and the third uncle said this, but it's a little different." "

Yes, it's the third uncle who is hypocritical. The third uncle said, secretly wiped the corners of his eyes, and showed a pleased smile.

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