When he woke up the next morning, Qin Hongyu only felt refreshed.

He opened the mobile banking for the first time and checked the balance again.

2051896.87 yuan!

After improving his reading skills last night, it took just over an hour before going to bed, and he not only finished reading the textbooks that usually take two or three hours to read, but also earned more than 400,000 yuan

! Qin Hongyu opened the system interface again.

The spiritual power has actually increased to 18!

" It seems that the system is really the same as I thought, it is a charcoal in the snow!" Qin Hongyu looked at the system interface with a smile, thinking that at the current speed, at most ten days of effort, his spiritual power will probably be able to rise to level 2.

In this case, there is no need to rush the advanced tasks of the novice of the system, and the top priority is to go to the hospital to pay the medical expenses of the third aunt.

After getting up from the bed, Qin Hongyu walked out of the door and immediately saw the third uncle asleep on the sofa.

The third uncle was probably too tired, leaning on the sofa, although his eyes were closed, but his eyebrows were full of sadness, he didn't even take off his clothes and shoes, and there was a cigarette between his fingers that had not yet had time to light.

Qin Hongyu was afraid of disturbing the third uncle's rest, so he didn't make any sound as much as possible when he washed.

After washing up, he tiptoed out to buy two breakfasts, and asked the head teacher for a day off by the way.

When I got home, the third uncle had already woken up and was sitting on the sofa swallowing clouds.

Seeing Qin Hongyu coming back, he pinched out the cigarette in his hand, forced out a smile and said: "Xiaoyu, the third uncle's mobile phone was broken yesterday, I left your phone number with the hospital, if they have any situation in the past few days, they may call you, you pay attention." "

I said how can I call the third uncle and can't get through. Qin Hongyu smiled and said, "Third uncle, I'll accompany you to the hospital later, I haven't seen the third aunt for a few days." The

third uncle sighed and didn't speak.

As soon as Qin Hongyu saw the third uncle's expression, he knew that his road to borrowing money yesterday was not very smooth, and he was probably still worried about the medical expenses, so he immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry about the medical expenses, third uncle, I have a way to solve it."

"How old are you? Can you solve it? You kid, you can talk and make me happy." The third uncle smiled a little helplessly, and without waiting for Qin Hongyu to speak again, he said directly, "Hurry up and have breakfast, after breakfast, our grandfather will go to the hospital to see if we can let the hospital have two more days."

When Qin Hongyu was eating, he wanted to tell the lie in yesterday's text message again, but before the conversation began, the third uncle waved his hand and interrupted: "Xiaoyu, the third uncle is also a little tired these days, can you let the third uncle be quiet for a while?"

Qin Hongyu could only stop talking, and was ready to find a chance to speak with facts after arriving at the hospital.

After breakfast, the third uncle took out the real estate certificate and bank card from the room, put them in his arms together, and then took Qin Hongyu to the Municipal People's Hospital.

Along the way, his expression was a little serious.

Qin Hongyu felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and was about to tell the third uncle that he was rich, when Xia Tiantian's call came.

Before she connected, she asked straight to the point: "Where are you

?" "On the bus, what's wrong?" Qin Hongyu asked a little puzzled.

"Something is looking for you. Xia Tiantian's voice was very soft, "Where are you going now?"

"Municipal People's Hospital."

"Then let's see you at the Municipal People's Hospital later, and you can share the position." After Xia Tiantian finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly, turned on location sharing, and then said to the driver in front, "Uncle Huang, send me to the Municipal People's Hospital." The

old man in front responded enthusiastically, then turned around and went straight to the Municipal People's Hospital.

Xia Tiantian glanced at the bank card in her hand again.

"I hope these 800,000 can help you ......,"


Municipal People's Hospital, Nephrology Office Area.

When Qin Hongyu followed the third uncle in, a slightly chubby woman wearing a "director assistant" badge on her chest glanced over and greeted casually, "Mr. Qin is here again, the medical expenses have been paid?" "

It's a little bit worse, Assistant Lin, can you help me ask the hospital, I will move the operation first? The third uncle said, and took the initiative to take out the bank card and real estate certificate, "There are 100,000 here, and the real estate certificate of our suite, which adds up to nearly 800,000, can be given to you first."

