In the blink of an eye, it was the afternoon of the next day.

Seeing that the date time with Liu Feifei was similar, Qin Hongyu put down what he was doing and began to prepare.

In retrospect, it seems that it was the first time he had officially dated someone alone, and he still needed to take it seriously.

With a thought, he opened the system item interface.

It was full of things he had won in the previous lottery, a Rolex green water ghost watch, a perfect handmade suit, a pair of perfect leather shoes, and a charm pill and a lucky pill.

His gaze stayed on the "Charm Dan".

"Charm Pill: After use, the charm value is doubled, and the effective time is three hours.

"That's good stuff.

Seeing the introduction, Qin Hongyu said in his heart: "Flirting with the girl artifact!" He

extracted the suit, leather shoes and watch, and the charm pill was kept inside.

Because Lin Xinyue went out to apply for a license plate for him, he was the only one in the huge presidential suite, so he didn't have any scruples and took it out directly.

With a flick of his eyes, these three things appeared in front of him.

Seeing that suit that was so deep that people's eyes couldn't take their eyes off it, Qin Hongyu couldn't put it down, so he changed it directly to his body.

The suit is pure black from top to bottom, even the buttons or needles and threads used are also black, which is perfectly integrated and fits his body perfectly, without the slightest looseness or narrowness.

There is no logo or logo on the front, but he thinks this suit is at least more than a million.

Compared with Versace, who he thought was top-level handiwork, the suit produced by the system won completely.

It's like comparing an NBA player with a domestic high school student, the two are not at the same level at all.

"The system dad will make a shot, it must be a high-quality product!" Qin

Hongyu sighed sincerely.

He picked up his shoes.

The shoes are mainly brown and yellow, but they don't feel old-fashioned at all, because of their delicate lines and comfortable touch, they give people a sense of nowhere to be noble.

Qin Hongyu didn't have much research on leather shoes, but when he went to luxury brands to buy clothes before, he tried on a lot of leather shoes, and those leather shoes were simply scum compared to those produced by the system.

Qin Hongyu put on his shoes as well, then changed into a Rolex Green Water Ghost watch by the way, and walked to the mirror.

Looking at himself in the mirror, his eyes lit up.

After he took the Cleansing Pill before, the temperament and appearance of the whole person had already reached a new level.

Coupled with the suits and leather shoes produced by the system, the temperament has been qualitatively improved, and any action, if the camera takes it, is enough to fill the cover of a fashion magazine!

Even if he is mentally prepared, he is still shocked.

With a high nose, deep eyes, a perfectly fitting suit, and a finishing touch, his image can be described by only one adjective: a walking fungus harvester!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the room.

"Come in. The

knock on the door woke up Qin Hongyu, who was immersed in his handsomeness and couldn't extricate himself.

Lin Xinyue walked in with a smile on her face: "Mr

. Qin, your license plate ......" Originally, she wanted to tell Qin Hongyu the good news that the license plate had been completed as soon as possible, but when she saw Qin Hongyu, she was stunned, her eyes widened, and her mouth opened, as if she had seen something incredible.

Her first reaction: Did I go to the wrong room? Where did Mr. Qin go? Who is this man who killed idol stars in seconds

? When she looked at it and found that this was Qin Hongyu, her first thought in her heart: Oh my God, why are you so handsome!

"How is it? This dress is okay, right?"

Qin Hongyu said with a smile.

His smile, like Cupid's arrow, hit Lin Xinyue's heart accurately.

Lin Xinyue only felt that her heart was beating extremely fast, her eyes were full of peach blossoms, and she couldn't speak smoothly because she was amazed by Qin Hongyu: "But ...... Yes, very much, Jane...... It's just amazing!"

Seeing Lin Xinyue's reaction, the corners of Qin Hongyu's mouth widened.

Although he didn't plan to rely on his appearance to eat, it seemed that he could rely on his appearance to eat?

After two minutes, Lin Xinyue calmed down a little.

She subconsciously circled around Qin Hongyu twice, her eyes full of amazement - she had completely forgotten how inappropriate her actions were.

When her eyes met Qin Hongyu's deep eyes, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, it was a heart-pounding feeling!

As the housekeeper of the presidential suite, she had seen countless excellent people, but only Qin Hongyu gave her the feeling that her heart was about to jump out.

At first, she only had a slight affection for Qin Hongyu, but now she has begun to sink.

looked at the time and found that it was only an hour away from the agreed time with Liu Feifei, Qin Hongyu asked, "Is my car licensed?"

Hearing this, Lin Xinyue woke up, she forced the throbbing in her heart and resumed her role as a housekeeper: "It's been done."

Qin Hongyu nodded, and then walked out of the room.

Looking at Qin Hongyu's back, Lin Xinyue's eyes were soft, and her face was full of hesitation, as if she was making a major choice.

Qin Hongyu didn't know about these things, and after he got on the elevator, he was also entangled.

He struggled with whether to take the Charm Pill or not.

He was already very satisfied with his current appearance, but he still wanted to know how lethal he was to women after taking the Charm Pill?

When the elevator reached the first floor, he made a decision and took the Charm Pill.

The Charisma Pill is different from the Cleansing Pill or Strength Pill that I have taken before.

The latter two will use substantial changes after taking them, but the charm of this thing is a bit mysterious.

After taking the Charm Pill, he felt that his body had not changed much, but he felt as if his whole person had become more confident, and he felt that his temperament and aura had changed.

At the same time, he noticed that the eyes of everyone in the hotel lobby were converging.

The man looked at him with surprise and incredulity.

The woman looked at him with amazement, admiration and excitement.

Originally, because Qin Hongyu was in the spotlight of thousands of people, he was still secretly happy, but when he found that one or two men were looking at him with soft and affectionate eyes, he felt a chill and quickly left the hotel.

When he arrived in the parking lot, he immediately got into a Ferrari-GTC4Lusso.

When he touched the steering wheel, his blood began to boil slowly: "I can finally feel what it feels like to drive a Ferrari with one hand."

He pressed the brake and accelerator at the same time, then slammed the steering wheel with one hand.

The next moment, the car left the parking space in an extremely elegant posture.

When he released the brakes, the car slammed into the streets, like a beast out of a cage, with a deafening sound.

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