
mental power?Qin Hongyu opened the system panel, only to find that unconsciously, his mental power attribute had increased from the previous 13 to 16, and the progress bar of the novice advanced task also displayed: 16% completion.

In other words, if you want to increase your spiritual power to level 2, you need to increase your spiritual power to 100

Qin Hongyu looked at the system panel and suddenly found that there was a small question mark behind the 16%.

When I clicked on it, I found that it was an explanation: "Reading can nourish qi, and reading can nourish the spirit." The host reads the book, learns the knowledge in the book, and perceives the truth in the book...... can all improve mental power. In addition, it is noted that books also have grades, and if the host reads books with a level higher than his own spiritual power level, it will be harmful and not beneficial.

"There are so many doorways?Is it no wonder that the system emphasizes in both tasks that you must read high school textbooks, which is probably a disguised reminder?" Qin Hongyu muttered to himself.

"However, it took me a whole day to read three language books, and my mental power increased by 3, but the system requires that my mental power be increased to 100 within ten days, which seems a bit difficult?

For example, he had guessed that there would be a reward for completing the novice task, and the result was that the system not only had a reward, but also gave an additional reward when it was judged that he had completed it ahead of schedule.

Primary Cleansing Pill: "A one-time consumable that can help the host initially strengthen the body. "

It looks like it's amazing, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the spirit of accelerated growth, so I'll try it later when I get home."

Qin Hongyu looked at the novice task package again.

Hopefully, there's a surprise in there!

, he thought about it, and opened the Starter Quest Pack.

"Congratulations to the host and get a Beginner Reading Skills Enhancement Coupon. "

Reading Skill Enhancement Coupon, what is this?"

"Use!" With Qin Hongyu's order, a mysterious energy poured into his brain and eyes.

After a few moments, the mysterious sensation disappeared and the sight returned to normal.

Qin Hongyu adapted for a moment, and vaguely felt that his brain seemed to be much clearer, and his thoughts were extremely clear when thinking about anything, and even the world in front of him became clear and thorough

. What

does "reading speed: lv1", "comprehension ability: lv1", "memory ability:


mean? Qin Hongyu was stunned.

Reading speed, comprehension, memory, ...... He understands these words. But after adding lv1 separately, he was a little incomprehensible.

It wasn't until he tried to open a new Chinese textbook and read it for a few minutes that he realized that his reading ability had really improved.

The first is reading speed. Originally, it would take him at least ten minutes to read a text, even if he was swallowing dates. But now, it only took about five minutes to complete.

The second is comprehension.

Before, in order to pursue speed, he spent ten minutes reading a text, which was the same as Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, and he didn't know what it tasted like, but now, he can read the full text in just five minutes, and at the same time, he can easily understand the idea, logic and writing techniques of the article.

Finally, there is the ability to remember.

Qin Hongyu was sure that his current memory ability had definitely been more than doubled compared to before

! Because in the process of reading just now, even if he didn't deliberately memorize any golden sentences and descriptions, now after putting down the book, the golden sentences and descriptions in those articles are also vividly remembered

! Sure enough, the system is a living Lei Feng who likes to send charcoal in the snow!

Qin Hongyu couldn't close his mouth happily.

With these skills, why should he worry that he can't upgrade his spiritual power to level 2 in ten days?

"The system is so good, do your family know?" Qin Hongyu couldn't help but joke with the system.

Seeing that the system didn't respond, he didn't care, and after cleaning up his mood, he hurried home.


When he was about to get home, Qin Hongyu saw from a distance that the lights at home were not on.

The third uncle didn't seem to be at home,

he slowed down and called the third uncle again.

"Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off, please ......dial again later"

Qin Hongyu frowned: "What's the situation?"

Open the door and turn on the light.

On the table in the living room, a note was pressed.

It was the third uncle's message: "Xiaoyu, the third uncle went to the province to find a few distant relatives, come back tomorrow morning, don't read it."

Qin Hongyu sighed.

The third uncle does have a few distant relatives in the province, but in the early years, because of a reunion dinner, the third uncle couldn't get used to the arrogant posture of some people, and said a few words to the other party, but he was hated by the other party.

This time, he went to beg someone, but he was afraid that he would suffer a lot of white eyes and cynicism.

After sitting at the dining table and thinking about it for a while, Qin Hongyu took out his mobile phone again and sent a text message to the third uncle: "Third uncle, to tell you a good news, I secretly bought a lottery ticket yesterday and won the lottery! The prize is 1.5 million, and the third aunt's medical expenses don't have to worry!"

After sending the text message, he put away his mobile phone, washed up briefly, returned to his room, and continued to swim in the sea of books.

Until he saw that it was close to one o'clock in the morning, and his body couldn't hold it at all, Qin Hongyu crawled back to bed in a chaotic way, and he didn't even have time to use the primary marrow cleansing pill, so he fell asleep directly.

In a daze, he vaguely realized that someone seemed to help him take off his shoes and cover himself with a quilt ......

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