Assistant Lin smiled helplessly, "Mr. Qin, we can understand your feelings, but I have already made the regulations of the hospital very clear, first, the operation cannot be done before the medical expenses are paid; "

Assistant Lin......" The third uncle wanted to speak again, but Assistant Lin sighed, "Mr. Qin, I also want to help you, but I am just a little assistant, I can only do things according to the rules of the hospital, don't you be embarrassed for me?"

The third uncle was suddenly speechless, and his expression became extremely gloomy.

He didn't know the rules of the hospital, but he really couldn't take out this million now!

Qin Hongyu was about to speak, when a sweet voice suddenly appeared, "I have some money here."

Before the words fell, Xia Tiantian strode over and stuffed a bank card to Qin Hongyu, "There are 800,000 in it, so I will lend it to you."

Qin Hongyu was stunned.

The third uncle was completely stunned.

After a while, he asked with some disbelief: "Xiaoyu, this is ......

" "I am Qin Hongyu's tablemate." Xia Tiantian generously took the initiative to introduce.

The third uncle was still a little incredulous.

Qin Hongyu nodded: "She is indeed my tablemate, but these 800,000 ......

" "Human life matters!" Xia Tiantian was afraid that he would refuse, so he immediately interrupted, "Qin Hongyu, I have prepared all the IOUs for you."

As she spoke, she quickly took out an IOU from her schoolbag and handed it to Qin Hongyu, "Sign it, so that you don't have to pay in the future."

When Qin Hongyu heard this, his heart suddenly warmed.

No matter how dull he was, he could see at this time that Xia Tiantian had come to deliver charcoal in the snow.

800,000, that's a lot of money for any family. But she was a high school student, and she was not related to her, and she didn't even open her mouth, but she took the initiative to lend it to herself.

As for the IOU, it was obviously a compromise she came up with for fear that her self-esteem and vanity would be damaged.

The third uncle also understood these joints, his eyes were slightly red, and he was about to thank him, but Qin Hongyu suddenly said, "Thank you, but no need." Moreover, it is only 800,000 yuan, which is not enough for medical expenses.

Xia Tiantian was stunned for a moment.

She thought about the countless ways that Qin Hongyu would make in order to save face, but she didn't expect that Qin Hongyu would actually say that 800,000 is too little!

The third uncle was also stunned.

He stared at Qin Hongyu with wide eyes, and wanted to ask him if he hadn't woken up yet, but Qin Hongyu

didn't seem to see the reaction of the two, and said directly, asking Assistant Lin: "Where to pay the medical bill?" Assistant Lin didn't

seem to react, and subconsciously replied, "It's okay from my side." "

Swipe your card. Qin Hongyu directly took out his bank card.

Assistant Lin took the card and was about to operate, when Qin Hongyu suddenly said, "Wait."

As soon as the words fell, the third uncle, Xia Tiantian, and Assistant Lin all gathered their eyes.

"I remember, my third aunt is still living in an eight-person ward?" Qin Hongyu asked.

Assistant Lin nodded.

"Change, change to a VIP ward in a single room!" Qin Hongyu waved his hand, and then asked, "In addition to the inherent model of one nurse in charge of eight beds in your hospital, does your hospital also have one-to-one gold medal nursing services?"

"Yes, but ......" Assistant Lin just wanted to remind Qin Hongyu that VIP wards and special gold medal care are sky-high, and usually only big families with a lot of money are willing to use them, but Qin Hongyu simply waved his hand," Then give my third aunt a special gold medal nursing service, a year's cover!" Assistant

Lin looked at this young man who was dressed so plainly that he couldn't be more simple: "......"

The third uncle reached out and touched Qin Hongyu's forehead.

Xia Tiantian began to open a search engine, searching for ...... how to treat paranoia caused by excessive stress

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